CMT - Group 02

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By Group No. 2
2010/MBA/WE/03 2010/MBA/WE/07 2010/MBA/WE/17 2010/MBA/WE/19 2010/MBA/WE/40 Mr. B.M.D.W. Gunawardana Ms. P. Wijewantha Mr. H.S.S. Hapuachchi Ms. W.M. Wijesekara Mr. R.S. Thenabadu

A social classification of biologically based sex as males and females and accordingly gender issues are a resultant effect of prejudice treatment towards one sex over the other. - American Heritage Dictionary In most cases this unfair treatment is directed towards women due to them being believed to be having lower status and power compared to the other.


Schools of Thought

Different perspectives are presented in the form of Feminist Theories with regard to this issue. - Liberal - Radical, - Psychoanalytic, - Marxist, - Socialist, - Post-modern and - Post Colonial.
- Calas and Smircich (1997)


Sexual Harassment Glass Ceiling Effect Gender Job Segregation and Opt-out Trend Unethical Marketing using Women as Sex Objects

Sexual Harassment

 Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual

favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

-Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (USA)

Sexual Harassment at Workplace  Plantation Industry

65% of labor force are female workers Often subjected to sexual harassment by supervisors

 Garment Industry
85% of labor force are female workers Protests of female workers at Katunayaka FTZ against sexual harassment

HSBC, Merchant Bank, Unilever Gender Policy

Sexual Harassment -Legal Framework

 Sri Lanka, Only south Asian country having

criminal law specifically recognizing sexual harassment as a crime.

Amendment in 1995 [Sec 345 Penal Code (Amendment) Act, No. 22 of 1995].

 Convicted under this law offenders face a five

year prison term, or a fine, or both.

Sexual Harassment- Proposed Solutions

 Management of organizations

Adopt ethical gender policies Proper grievance handling procedures Changed recruitment policies allowing women to receive promotions to supervisory levels
 Trade Unions

Surface sexual harassment issues, bring harasser to book, raise voice of the victims and ensure justice.

Glass Ceiling
Definition An invisible artificial barrier that blocks women from top management positions

Why does Glass Ceiling exist ?

Gender stereotype & leader prototype Organizational practices Responsibilities to home & family

Glass Ceiling in Sri Lankan Context

Employment Status and Sex %

Total labor force participation Male labor force participation Female labor force participation

Total 49.5 % 67.2 % 32.5 % Employer Employee Own Acct. Worker Unpaid Family Worker Total 3.1 57.9 28.6

Male 4.2 57.7 33.5

Female 0.7 58.4 17.9

10.4 100

4.6 100

23.0 100

Source: Sri Lanka Labor Force Surveys 2008 (excluding North and East), Department of Census and Statistics.

 Local examples

Free Trade Zone / Stereotype Employment in Sales / Org. Practices Women move on Teaching jobs / Family Interferences

Recommendations to over-come Glass Ceiling

Mentoring programs to eliminate social myths Work-family programs Flexible working time & work places Education & training will enhance opportunities

 Responsibility of Women Forums

Improve staff sex balance at all levels Create a working environment with more balanced professional & private life Promote female leadership & reward such institutions Create the cultural change

Gender Job Segregation and Opt-out Trend

Gender Job Segregation and Opt-out Trend  Categories of Gender Job Segregation Horizontal Job Segregation Vertical Job Segregation a.) Opt-out Trend

Gender Job Segregation and Opt-out Trend in Sri Lankan Context  Local examples Pre-Occupation Selection work in different sectors of the economy insecure, less valued positions or regular and better paid positions ?

Recommendations to over-come Gender Job Segregation and Opt-out Trend


Flexible working hours and telecommuting Changing Organization rules and policies Introducing part-time employment or seasonal employment Good working environment with facilities In-depth exit interviews to find out real reasons for job leave

Ethical Marketing
 Practices that emphasis trustworthy and respectful personal and/or organizational marketing policies and actions that exhibit integrity as well as fairness to consumers and other stakeholders in a context of transparency and empathy.

Elements in Ethical Marketing  Ethics Policies  Stakeholder orientation  Leadership  Trust in Employees  Awareness of social responsibility and obligations.


 These situations which are observed in most of

the local organizations as discussed above have their roots in the culture of the organization.
 As such the major transformation required in

Sri Lankan corporate and the wider society is in the culture.

I think that business practices would improve immeasurably if they were guided by feminine principles qualities like love, care and intuition.
Anita Roddick founder of The Body Shop

Thank you.

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