MS WORD 2013: References Tab

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MS WORD 2013

Table Of Content
• Usually at the beginning of the document
• Firstly format all the headings in the document in “Headings 1” style by selecting
the words
• Select where the TOC is to be put and then from References Tab, Table of Contents
is chosen from a prebuilt table.
• TOC is made with page numbers assigned to the headings automatically.
• Suppose the heading in the document is formatted using font size and color and
not in headings 1 style, then it will not appear in the TOC.
• For this select that heading, change it in the headings1 style from Home tab and
then update Table. You can update entire table or update page numbers only.
• To go to a particular topic, press ctrl+click on the heading.
• Footnotes appear on the same page where they are referenced
• All Endnotes appear together at the end of the document, book,
article or section.
• Under reference tab , click on insert footnote.
Citation is a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author,
especially in a scholarly work. They indicate which ideas are taken from
others; from whom those ideas were taken; give credit where credit is
Citations are majorly written in 3 styles
• Modern Language Association (MLA)
• American Psychological Association (APA)
• Chicago, which supports two styles: 
1. Notes and Bibliography.
2. Author-Date.
Citation Methods
Humanities: English, Art History, Social Sciences, Education, History, or the Physical, Natural,
Philosophy, Music, Religion, Engineering, etc. Humanities or Social Sciences
Language, Linguistics, Etc.
Bibliography) Date)
The humanities place emphasis These disciplines place
on authorship and interpreting emphasis on the date of
primary sources in a historical creation or publication, in
context. an effort to track currency
and relevancy.
Example – InText citation
Competence is a concept that has many faces and applications, and models
of entrepreneurial competence are grounded in these various approaches
to and notions of the concept of competence. Research and practice related
to competence is typically driven by aspirations to achieve superior
performance, and the potential for, in turn, economic gain or business
success (Spencer and Spencer, 1993). On the other hand, one of the key
challenges in the competence literature is that there are many definitions of
competence (Van Overveld and Van Goudoever, 1997; Bron, 1999; Hayton
and McEvoy, 2006; Hoffmann, 1999). Further, the terms “skills”, “expertise”,
“acumen” and “competency” are all interrelated and are sometimes used
interchangeably in the literature (Smith and Morse, 2005).
• Author/editor(s)
• Publication date(s)
• Title.
• Publisher/company.
• Volume.
• Pages.
• Websites.

• Brownell, J. and Goldsmith, M. (2006), “Meeting the competency needs of global leaders: a
partnership approach”, Human Resource Management, Vol. 45 No. 3, pp. 309-36.
• Spencer, L. and Spencer, S. (1993), Competence at Work: Model for Superior Performance,
Wiley, New York, NY.
• Choose the citation style
• Insert citations for new sources
• Insert citations for existing sources
• Edit citation sources
• Use citation placeholders
• Placeholder is a dummy or filler text
• It is a character, word or string of characters that holds the place for
final data.

• Say , an image placeholder is to be inserted, then go to developer tab;

if it is not visible then , goto File -> options ->Customize ribbon ->
• Goto insert tab; create single row and single column table; goto
developer tab -> picture content control
• Mark Entry
• Insert Index
• Details given underneath a picture
• Caption numbers get automatically updated when figures or tables
are added and not when deleted or moved
• Cross – Reference
• Insert text above/below,
• ctrl+click takes to the referenced point.
Hyperlinks, Cross References
• Insert hyperlink
• Insert Bookmarks for navigating long and complex documents
• Add names / location of bookmark and click on goto <name>
• Cross references are Commonly used in manuals or reference
• Create figures / tables and insert captions
• Heading style/bookmark
• From View Tab, check the navigation pane
Table of Authorities
• A table of authorities lists the references in a legal document, along
with the numbers of the pages the references appear on.
• To create a table of authorities, you mark citations and
Microsoft Word inserts a special TA (Table of Authorities Entry) field
in your document.
• Insert tab -> Bookmarks -> create bookmark by entering a field name
say f1 (without space) ->click ADD -> press OK
• Goto place where you want to refer the bookmark
• Press ctrl-G
• Goto dialog box will appear
• Select bookmark
• Select name of bookmark
• Click on Goto

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