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Samreen Tabbasam 181337

M Ahsan Farooq 181339

FYP Semester: VIII

FYP-ID: IT-SP-21-18

Date: 16-05-2022

CCTV BASED FIGHT Supervisor: Hafiz Saud Arshad

Examiner: Dr. Ayesha Saadia

Moderator: Ms. Maemoona

Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Problem Statement
• Literature Review
• Software Requirements
• User Interface and Use-Case Diagram
• Dataset Exploration
• Proposed Methodology (Flow Chart)
• Evaluation Measures and Results
• Comparison and Conclusion
• Prototype/Demo of the Project
• References

Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

⮚Violence/ Fight on streets

⮚Security entities struggle to detect such incidents

⮚CCTV systems - a surveillance mechanism

⮚Needs Automation of Fight Alarm

⮚We aim to develop a specific Fight Classification System to

detect and raise alarm to mitigate violence.

Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Problem Statement
⮚Distant and in-the-wild fight incidents

⮚ Manual response is slow

⮚ Automation of surveillance process

Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Literature Review
• Trimmed video and predictions:
• Once the dataset was finalized, we realized unequal length-ed videos
• We need to trim videos and work on those.
• Heilbron et al. have highlighted that performance is not affected
significantly. So, we moved on with trimmed video.

• CNN+LSTM approach:
• Akt et al. used CNN(Xception feature extractor) with bi-LSTM
• They achieved a Score of 72% on fight dataset

Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Literature Review
• Frame Difference, Spatio-temporal:
• Deniz et al. took the frame difference to detect a series of motion blobs.
• The sequences of the motion blobs was later processed as a sequence
of events (using RF) to detect events
• They achieved upto 94% accuracy

• Feature Extraction + Tree Models:

• Inspired by Deniz et al, ; Yao et al. extracted features from each frame.
• Then used Decision Tree and Random Forest.
• They reached a similar performance as Deniz et al.

Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Software Requirements
Functional Requirements
• Camera should be connected in order for the system to work.

• The system should be able to predict the results accurately

Non-Functional Requirements
• The system should be able to accommodate the different size
camera feeds

• The interface is easy to learn and navigate.


Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Use Case Diagram

Fig 1: Use-case diagram of the project


Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

User Interface

Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Dataset Exploration
Most popular dataset available are
• Hockey fight dataset
• Action movies
• Voilent flow.
Dataset we used:
• Fight-detection-surv-dataset
• Contain 300 videos of 2 sec
• Contain real and not subjective fight scenes


Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Dataset Exploration


Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Proposed Methodology (Images)

⮚ Data Preprocessing

⮚ Feature extraction using ORB

⮚ Model training through the features of dataset

⮚ Predicting the fight events (at test time) using trained model

⮚ Generating alert for detected fight event


Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Flow Diagram

Fig 1: Flow diagram of the project


Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Proposed Methodology(Videos)
⮚ Data Preprocessing

⮚ 3D-ResNet CNN model training

⮚ Predicting the fight events using trained 3D ResNet model

⮚ Generating alert for detected fight event


Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Flow Diagram

Fig 2: Flow diagram of the project


Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Tools and Technologies

The software & libraries for the fight classification project are:
• Python (3.7.4)
• Pandas
• Numpy (version 1.16.5)
• openCV (version 3.4.2)
• Keras (version 2.3.1)
• Tensorflow (as keras uses tensorflow in backend and for image
• PyQT

Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Evaluation Measures
• Our dataset contained a balanced distribution of Fight and Non-
fight video (150 each)

• So, we are confidently using:

• Accuracy
• Precision
• F1-Score


Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

Models Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy

Decision Tree Classifier 0.74 0.2 0.61

Random Forest Classifier 0.97 0.2 0.97
Gradient Booster Classifier 0.94 0.2 0.77
Gaussian Naïve Bayes 0.03 1.0 0.25
K nearest Neighbors 0.97 0.2 0.79
Support vector machine 0.94 0.1 0.75
VGG16 1.0 0.0 0.52

ResNet50 0.99 0.2 0.99


Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

• Grow the demand of such system which recognize the violent
events automatically.
• The systematic review delivers details of methods using SVM,
CNN and traditional machine learning classification-based fight
• Accuracy is depending upon the techniques of object
recognition, features extraction and classification along with
dataset being used.


Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

• Hina Uttam Keval, Effective design, configuration, and use of digital CCTV, Phd,
University College London, 2009.
• Fabian Caba Heilbron, Juan Carlos Niebles, and Bernard Ghanem, “Fast Temporal
Activity Proposals for Efficient Detection of Human Actions in Untrimmed
Videos,” in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR), 2016, pp. 1914–1923
• Shugao Ma, Leonid Sigal, and Stan Sclaroff, “Learning Activity Progression in
LSTMs for Activity Detection and Early Detection,” in IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016, pp. 1942–1950
• M. Baccouche, F. Mamalet, C. Wolf, C. Garcia, and A. Baskurt, “Sequential deep
learning for human action recognition,” in International Workshop on Human
Behavior Understanding. Springer, 2011

Department of Computer Science – FCAI

CCTV based fight classification

• Ş. Akt, G. A. Tataroğlu and H. K. Ekenel, "Vision-based Fight Detection
from Surveillance Cameras," 2019 Ninth International Conference on Image
Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), 2019, pp. 1-6, doi:
• Serrano Gracia, Deniz Suarez O, Bueno, Garcia G, Kim T-K (2015) Fast
Fight Detection. PLoSONE 10(4): e0120448.
• Chuang Yao, Xiaoyan Su, Xuehua Wang, Xinyi Kang, Jun Zhang, Jiankang
Ren, "Motion Direction Inconsistency-Based Fight Detection for Multiview
Surveillance Videos", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,
vol. 2021, Article ID 9965781, 11 pages, 2021.

Department of Computer Science – FCAI

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