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Unit 3

The photo shows busy traffic
during the rush hour (traffic
jam/traffic congestion) of Jaipur,
• How many different types of transport
in the picture can you name ?

cart pulled motorbikes

by oxen van

cycle rickshaws
/auto rickshaws walking/on
*Which means/mode of
transport would you choose if
you are to travel to Jaipur,

World Heritage Site:

iconic architectural legacy
&vibrant culture
● The distance between
Jaipur and Wuhan is
3755 km. The road
distance is 5354.9 km.
● It takes approximately
12h 11m to get from
Jaipur to Wuhan,
including transfers.
● The Boeing 747 is a large, long-
range wide-body airliner
designed and manufactured by
Boeing Commercial Airplanes
in the United States.
● The 747 was the first airplane
dubbed a "Jumbo Jet", the first
wide-body airliner.
1. What are the main features of the first Boeing 747?
2. How has it changed air travel?
● How has the 747 changed air travel?

●The Boeing 747 revolutionized air travel by

making flying more affordable. Its high-bypass
turbofan engines and immense seating
capacity gave the 747 the lowest seat-mile
costs in the industry. The 747 quickly became
the airliner of choice for long-range service.
How do you like air travel?
What are the advantages &disadvantages of air travel?

save time/time
more expensive
● You are going to read a newspaper article about a
new kind city.

traffic jam/traffic
a kind of electric car

conventional transport:
a lot of noise and air pollution as well
as long delays
non-conventional transport
quiet and clean, while delays might
also be less of a problem. Masdar City in Abu Dhabi
public transport


Traffic congestion



1. What’s the problem of Abu Dhabi? and
what’s the solution?
Abu Dhabi

The capital and the

second-most populous
city of the United Arab
Emirates (after Dubai)
What’s the problem of Abu Dhabi?
●Para 1. traffic
Heavy peak-hour traffic coupled
with accidents in hotspots
clogged several streets in Abu
Dhabi on Sunday morning,
bringing traffic to a standstill in
some areas.
●What’s the solution?
●Para 2. Masdar City
● A planned city project in Abu
Dhabi, in the United Arab
● a new city of 6km 2 being built
on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi.
● it combines traditional Arabic
architecture with energy
● Enery Efficiency
● All Masdar City’s energy is renewable.
● The majority comes from nearby solar power
plants. On-site solar panels provide as much as 20
percent of its energy.

Shams 1
● *Arabic architecture
with energy efficiency

Central Courtyard of the

Masdar Institute Campus
Wind towers

A wind tower, taller

yet, catches air at
high elevations
and directs it to
the main square.

circulation of air
Para 3 W h y i s i t t r a ff i c c o n g e s t i o n f r e e i n M a s d a r C i t y ?
● What are the maior options of transport
available in Masdar City?
an underground rail system

a light-rail transit system

*a unique transport system called

PRT(paritially built and partially in

What is PRT? How does it work?
Personal rapid transit
(PRT), also referred to as
podcars or guided/railed
taxis, is a public transport
mode featuring small
automated vehicles
operating on a network of
specially built guideways.
Masdar City PRT
How do y ou t h i nk of P RT s y s tem? Does it
work ?
*Do y ou t hi nk t he p l an ne rs of Mas dar Ci ty will
dec ide t o ex pa nd t h e P RT s ys t em in t he
fut ure?

● Feasible?
● Para 4. The Future of Masdar City
● Will it become another “green ghost city”?

Masdar, a green green

oasis in the country of
black gold
●How did the financial crisis of 2008-2009 affect
Masdar City? What impact does it have on the city’s
*Do you agree that the benefits of Masdar
City will eventually outweigh the financial
cost of building it?
If something outweighs
another, the first thing is of
greater importance, benefit,
or significance than the
second thing.
*Do you agree that the benefits of Masdar City
will eventually outweigh the financial cost of
building it?

Write a opinion paragraph and respond to

question given. Your paragraph should include at
least 80 words.

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