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Subject – Informatics Practices
Informatics Practices – (Introdution)

◦ Informatics is concerned with the study of Information

Systems designed for creating, recording, storing,
processing and communicating information. By utilizing
the power of Information Technology, we can extract
knowledge from data and information, which is otherwise
difficult to visualise.
Informatics Practices is
a course to get acquainted
with computer terminologies
and operation handling. The
course aims at teaching
students the skills in Relational
Databases, generating queries,
helping students gain a working
knowledge of a computer
system and its peripherals.
In a data driven world,
Informatics plays key role in the
way we live, work and think. The
syllabus of Informatics Practices
attempts to start with “how do
computers work” and traverse
through the fundamentals of
programming and then focus
mainly on the role of data and the
importance of handling and
interpreting meaning out of data.
IP Major parts of IP
1. Fundamentals of computers
2. Programming
3. Database Management
4. Data Handling
5. Internet and Web

Programing contains:

◦ The basic constructs of a structured programming

approach that includes program structure, identifiers,
variables, control structure. Python data structures lists,
dictionaries and their handling are discussed. The aim is to
empower learners to be confident of writing programs and
small application projects.
Database Management

◦ An introduction to Data, Database and its purpose, trends of data

driven decision making in key areas are highlighted. The collection
and storage of data in a file system as well as database system are
compared. Introduction to relational data model, RDBMS, and
programming using Structured Query Language (SQL) are covered
to enable learners to create, manipulate and query a database
SO as we can see that study of IP including the programming and database. Software consist
these both of the things. Therefore we relate the space and programming. Since programming
use the database as the function , we relate the programming and the space only.
language is
used for space?
For the most part, the C
programming language will
be the language of choice for
a majority of spacecraft. It
has a long legacy of being a
trustworthy language for
space missions.
What does the
space program do?

Human space exploration helps

to address fundamental
questions about our place in
the Universe and the history of
our solar system. Through
addressing the challenges related
to human space exploration we
expand technology, create new
industries, and help to foster a
peaceful connection with other
Some programming language used by space
What programming language is used in NASA? What programming language is used in ISRO ?

◦ ◦ ISRO uses Python for processing

HAL/S (High-order Assembly collected data from different satellites and
Language/Shuttle) is a real-time space devices. It acts as one of the most
aerospace programming language useful satellite programming languages. It
compiler and cross-compiler for avionics is also used in many other research fields
applications used by NASA and like ML, AI, and Neural Networking. The
associated agencies (JPL, etc.). use of Python is increasing day by day at
What is the purpose of
the space program?

Its goals were to perfect the

entry and re-entry
maneuvers of a spacecraft
and conduct further tests on
how individuals are affected
by long periods of space
travel. The Apollo Program
followed Project Gemini. Its
goal was to land humans on
the Moon and assure their
safe return to Earth.
Name – Shaurya Pratap Singh
Class – 11-B

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