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Structure of HR audit report

• The last step involves the finalization of report. This final report contains the detailed
information about the audit of the organization. This report is submitted to the top
management and to the managers at suitable levels for information . Necessary action is
taken thereafter.

• The report should invariably be submitted, within reasonable time, after the audit
work is over It should avoid the journalistic style; be based solely on the findings;
be presented in a factual manner that is readily available for future reference;
make use of graphic techniques where appropriate; and not be any longer than is
Items to be contained in the report
• a. Table of Contents.
• b. Summary and conclusion, in which the entire report is summarized for the top executives (This
may be the only part of the audit that some of the important executives will read It should be short
where it shouldn’t exceed five to seven pages).
• c. Preface giving a brief statement of the objectives.
• d. The report proper, in which a major division is covered as a special section. (It is desirable to have
this so typed that any section may be removed and sent to the persons concerned). Each section
should be complete, and should contain as many supporting data as are practical without making it
too voluminous. Other data should be included in the appendix.
• e. Summary – This is more complete than summary and conclusions at the beginning of the Report.
• f. Appendix – This includes supporting data that would be too voluminous to appear in the body of
the Report
• g. It should be signed by all members making the audit.
• Certain aspects of an audit report such as a morale survey, a safety survey and similar special items
of wide general interest may be made available to the employees. Other phases of the audit may be
appropriate to give only to top management.
Records to be Used in a Personnel Audit

• Time standards
• Cost records
• Test scores
• Training development effects
• Interview records
• Work stoppages
• Medical reports
• Accident reports
• Grievance reports
• Turnover reports
• Labour costs
• Payroll data
• Performance evaluation and rewards.
Methods for analysing data and information

• Comparison of various time periods

• Comparisons between departments and other companies
• Trend lines, frequency distributions and statistical correlations
• Ratio analysis; for example, labour cost per unit of output
• Classification of data by kinds of employees, products and
• Graphical or pictorial displays
Components of the Human Resource Audit Report

• After auditing the policies of the human resource management, a report has to be prepared for
consider­ation of the line or the top management.
• The report may be presented in the following order:
• Table of contents
• Preface or introduction giving a statement of objectives, scope, research methodology and
techniques of the HR audit
• A summary of the conclusions and recommendations of the HR audit
• The main report with analysis of data of each section or department concerned
• A summary which is general comprehensive in nature and more in comparison to the brief prepared
at the beginning of the HR audit report
• An appendix containing supporting data, which might be too voluminous to appear in the body of
the audit report.

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