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Method GRE

Presented by Group 1
Members Of Group 1

Sabina Gina Desi Bayu

2111031057 2111031082 2111031130 2111031212
Definition of Learning Method
The word method comes from English, which means through, or the way to get
something. Learning method can be interpreted as a plan that contains a series of
activities designed to achieve certain educational goals. The learning method is an
action plan (a series of activities) including the use of methods and the utilization of
various resources or strengths in learning that is structured to achieve certain goals. In
this case, is the learning goals.

Learning methods are ways or techniques of presenting lesson materials that will be
used by teachers when presenting lesson materials, either individually or in groups. In
order to achieve the learning objectives that have been formulated, a teacher must know
various methods.
Learning Method Function
The several functions of learning method is:
• Extrinsic Motivation
A learning method acts as a means of extrinsic motivation or external motivation for students.
Thus students can participate in teaching and learning activities well. Where this motivation
will encourage students to be more enthusiastic about participating in teaching and learning

• Learning strategies
The application of learning methods that choose by the teacher makes every student in the
class able to capture knowledge well. So that every teacher needs to know the most
appropriate learning method applied in the class based on student characteristics.

• Achieving Tools
The learning method is a tool in learning, so that students can achieve learning goals. Because
if we don’t pay attention to methods in learning, it can reduce the value of the teaching and
learning activities, the teachers also would find difficulty in delivering the material, and
students are less motivated when learning.
The Purpose of Learning
The main purpose of the learning method is to help develop the individual abilities of students, so that they are able
to solve problems. More specifically, here are some of the objectives of the method in learning:

• Helping students develop their individual abilities so that they can solve their problems using alternative
breakthrough solutions.
• Assisting teaching and learning activities so that their implementation can be carried out using the best way.
• Make it easy to find, test and compile the necessary data as an effort to develop a scientific discipline.
• Facilitate the learning process with the best results so that teaching objectives can be achieved.
• Delivering a learning in an ideal direction quickly, precisely and according to expectations.
• The learning process can run in a more pleasant and motivated atmosphere so that students can easily understand
the material.
01 Demonstration Method
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02 Experimental Method
Types of
You can find it at page :

03 Simulation Method
You can find it at page :

Learning 04 Inquiry Method

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05 Core Learning Method 6

Methods :
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Demonstration Method
Demonstration is a method used to teach students by telling and
demonstrating the steps of doing something. Demonstration is a
practice that is demonstrated to students. Therefore, the demonstration
can be divided into two purposes: demonstration of the process (to
understand step by step); and demonstration of results (to show or
demonstrate the results of the process). Usually, after the
demonstration that followed by practice. As the result, students will
gain direct learning experiences after seeing, doing, and feeling for
themselves. The purpose of demonstration combined with practice is
to make changes of the skills possessed by students
The advantage and disadvantage of the
Demonstration Method
The advantages of the demonstration The disadvantages of the
method including: demonstration method including :
a. Through the demonstration method the a. The demonstration method need more
occurrence of verbalism can be avoided, because thorough preparation. the teacher must
students are told to pay attention more to the try it several times first, so it can take a
lesson material that explained. lot of time.
b. The learning process will be more interesting, b. Demonstrations need adequate
because students not only hear, but also see how equipment, materials, and a proper
is the practice or demonstration of something space, which means that the use of this
that they already learn. method is more expensive.
c. By observing directly students will have the c. Demonstrations require special skills
opportunity to compare theory and reality. Thus, and abilities of the teacher, so teachers
students will understand and believe in the truth are required to work more
of the learning material. professionally
Steps to Use the Demonstration Method
a. Preparation step
At the preparation step there are several things that must be done:
1) Formulate the goals that must be achieved by students after
the demonstration process.
2) Prepare an outline of the demonstration steps that will
be carried out.
3) Do a demonstration trial.

b. Implementation Step
1) The opening step.
Before the demonstration, there are several things that must be considered, including:
a) Setting the seats that allows all students can clearly pay attention to what is being
b) State what is the goals that must be achieve by the students.
c) State what tasks must be done by students, for example students are assigned to take a
note things that are considered important from the implementation of the demonstration.
2) Demonstration implementation steps.
a) Begin the demonstration with activities that stimulate students to think, for example
through questions that contain puzzles so as to encourage students to be interested in
paying attention to the demonstration.
b) Create a soothing atmosphere by avoiding a stressful atmosphere.
c) Make sure that all students follow the demonstration by paying attention to the reactions
of all students.
d) Provide opportunities for students to actively think further according to what is seen from
the demonstration process.

3) The Ending Step.

