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A Look into Water Consciousness

Utah’s intense heat has launched the state into an extreme drought.
Read about Slow the Flow, and their goal to create water wise

Grace Parkin
Utahns have grown up surrounded with
talk about the drought and how each
year it strikes a new level of severity,
however many Utahns do not
understand what the drought truly is
and why it is so important to do our part
in fighting it.

Background Utah’s drought is categorized as a “hot

drought” which means precipitation
Information levels haven’t changed dramatically, but
the extreme heat is causing overall
water to evaporate at a rapid speed.
Utah is such a beautiful place filled with
amazing sights that make up the state.
Water is such a crucial aspect in order to
keep things beautiful, which is why
Utahns need to be informed and taught
how to properly conserve water and
become water conscious.
 “Slow the Flow. Save H2O, funded by the GWCT, is an education
campaign designed to raise awareness, empower people, and connect
Utahns to tools and resources. This campaign is part of a bigger
statewide movement, including independent regional and local
programs, to promote sustainable water use.”
 Slow the Flow. Save H2O’s main goal is to teach the communities
Introducing within Utah how to use water wisely and why it is so important. Utah’s
population is set to double within the next few decades. Slow the Flow
Slow the Flow. is encouraging Utahn’s to work together to conserve water resources for
Save H2O the future.
Are You Waterwise?
 Slow the Flow does an awesome job explaining the importance of
being waterwise. They clarify that a Water Check is an analyzation of
the efficiency of your automatic irrigation system. Evaluators will
come to you, check your system, and give you a custom irrigation
schedule. Slow the Flow also explains a Landscape Consultation.
Trained technicians provide help and advice on efficient sprinkler
system designs, watering suggestions, and landscaping
 Not only does Slow the Flow provide this information, but they also
provide details on when and where these checks are available, and the
steps to moving forward with scheduling a check.
 The individuals involved with the Slow the Flow organization all have
one thing in common, they love the beautiful place they live in and are
worried for its future. With a population that is set to double within the
next decade, Slow the Flow has created eight drought response actions.
 1- Water less
 2- Don’t water if it’s windy
 3- Water at the right time
Ways to Save  4- Prioritize your watering
 5- Raise your mower
 6- Get a rebate
 7- Check your local provider
 8- Help spread the (dry) word
 They also have provided indoor and outdoor tips to help motivate Utahns
to do their part in conserving water to save the beautiful place we live in.
 Slow the Flow. Save H2O.
• Here’s How You Can Help Save Water With 90% of Utah in Extreme Drought
• Baby, it’s dry outside: How the drought is affecting Utah

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