The Little Prince: by Antonie de Saint-Exupery

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The Little Prince

By Antonie De Saint-Exupery
Biography of the writer
He was born on 29 june 1900 in Lyon,France and he died on 31 july
He develop the reputation with Little Prince
The writer same time he was a pilot
His plane shoted by from the enemy in 2.World War and he is died
The book was published on 1943
 Pilot(spectator): The man when he was a child nobody understoods his painting’s and when he
grown up he became a pilot. One day his plane break down and he emergancy put down on desert
and meet The Little Prince.

 The Little Prince: Main character’s of book who lives on planet astreoid 612 with his rose’s and 3
volcanos.When he explore the other planets he met with the pilot’s on the desert and told his
 Fox: The animal want’s to became a tame from Little Prince for be a friend’s with him and it
gives a important mystery to Prince.
 Turkish Astronomer: The man who discovered the Little Prince’s planet,Astroid 612.
 Snake(drawning by from the pilot): It slept 6 months for digest it’s eatings. Nobody understood it
was a snake everybody’s think it’s a hat.
King: The character’s he suppose he takes all control in his hands on the his

Buisnesmann: The character’s he knows one thing and it’s accounting and he
doesn’t care apart from account.

Drunkard: The character who drinks alchol all time to forget his shame

Salesman: The man who sell the water pills to costomer for they earn the time

Rail Switchman: The man he has a mission when the time comes up he send the
train left way or right way
The spectator draw Boa Snake when he was a chil,snake was swallowed
elephant. He Show his painting’s a lot of people and parrents but everybody says
it’s a hat not nobody understood it’s a snake and swallowed the elephant. His
parents and the other big peoples are said you need focus on the history or
geopraphy and he never draw a Picture when he was a child. When he grown up
the spectator became a pilot and one de he passing desert he put down on the
desert immediately because his plane breake down.When he landed the desert he
was alone, he have to fix his plane himself and he have enough food and water
for 6 days but he was tired and he was fall in sleep. While he was sleeping. While
he was sleeping he wake up with Little Prince’s voices and Little Prince want’s
drawing sheep painting’s from him.
The pilot drawning snake paintings but Little Prince said it’s a snake swallowed
elephant and pilot suprised and he drawn a box and said the sheep you want in this
box and Little Prince became happy for painting’s and he introduce himself and
told his story.He lives on your own small panet astreoid 612 with his rose and 3
volcano and he tells everybody he meet with other different planet’s.He met with
king,salesman,buisnesmann etc. etc. and one guy said your last station is have to
be a World. End of the conversation pilot don’t want to leave from him beacuse he
connected to him witih his heart.The time has come Little Prince leave from
World and pilot fix his plane and he leave’s from desert to.

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