When the demonstration is complete, the learning process needs to end by giving certain tasks
related to the implementation of the demonstration and the process of achieving learning
objectives. This is necessary to ensure whether students understand the demonstration process
or not. In addition to providing relevant assignments, it is better for teachers and students to
conduct joint the course evaluations of the demonstration process for further improvement.
The experimental method is a way of teaching which students
conduct experiments on something, observe and experience the
process, to prove the truth of the hypothesis or something they
have learned before, then the results of the observations and
experiments are presented to the class for joint evaluation.
Through the experimental method, students are given the
opportunity to learn on their own, follow the process, observe
the objects, analyze, draw evidence, and draw their own
conclusions from the process carried out.

The purpose of the experimental method is to train

students to be able to find their own answers or problems
by conducting experiments. Through experimental
learning, students can be trained in scientific thinking.
Types of Experimental Methods
According to Suparno (2007), experimental methods are divided into two types, namely
planned or guided experiments and free experiments.

a. Guided experiment
The guided experimental method is a method which is in the entire course of the
experiment has been designed by the teacher before the experiment, both from the
experimental steps, the equipment that must be used, and what must be observed and
measured, so everything has been determined from the start.

b. Free experiment
The free experimental method is an experimental method where the teacher does not
provide detailed instructions for carrying out experiments, in other words, students have to
think more for themselves, what to observe, measure, and analyze and make a conclusion
from the experiments. With a free trial, it challenges students to plan their own
experiments without being influenced by the teacher's direction, so it can build students'
Experimental Method Execution Procedure
According to Roestiyah (2012), several procedures that need to be
carried out before implementing the experimental method are as
1. It is necessary to explain to students about the purpose of the
experiment, they must understand the problem that will be proven
through the experiment.
2. Give an explanation to students about the tools and materials to
be used in the experiment, things that must be strictly controlled,
the sequence of experiments, and things that need to be noted.
3. During the experiment the teacher must supervise the work of
the students. If necessary, by giving suggestions or questions that
support the perfection of the experiment.
4. After the experiment is complete, the teacher must collect the
results of student research, discuss in class, and evaluate with a
test or question and answer
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Experimental
The advantages of the experimental method:

1, This method can make students more confident in the truth of the
material or conclusions based on their own experiments rather than
just accepting explanations from teachers or books.
2. Students can conduct exploratory studies (explore) about science
and technology, an attitude that is required of a scientist.
3. With this method, humans will be developed who can bring new
breakthroughs with discoveries as a result of their experiments
which are expected to be beneficial for the welfare of human life.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Experimental

b. The disadvantages of Experimental Methods:

1. Insufficient tools resulted in not every student having the

opportunity to conduct experiments.
2. If the experiment requires a long period of time, students should
wait to continue the lesson.
3. This method is more suitable for presenting fields of science with
Experimental Method Steps
a. Preparation phase :
1. Determine the suitability of the experimental method to the
objectives to be achieved.
2. Determine the need for equipment, materials, and other facilities
needed in the experiment as well as check their availability at
3. Conducting an experimental test (the teacher conducts his own
experiment to test the determination of the process and the results)
before assigning it to students, so that the teacher can find out what
are the possibilities that will happen
4. Provide equipment, materials, and other facilities needed for
experiments, as well as provide worksheets
b. Implementation stage:
1. Discuss with all students about procedures, equipment, and
materials for experiments as well as things that need to be noted
and observed during the experiment
2. Helping, guiding, and supervising experiments conducted by
students where students observe and take a note the things being
experimented on
3. Students make conclusions and reports about their experiments.

c. Closing step,
4. Discuss the obstacles encountered and the experimental results
5. Cleaning and collecting the equipment and then storing equipment,
materials or other suggestions
6. Final evaluation of the experiment by the teacher.
Simulation learning method is a learning method
that is carried out by imitating or engineering the
actual situation to describe or show a certain
process, condition or object being studied
accompanied by an oral explanation. The
simulation method is a form of practical method
that is designed to develop students' skills
(cognitive and skill domains).Simulation is
basically a game technique in learning that is lifted
from the reality of life. Simulations are designed in
an artificial situation to represent the real situation
of the material being studied. This means that the
simulation method is used for certain materials that
do require imitation to help students understand
how is the material implementation in real life.
The purpose of using the simulation method is:
•Learn by doing. The students perform certain roles according to the
actual reality. The goal is to develop interactive skills or reactive
•Learning through imitation. The students who become actors in
the drama equate themselves with the characters and their behavior.
•Learn through feedback. Observers comment on (respond to) the
behavior of the players/roles that have been shown. The aim is to
develop the cognitive procedures and principles underlying the
dramatized behavior of skills.
•Learn through assessment, and repetition. Participants can
improve their skills by repeating them in the next performance.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation Method

