Topic:-Equality: Submitted by - : Dikshant Gupta ROLL NO - : 1803470 B.Tech (Ee) - : 6 Semester

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ROLL NO -: 1803470
• As we know our constitution states that the all people are equal in front of law and
the Government.
• Everyone should be treated equally should have equal opportunity.
• Fairness is the essential feature of equality.
• The objective of this is that everyone have right to receive the right treatment
regardless of their social background and social status.
• Everyone and everything is on the same level rank, quality, quantity, ability and
social standing.

• Legal Equality -: This equality implies that all are equal in front of
law and no one should be discriminated on the basis of his political
views and colour white or black, men or women, caste, religion etc.
• Natural equality -: People are differ greatly in their intelligence ,
height, colour, physical strength , and mental strength. Therefore
natural equality as meant to be provision treatment and equal
opportunity to all human being irrespective to their natural difference.

• Political equality -: One man, one vote,one value which is faithfully adopted by
democracy. Political equality implies that all citizen have right to chose their
political party. The views and the thoughts of the party which they like they can
• Social Equality -: This equality means that all citizen should have right to enjoy
their social status in their society no one is entitled to special privileges. Everyone
have right to choes their job and no one in society should discriminated on the
bais of caste, colour, and gender etc .

• Economic Equality -: It implies that everyone should have same facility of job
in industries. Their should be equal wages for equal works. It prevent the
concentration of wealth in few hands.

• International Equality : It means the principle of equality shall be extended to

all people in all the countries. The same is true of nations and states. There
cannot be different treatment between states and between people.

• Equality of opportunity is a political ideal that is opposed to caste hierarchy but not to hierarchy
per se. The assumption is that a society contains a hierarchy of more and less desirable, superior
and inferior positions.
• In a caste society, the assignment of individuals to places in the social hierarchy is fixed by birth.
• Social mobility may be possible in a caste society, but the process whereby one is admitted to a
different level of the hierarchy is open only to some individuals depending on their initial
inscriptive social status. In contrast, when equality of opportunity prevails, the assignment of
individuals to places in the social hierarchy is determined by some form of competitive process
(Merit), and all members of society are eligible to compete on equal terms. Different conceptions
of equality of opportunity construe this idea of competing on equal terms variously.

• The difficulty with formal equality of opportunity is that it is merely formal. Imagine a
society ruled by a hereditary warrior class. Reformers bring about a change. From
now on, membership in the warrior class will not be drawn exclusively from the
wealthy stratum of the society. Warriors will instead be selected on the basis of a
competitive examination. However, it turns- out that only scions of the wealthy
stratum pass the exam and become warriors.
• In this set up advocates for the non-wealthy strata of society might object that none
but members of the traditional wealthy elite have a chance to satisfy the eligibility
requirements for admission to the warrior class.
• Equality of opportunity ideals apply to the process that selects political rulers and political
decisions. Consider two conceptions of democratic equality. Formal democratic equality
requires that all long-term residents of a political society be eligible to become citizens and
that all citizens are eligible to vote and stand for office in free and fair elections that pick law-
makers for the society.
• Affirmative Action : The different types of conceptions of equality of opportunity suggests the
complexity of the task of assessing what are called "affirmative action” programs in societies
that are marred by a history of caste hierarchy and systematic discrimination that excludes
some groups in the population from any significant access to the fruits of social cooperation.

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