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Made By:-
Kanthan Patel (120410119107)
Ketan Patel (120410119089)
 Thermodynamic can be defined as the scince of energy.It
deals with the most basic processes occuring in nature.
 Thermodynamics is made up from two greek words:-

1)Thermo:- Hot or Heat

2)Dynamics:- study of matter in motion
 Zeroth Law:-If two systems are both in thermal equilibrium with a third then they
are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

 First Law:-The increase in internal energy of a closed system is equal to the heat
supplied to the system minus work done by it.

 Second Law:-The second law of thermodynamics says that the entropy of any
isolated system not in thermal equilibrium almost always increases. Isolated
systems spontaneously evolve towards thermal equilibrium—the state of maximum
entropy of the system. More simply put: the entropy of the world only increases
and never decreases.

 Third Law:-The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a system
approaches a constant value as the temperature approaches absolute zero. 
System, surroundings and boundary

 System: A quantity of matter or a

region in space chosen for study.

 Surroundings: The mass or region

outside the system

 Boundary: The real or imaginary

surface that separates the system
from its surroundings.

Type of system
(isolated system)

 Isolated system – neither

mass nor energy can cross
the selected boundary

 Example (approximate): coffee in

a closed, well-insulated thermos

Type of system
(Closed system)

 Closed system – only energy

can cross the selected

 Examples: a tightly capped cup of


Type of system
(Open system)

 Open system – both mass and

energy can cross the selected

 Example: an open cup of coffee

Properties of a system
Properties of a system is a measurable characteristic of a system that is
in equilibrium.
Properties may be intensive or extensive.

 Intensive – Are independent of the amount of mass:

e.g: Temperature, Pressure, and Density,

 Extensive – varies directly with the mass

e.g: mass, volume, energy, enthalpy
Properties of a system
Specific properties – The ratio of any extensive property of a system to that of
the mass of the system is called an average specific value of that property (also
known as intensives property)
State, Equilibrium and Process

 State – a set of properties that describes the conditions of a

system. Eg. Mass m, Temperature T, volume V

 Thermodynamic equilibrium -
system that maintains thermal,
mechanical, phase and chemical
Types of Thermodynamics Processes
 Cyclic process - when a system in a given initial
state goes through various processes and finally
return to its initial state, the system has undergone
a cyclic process or cycle.

 Reversible process - it is defined as a process

that, once having take place it can be reversed. In
doing so, it leaves no change in the system or

 Irreversible process - a process that cannot

return both the system and surrounding to their
original conditions
Types of Thermodynamics Processes
 Adiabatic process - a process that has no heat transfer
into or out of the system. It can be considered to be
perfectly insulated.
 Isentropic process - a process where the entropy of the
fluid remains constant.

 Polytropic process - when a gas undergoes a reversible

process in which there is heat transfer, it is represented
with a straight line, PVn = constant.
 Throttling process - a process in which there is no
change in enthalpy, no work is done and the process is
 Thermal equilibrium- Temperature should be same
throughout the system.
 Mechanical equilibrium-Unbalanced forces should be
absent, eg, change in pressure
 Chemical equilibrium –No chemical reaction and mass
 Any change that a system undergoes from one equilibrium state to another is
called a process, and the series of states through which a system passes during
a process is called the path of the process.
 To describe a process completely, one should specify the initial and final states
of the process, as well as the path it follows, and the interactions with the
 When a process proceeds in such a manner that the system remains
infinitesimally close to an equilibrium state at all times, it is called a
quasistatic, or quasi-equilibrium, process.
 A quasi-equilibrium process can be viewed as a sufficiently slow process that
allows the system to adjust itself internally so that properties in one part of the
system do not change any faster than those at other parts.
•The prefix iso- is often used to designate a process for which a
particular property remains constant.
•An isothermal process, for example, is a process during which
the temperature T remains constant.
•An isobaric process is a process during which the pressure P
remains constant.
•An isochoric (or isometric) process is a process during which
the specific volume v remains constant.
 There are two types of functions defined in thermodynamics,
path function and point function.
 Path function depends on history of the system (or path by
which system arrived at a given
 state). Examples for path functions are work and heat. Point
function does not depend on the
 history (or path) of the system. It only depends on the state of
the system. Examples of point
 functions are: temperature, pressure, density, mass, volume,
enthalpy, entropy, internal energy
 etc. Path functions are not properties of the system, while
point functions are properties of the
 system. Change in point function can be obtained by from the
initial and final values of the
 function, whereas path has to defined in order to evaluate path
functions. Figure 4.1 shows the
 difference between point and path functions. Processes A and
B have same initial and final
 states, hence, the change in volume (DVA and DVB) for both
these processes is same (3 m3
 ), as
 volume is a point function, whereas the work transferred (WA
and WB) for the processes is
 different since work is a path function. It should also be noted
that the cyclic integrals of all
 point functions is zero, while the cyclic integrals of path
functions may be or may not be zero.
 If two thermodynamic systems are each in thermal
equilibrium with a third, then they are in thermal
equilibrium with each other.
 When two systems are put in contact with each other,
there will be a net exchange of energy between them
unless or until they are in thermal equilibrium. That is
the state of having equal temperature. Although this
concept of thermodynamics is fundamental, the need to
state it explicitly was not widely perceived until the first
third of the 20th century, long after the first three
principles were already widely in use. Hence it was
numbered zero -- before the subsequent three.

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