The advantages of the Simulation Method are:
1. Students can carry out social interaction and communication in their groups,
2. Student activity is quite high in learning so that they are directly involved in
3. Can familiarize students to understand social problems (an implementation of
contextual-based learning),
4. Able to build positive personal relationships
5. Can awaken the imagination,
6. Fostering communicative relationships and working together in groups.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation Method

The disadvantages of the Simulation Method are:
1. Relatively takes quite a lot of time,
2. Highly dependent on student activity,
3. Tends to require the use of learning resources,
4. Many students do not like sociodrama so that sociodrama is not effective.
Procedure for Using the Simulation Method is:

• Set the topic of the simulation directed by the teacher,

• Divide groups and topics to be discussed,
• The simulation begins with instructions from the teacher
about the procedures, techniques, and roles played,
• The process of observing the implementation of the
simulation can be done through discussion,
• Make conclusions and suggestions from the results of
simulation activities.
The inquiry learning model or method is a learning in which
students must maximize their ability to search for and
investigate something systematically, critically, logically,
analytically, so that students can formulate their findings
with full confidence.
The advantages of the inquiry learning model are as follows:
a. Increase the ability to understand student learning materials, because the knowledge or
information they get is based on authentic learning experiences when finding their own
answers to the questions they give during the learning process.

b. Increase students' problem solving skills in new and different situations that they may get
at other times.

c. Simultaneously help teachers and expand student learning motivation. In the inquiry
learning method, students can be given the opportunity to learn the information they like or
solve problems that they express themselves through questions asked at the beginning of

d. In this method students learn how to organize themselves while studying, because in this
case learning will be their need. And gradually they will learn how to organize themselves
in effective learning to answer questions and solve problems.
The disadvantages of this learning method are as follows:
a. Troubled with the time allotted. If teachers and students are not familiar with this method,
it is likely that time cannot be managed properly. Search and collection may take a very
long time compared to teachers who directly convey the information.

b. Can deviate from its original destination because it is not used to it.

c. At the end of the lesson, the results obtained by students may be wrong, wrong,
incomplete, or not good.

d. Become an obstacle for students who are used to getting information directly from the
Kinds of Inquiry
Method Learning
Guided Inquiry (Guilded Inquiry

The learning model using the guided inquiry method is

a teacher approach when teaching students to carry
out activities by asking initial questions and directing
discussions. Various guidance provided can be in the
form of questions and multi-directional discussions that
encourage students to understand the concept of the
lesson, and guidance can be given through structured
student worksheets.
Free Inquiry Approach

The approach using this method is used for students

who have experience learning using an inquiry
approach, because in this approach students work like
a scientist. Students also have the freedom to
determine the problems to be investigated, find and
solve problems independently, and design procedures
or steps needed.
Modified Free Inquiry Approach

In the approach with this method

students cannot decide the
problem to be studied
individually, but students use this
method in accepting problems
from the teacher to be solved
and still receiving guidance.
However, the guidance obtained
was less than the free inquiry
approach and the guided inquiry
Core Learning
Unit Learning Methods

Unit teaching is better known as "unit teaching" which is

teaching that directs the activities of students to solve a
problem that was formulated in advance together. The unit
teaching method can be defined as a way of presenting
learning starting from a problem, then discussing it from
various related aspects so that the solution is comprehensive
and meaningful. In recent developments unit teaching is often
expressed as correlated learning or integrated learning.
The use of unit teaching methods in teaching and learning activities
1. Involving students to study and solve a problem from various disciplines
or various aspects, so that in the end they have comprehensive (thorough)
thinking in solving problems.
2. Improve students' skills in planning, organizing and leading an activity.
3. Equip and improve students' abilities in applying process skills or
scientific methods to solve a problem.
4. Develop a critical attitude, cooperation, curiosity, respect for time and
respect for the opinions of others.
5. Develop interpersonal communication skills (intrapersonal
communication) in students.
Some of the advantages of the unit teaching method are:
1. Integration of various disciplines, both as a network of topics and across
fields of study, which will make students learn and think as a whole
(comprehensive) and view the problem as a whole.
2. Teaching and learning interactions will be more meaningful, because the
teaching unit is adjusted to the interests, talents, and level of student
3. The classroom situation becomes more democratic, because of the
planning of learning between teachers and students, the implementation of
active learning for students and teachers only guides. Thus, there will be
balanced rights and obligations between teachers and students or
deficiencies in the implementation of unit teaching methods,
1. The selection of the main problem that will be used as a unit is not an
easy job to carry out.
2. Implementation of unit teaching requires its own pace, so not all
teachers are able to use it.
3. Because unit teaching integrates various disciplines, there is a
possibility that the lessons learned are too vague or shallow.

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