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• Attend online class prepared and participate.

• Turn your camera on.
• Mute your microphone unless it’s your turn to
• Raise your hand if want to say something.
• Do not do other task while the class is ongoing.
1. How many are there in the picture? 1
2. How many are there in the picture? 4
3. How many are there in the picture? 2
4. How many are there in the picture? 2
5. How many fish are there in the picture? 11
What is Pictograph?

Is one way to show information by using

 The first step in making a pictograph is making a
s u r v e y.
 A Survey is a set of question asked to a group of persons.
 We u s e i t t o f i n d o u t w h a t p e o p l e l i k e a n d d o n o t l i k e .
 T h e a n s w e r f r o m a s u r v e y a r e t h e r e s u l t o f t h e s u r v e y.
Nikka and Gab took survey to find out their classmates’ favorite pets. The tally table showed the results of
their survey.

 Step 1
Use the survey result of the Favorite pets in your classmates.

 Step 2
Make the graph. Write the title, Labels, and legend. The legend at the bottom of the
pictograph tells how many each picture or symbol represent.

 Step 3
Write questions about your pictograph.
Favorite Pets
6 dogs
3 cats
18 pets
3 dogs
Parts of Pictograph  tells what graph is

 tells ·represent a
specific certain amount
type of data of data always
greater than 1

 tell the value of each
·The symbol of a pictograph may mean more
than one thing

Each represents 10 apples and each
represents 5 apples
= 10 red boxes

1. What is the title of the graph? Number of Red-Boxes Sold

2. What does the symbol represent? It represents 10 red boxes
3. How many days are shown in the pictograph? It shows 6 days
4. How many red boxes were sold on Monday? 40 boxes
5. Which day has the most number of sold boxes? Friday
6. Which day has the least number of sold boxes? Saturday
7. What is the total number of sold boxes in seven days? 230 red boxes sold
Interpret the given pictograph by answering the following questions.

1. What is the title of the graph? Pupils who joined the field trip
2. What does each symbol means? Each symbol represents 5 pupils
3. Which grade has the most number who joined the field trip? Grade V
4. Which grade has the least number who joined the field trip? Grade III
5. How many pupils in all joined the field trip? 225 Pupils

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