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The Constitution as the democratic matrix of a State.

Presentation of the political system of each country; explanation about the

legislative processes.
Simão Costa | Filipa Silva

January 22nd of 2022

Portuguese Republic

Capital: Lisbon
Official language: Portuguese
Total Area: 92,212 km2
Population: 10,344,802 (2021 census)
Nominal GDP: $271.2 billion (IMF 2022)
HDI: 0.864 (38th)
Constitutional unitary
semi-presidential republic
Estado Novo (New State)

Presidents of the Council of Ministers

Regime's values

• Nationalism
• Authoritarianism
• Corporatism
• Totalitarianism
• Militarism
• Imperialism
• Autarchy
• Conservatism and Tradition

Oliveira Salazar Marcello Caetano

1933-1968 1968-1974
Carnation Revolution
25th April 1974
1975 Constituent Assembly election
25th April 1975 (1st anniversary of the revolution)
In Portugal power is divided in 4 sovereign bodies

President of Assembly of Government Courts

the Republic the Republic
President of the Republic
The President is

• The Head of State

• The Commander-in-Chief of the Portuguese Armed

Term length: Five years, renewable once consecutively

National Palace of Belém

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

• Appoints and dismisses:
-the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces;
-the Chiefs of Staff of the three branches of the Armed
The President's office Forces;
-the Prime Minister and the Government:
-the Representatives of the Republic;
-the President of the Court of Auditors;
-the Attorney General of the Republic;
-five members of the Council of State;
-two members of the Superior Council of Magistrates;
-ambassadors and extraordinary envoys

• Veto
• Dissolve the Assembly of the Republic
• Pardons and commutes sentences
• Accredits foreign diplomatic representatives
• Ratifies international treaties
• Dissolve the Autonomous Regions' Governing Bodies for
serious unconstitutional practices
• Declare a state of siege and emergency
• Declare war in case of actual or imminent aggression and
make peace

Majority Government
117 out of 230 MPs

Prime Minister
António Costa
The Government conducts the general policy of the country
and heads the Public Administration, which executes State
It exercises political, legislative and administrative
The functions of the Government are to:

• negotiate with other States or international organizations;

• propose laws to the Assembly of the Republic;
• study problems and decide on the best solutions (usually
by making laws);
• make technical regulations so that laws can be enforced;
• decide where public money is spent;

The Government is headed by the Prime Minister, who

coordinates the actions of the ministers and represents the
Government before the President, the Assembly and the

The Government seats in the The Government ends its mandate when the new
Parliament government takes office
It is Portugal's parliament
Assembly of the Republic It represents the Portuguese citizens
The Assembly of the Republic is the national parliament
and it is one of the sovereign bodies enshrined in the
It is composed by 230 Members elected by the
St Benedict's Palace Portuguese people to represent them at a national level
In addition to the primary function of representation, the
Assembly of the Republic is responsible for approving
the fundamental laws of the Republic and overseeing
compliance with the Constitution, the laws and the acts
of the Government and the Administration
PS: 41,68%
2.246.637 votes 117
Results of the
PSD: 28,98%
1.561.928 votes 76 2022 legislative election

CHEGA: 7,15%
385.559 votes 12

IL: 4,98%
268.414 votes 8
Results from
BE: 4,46%
constituencies on
240.265 votes 5 the national
CDU (PCP-PEV): 4,39% Data from
236.635 votes 6 Expresso.

CDS: 1,90%
102.408 votes 0

PAN: 1,53%
82.250 votes 1

LIVRE: 1,28%
68.975 1
Legislative Processes

Projetos de lei (Projetcts of Law)


Propostas de lei (Proposals of Law)


Decretos-Lei (Decree-Law)
Courts The Superior Courts in Portugal are as follows:

Supreme Court of Justice

Courts are bodies of sovereignty that The Supreme Court of Justice is the highest body in the
administer justice on behalf of the people. hierarchy of the judicial courts, without prejudice to the
competence of the Constitutional Court
They are organized according to areas of
action (jurisdictions): Constitutional Court
- Constitutional The Constitutional Court has multiple competencies, of
which the most important is to verify the conformity of
- Common (Judicial) the norms of the laws and decree-laws with the
- Administrative and Fiscal Constitution
- State Financial Control
Supreme Administrative Court
It is the highest body in the hierarchy of the
administrative and tax courts

Court of Auditors
The Court of Auditors is the supreme institution for the
supervision and control of public monies and assets

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