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Barriers to Communication

– The term ‘barrier’ means ‘hurdle’ or ‘obstacle’.

– Generate confusion, conflict, misunderstanding.
– Tend to distort the message, create fiction among organizational members,
affect the morale of the employees.

Barriers to Communication

 Physical Noise
 Technical Noise
 Psychological Noise
 Poor Timing
 Perceptual Bias
 Lack of Interest
 Psychological Bias
 Information Overload

Physical Noise

– Physical noise occurs when

the sender and receiver try
to communicate in a
situation that is noisy
– For example, the bus stop.

Technical Noise
– Technical noise occurs when
the sender and the receiver use
a tool to communicate for
example, a phone.

– When 2 people are

communicating using the

– One person steps into an

elevator, the signal will be lost
and the communication will fail.
Psychological Noise
– Psychological noise occurs when the receiver
of the message is thinking of something and
not concentrating on the message itself,
– for example, having class in a park.

Poor Timing
– Poor timing usually happens
when the sender is not aware of
the mood of the receiver when
sending the message.

– For example, approaching your

employer for a raise when he/she
has just made an announcement
that the company is almost
Perceptual Bias

– Perceptual bias occurs when the sender is not aware of the

rules of first impression.

– For example, when you attend an interview there is an

appropriate dress code.

– Failure to follow that dress code may result in you being

prejudiced against. If you go for an interview for an
accounting position dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, don’t be
surprised if you don’t get the job.

Lack of Interest
– Sometimes, there are some things
that we are just not interested in. Of
all the subjects that students learn
to complete their degree, they
cannot love all.
– There will be the ONE or TWO
subject that we have to suffer to
stay awake for.
– A lack of interest in what someone
has to say will definitely lead to a
breakdown in communication.

Psychological Bias
– Ever heard of prejudices?
Someone doesn’t like you
because you are
– There are biases. A bias is
something that the sender
cannot fix. There is no
solution to this problem. Just
be prepared.

Language Barrier

– The use of different languages - ‘Bonjour!’ ,

– ‘Je m’appelle Pierre!’
– The use of unsuitable language e.g. slang, jargon e.g
‘A CT Scan, ECG, Ultrasound will be required ………

– A lack of understanding of sign language

Information Overload
– Information overload occurs
when you try to absorb too
much information over a short
period of time.

– If you try to study continuously

for hours without a break, or
introduce too many new
concepts to your learning in
one period of time, your mind
will become confused and this
can lead to a break down in
Overcoming Barriers to
– Speak clearly
– Don’t speak too quickly
– Make sure that you are in a suitable environment e.g. quiet, not too busy
– Listen carefully, using physical gestures and your eyes to express your interest
– Plan ahead

Overcoming Barriers to
– Make sure that you understand each other, by responding to what is being said,
and repeating the message if necessary.
– Use pictures to reinforce the verbal message
– Use technological aids e.g. computer programs.
– Avoid stereotyping.
– Encouraging feedback

Measures for overcoming barriers

– Clarity
– Completeness
– Brevity
– Timeliness
– Compassion (understand the intelligence level and
background of the receiver)
– Integrity (message should be consistent with the objectives,
policies and programmes of the org.)
– Attention (careful listening)


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