What Job Do You Hope To Do in Future?

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What job do you hope

to do in future?
What factors are important
when choosing a job?
Near your home
Working with people
Travelling a lot
Working with children
Part time job
A convenient schedule
Well paid

What factors are important

when choosing a job? (2 min)
- Have you ever thought
work can be voluntary
and not only for

Have you ever done any
voluntary work?
If so, what did you do?
If not, would you like to?

Tellthe other groups what you

found out

Interviewing classmates(5 min)

Volunteering- for love?

Let’s read
(while reading pay attention to the words in bold)
 To give up time
- to sacrifice one’s free time
To recruit someone
- enrol (someone) as a member or worker
in an organization
To win a bid
- gain a profit/ an offer
What’s in it for me?
- what will I gain/have from it?

To squeeze in
- to find time for something
A sense of altruism
- concern for happiness of other human
Selfish age
- period when you are concerned
excessively or exclusively with oneself 
Self- awareness
- an understanding of one's own personality

How many people volunteer in
the UK?
What do usually volunteers do?
What motivates people to
What can you get from

Discussion on the text

I don’t mind ........ .... a couple of hours a
week to deal with correspondence. The
manager ............... several new qualified
workers to organize a party. I just ask you to
keep supporting the director, even after
you ......... ... ...... . I was just
trying to ........... ..... a little exercise. You
see, the men who developed a system to
predict crime didn't do so out of a ............. ...
.......... . We live in a ........... ....... . And I
thought that having ............- ........... would
change things.

Fill in the missing expressions

I don’t mind giving up a couple of hours a
week to deal with correspondence.
The manager recruited several new qualified
workers to organize a party.
I just ask you to keep supporting the director,
even after you win the bid.
I was just trying to squeeze in a little exercise.
You see, the men who developed a system to
predict crime didn't do so out of a sense of
We live in a selfish age.
And I thought that having self
awareness would change things.
Use newly learnt words or
other words from the text and
make up 1-2 sentences
speaking about volunteering.

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