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Lecture by Uffaq Zahra

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Referencing and citation in Research
• What is reference and its style.
• Reference list.
• Bibliography.
• Why to reference.
• Purpose of reference.
• What is citation
• Types and methods of citation
• Different styles of writing reference.
• A. Harvard style of referencing.
• B. American Psychological Association style (APA).
• C. Vancouver style.
• D. MLA citation style (Modern language association).
• E. The Chicago manual of style.
• F. Royal society of chemistry style
• Conclusion
What is reference and its style?
• reference usually refers to the full bibliographic information at the
end. Your reference list should appear at the end of your paper.
• A referencing style is a specific format for presenting in- text
references (footnotes or endnotes), and bibliography.
• It is an act of referring. This belong to him or her
• The action of mentioning or giving credit to something or someone.
• Mentioning the source of information in order to avoid Plagiarism
References page is the last page of an essay or research paper that’s
been written in APA or any other style.
Lecture by Uffaq Zahra
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Reference list
• include sources that have been directly cited in your
a list of sources we have cited in our text arranged in the order they appeared within
the text. It is usually put at the end of our work but it can also appear as a footnote (at
the bottom of the page), or endnote (at the end of each chapter) which serves a
similar purpose.
• Bibliography
• contain all the sources that you have used for your paper,
whether they are directly cited or not
a separate list of sources we have consulted but not specifically cited in our work
including background reading. It is arranged alphabetically by the author's surname.
Lecture by Uffaq Zahra
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Why to reference? Purpose.
• Proves that substantial research has been done to support our analysis.
• Enables others to follow up on our work.
• Gives credit to other people's work.
• Avoids charges of plagiarism.
• Required to support all significant statements.
• Used to indicate the origin of material & source for research & further reading.

General Reference Elements ?

•Authors name
•Article title
•Journal name
•Page numbers
Citation in research
What is a citation and citation style?
A citation is a way of giving credit to individuals for their creative and intellectual works that you utilized to support your research. It
can also be used to locate particular sources and combat plagiarism. Typically, a citation can include the author's name, date, location
of the publishing company, journal title, or DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
A citation style dictates the information necessary for a citation and how the information is ordered, as well as punctuation and other
• A citation is a reference to the source of information used in research.
• citation tends to acknowledge the source

•What is in-text citation?

• Cite your sources both in-text and at the end of your paper. For in-text citation, the easiest method is to parenthetically give
the author’s last name and the year of publication, e.g., (Edward said 2001), but the exact way you cite will depend on the
specific type of style guide you follow.
• Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list. Likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited
in your text. References page is the last page of an essay or research paper that’s been written in APA or any other style.
• University departments often mandate a specific citation style, but sometimes you are allowed to choose which style you

Lecture by Uffaq Zahra
Youtube channel URL ( For More Notes.
• Methods of citation
• There are two methods of citing sources in text:
• -parenthetical citation
• It gives a short reference in parentheses directly in the text.
• Parenthetical referencing, also known as HARVARD referencing, is a citation
style in which partial citations-for example, “(smith 2010, p.1)” – are enclosed
within parentheses and embedded in the text, either within or after a
• Numerical citation
This method gives only a number that corresponds to a footnote, endnote or
reference list entry.

Lecture by Uffaq Zahra
Youtube channel URL ( For More Notes.
Lecture by Uffaq Zahra
Youtube channel URL ( For More Notes.

Different styles of writing references

• Harvard style of referencing.
• American Psychological Association style (APA).
• Vancouver style.
• MLA citation style (modern language association).
• The Chicago manual of style.
• Royal society of chemistry style.
American Psychological Association style
(American psychological association) is used by education, psychology and
• Author’s name followed by its initials.
• Year of publication.
• Article title followed by full stop.
• Name of Journal in italic form
• Volume followed by a comma
• Page no.
Example 1. M. W. Phillips, (2009). Learning new problem-solving strategies leads to changes
in problem representation. Cognitive Development, 24, 89-101.

Lecture by Uffaq Zahra
Youtube channel URL ( For More Notes.
MLA citation style (modern language association)
MLA. stands for modern language association. It is the style of formatting academic papers that is
used mostly in the arts and humanities.
MLA style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and

• Authors name.
• Title of article.
• Name of journal.
• Volume number followed by decimal & issue no.
• Year of publication.
• Page numbers.
• Medium of publication.
Example 1. Matarrita-Cascante, David. "Beyond Growth: Reaching Tourism-Led Development." Annals
of Tourism Research 37.4 (2010): 1141-63. Print
Lecture by Uffaq Zahra
Youtube channel URL ( For More Notes.
Vancouver style.
Vancouver style was developed by the international committee of medical journal editors (ICMJE) and is mostly used in
medical disciplines.
Vancouver styles works with a numeric system, In the text, the source is indicated by a number in the reference list.

• Author Surname followed by Initials.

• Title of article followed by double quotation.
• Title of journal (abbreviated).
• Date of Publication followed by double quotation.
• Volume Number.
• Issue Number in bracket.
• Page Number.
Example 1. Haas AN, Susin C. “Azithromycin as a adjunctive treatment of aggressive periodontitis: 12-months
randomized clinical trial”. N Engl J Med. “2008 Aug”; 35(8):696-704.
 Vancouver Style does not use the full journal name, only the commonly- used abbreviation: “New England Journal of
Medicine” is cited as “N Engl J Med”.

Lecture by Uffaq Zahra
Youtube channel URL ( For More Notes.
Harvard style of referencing
• Author’s name followed by its initials.
• Year of publication.
• Article title with single quotation mark followed by full stop.
• Name of Journal in italic form.
• Volume followed by a comma
• Issue no. in bracket.
• Page no.
Example 1. Padda, J. (2003) ‘creative writing in Coventry'. Journal of writing
studies 3 (2), 44-59.
2. Lennernas, H. (1995) ‘Experimental estimation of the effective unstirred water
layer thickness in the human jejunum & its importance in oral drug absorption’.
Eur. J. pharm sci (3), 247-253.
The Chicago manual of style.
• Chicago/ Turabian style is generally used in the field of economics. There is no
official style guide, which means there a few variations.
• Name of author.
• Article title in double quotation mark.
• Title of journal in italic.
• Volume.
• Year of publication.
• Page no.
Example 1. Joshua I. Weinstein, “The Market in Plato’s ” Classical Philology, 104
(2009): 440.
Lecture by Uffaq Zahra
Youtube channel URL ( For More Notes.
Royal society of chemistry style
• INITIALS. Author’s surname.
• Title of journal (abbreviated).
• Year of publication.
• Volume number.
• Pages no.
Example A. N. Nakagaito, J. Mater. Sci., 2010, 45, 1–33.

Lecture by Uffaq Zahra
Youtube channel URL ( For More Notes.
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Lecture by Uffaq Zahra
Youtube channel URL ( For More Notes.
Lecture by Uffaq Zahra
Youtube channel URL ( For More Notes.

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