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UNIT 1 Health and Human Development



DEFINITIONS OF HEALTH There are many ways of defining health, these definitions are provided by health professionals. They are often negative, they refer to disease and illness. Health is measured by key indicators: such as statistics on life expectancy, morbidity (level of disease in a population) and mortality (number of deaths in a population). The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease Add life expectancy, morbidity and mortality to your glossary.


The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986) defines health as to reach a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, an individual or group must be able to identify and to realise aspirations, to satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is, therefore, seen as a resource for everyday life, not the objective for living. Health is a positive concept emphasising social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) defines health as a term relating to whether the body (which includes the mind) is in a good or bad state. With good health the state of the body and mind are such that a person feels and functions well, given their circumstances, and can continue to do so for as long as possible. There is no one way of defining health, as there are many different perspectives.


Complete Activity 2.2 page 23. FACTORS INFLUENCING HEALTH Human Biology Genetic composition is an important determinant of health. Genetic influences include: - length of life - presence of disease, such as muscular dystrophy - chromosome abnormalities, such as Down syndrome - some disease and disability associated with old age. Lifestyle Individual behaviour may impact on health. - diet and exercise - substance abuse (legal and illegal products) - safety practices (seat belt use, driving when tired etc.) - health related attitudes (immunisations, Pap smears, etc.) - avoidance of sexually transmitted diseases.


Physical Environment Physical environment has a major impact on health. - housing, water, sanitation and food - air quality - noise levels - waste disposal - food safety standards - occupational health and safety practices - pesticide and herbicide residues - natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes and tsunamis - climate change - access to health care - level of medical technologies


Social Environment Social factors in health include: - culture - gender - education - economic status - occupation - social networks and social support - marital status - life events - mobility - use of health care services for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. The Political and Economic environment can also have an affect on health if a person is living in a state of war, civil unrest or is financially poor.

DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH Understanding these dimensions will help you understand why some people have good or bad health compared to others. This can lead to planning strategies to promote health and prevent poor health.

Physical Health

Good Health

Social Health

Emotional Health


Physical Health Optimal growth and physical development Optimal working and presentation of the body Usually means: - good muscle tone - being within the healthy weight range for their height - clear skin - good mobility - resisting disease and infection - being free of pain Good physical health changes with age. An elderly person may be healthy if they are mobile and use an hearing aid. Technology can increase physical health of older people. Genetic or inherited factors affect physical health, such as haemophilia Put the definition of physical health from page 25 in your glossary.


Emotional Health A persons thoughts and feelings, understanding and recognising appropriate emotions. It describes self esteem, coping with everyday emotions, feeling positive about life. Belonging is important to emotional health. Belonging to family, friends, religion Alienation can negatively affect emotional health. Relies on the development of relationships with people, whether they be family, long term friendships, intimate relationships Emotional health also means expressing appropriate emotions. Inappropriate emotions include laughing at something sad or over reacting to small things. Put the definition of emotional health from page 25 in your glossary.


Social Health Based on interdependent social relationships or respectful interactions with people around you. Being able to live in a community in an interdependent, cooperative way is called being socially healthy. Positive interactions with family, friends, school, work mates is important for social health. Belonging or being accepted by others socially can have a direct impact on social health. Put the definition of social health from page 25 in your glossary.


The dimensions of health are all linked. Physical health will affect social and emotional health Social health will affect emotional health, and possibly physical health. Emotional health will affect social health, and possibly physical health. Describe an example of when a reduction in physical health, might influence social and/or emotional health.

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