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Group 5: Teaching as a Vocation and Mission

Stephen Mejia
Trisha Villoso
Vea Mae Gacosta
Glory Jane Monteseven
Christine Mae Pagaduan
Rose Andrea Cunanan
Joel Frans Gonzales
• 1.Discuss the definition and relatedness between vocation and mission:
• Answer: Teaching as a vocation means you are willingly saying yes to your call
to teach and you are committing yourself in total transformation of the learner.
Teaching as a vocation compels you to hold on to the philosophy that teaching is
a lifetime commitment, therefore, you aim for quality teaching through the years
that you live. On the other hand, teaching as a mission means you believe that it
is a task that is entrusted to you. In fact, you consider it more than a task but a
noble calling and privilege. If teaching as a mission is an entrusted task, therefore
it needs preparation. Lastly, it call for a continuous professional education. 
• Teaching as a vocation and mission are interrelated with each other. They both
uphold the principle that teaching is a calling and because we are purposefully
called to teach, we must answer this call and do it with all our heart and strength. 
• Teaching as a vocation and mission both need an utmost dedication,
perseverance, and a driving passion that will prompt the teacher to
teach not just to relay knowledge but to help shape and mold the
learner into a better, contributing, and full of character citizen of the
• Teaching as a vocation and mission both ask for an unwavering
commitment from the teachers. This means that both are expecting
teachers to accompany their teaching with selflessness, patience,
endurance, transparency, and integrity. 
• Teaching as a vocation and mission both demand teachers to be
willing to go through a long period of preparation and continuing
professional development
• 2.Some teachers regard teaching as a job. Others see it as their
mission. What’s the difference?
• Answet: The difference/s between teachers who consider teaching as just a job and
teachers who consider teaching as a mission is/are:
• -Those teachers that consider teaching as just a job are just teaching without caring
about their students whether they gain knowledge or not. They just teach because they
need or want the salary only.
• -Those teachers that consider teaching as a mission are teaching because they have
goals. These goals are not about material benefits that they receive salary, but they
want students to learn. The happiness of these teachers is not based on the salary they
receive but based on the result of their teaching when they see that students really
learn. These teachers are the teachers who teach not only because this is their
responsibility but because they really love teaching also. They treat their students as
their children
• 3.Are these two (Vocation and Mission ) Related?
• Answer: Vocation, as said, is a calling. It is a feeling when a
person finally found his/her purpose in life and commit him/herself
on it. Mission, on the other side, is a goal that need to accomplish.
• Teaching is not an easy job to do. It is a profession where
preparedness, dedication, devotion and commitment are
important. In teaching, vocation and mission are both applied,
these two are connected to each other.
• As you do your responsibility and goal as a teacher, you are doing your job, your
mission. And a teacher's mission is to teach their students, to give knowledge. And
as a teacher who want the best for students, you fully commit yourself, you are
devoted in giving your students the best. In teaching, teachers' mission is to serve
their students at their best. Teachers are called because someone needs them.
Teachers are called for a purposed to accomplish a mission.
• As teachers fulfill their mission, they must commit their whole self on it. If their
mission is to help the students then they must put their best in serving them.
• They are, a vocation without mission could never last a lifetime duty for a teacher, so
a teacher must commit to his/her duty in both ways as needed. Every learner
deserves a quality education, so a teacher must be equip with bountiful knowledge
to relay among the learners because learning only stops when an individual has
demised this world and as long as we are present in here, the learning is always
• 4. Some teacher education institutions have a “sending-off” ceremony for
student teachers before Education students go for practice teaching?
What is the significance of this ceremony.
• Answer: The sending-off ceremony is so significant for a education student,
this is like a welcome for teacher education student to the field or into teaching
profession. This denotes a important milestone in the life of a teacher, this also
represents the affiliation to an honorable profession which is teaching, and at
the same time this means good luck in this profession. For us as a teacher
education student, as we look forward to this event, this would be more exciting
than commencement, here were going to embrace our chosen career and
profession. Some may say its just a simple ceremony, but for us, its receiving a
blessing of the university on us, as a future teacher of future generation
• 5.If you say “yes” to the call and mission to teach in this life. Reflect how
you are going to prepare yourself in this four-year teacher education
• Answer: As we decided to take this four-year education course, of course our
mission is to teach and we have to be dedicated with our profession. But how are we
going to prepare ourselves? To become an educator we must accomplish all the
elements of a profession, we must educate ourselves through getting a lot of
experiences in teaching. However, preparing ourselves is not only about learning
things on what we are going to teach with our future students, but also applying or
doing of what we learned. This will be a best way to enhance and improve our skills,
knowledge and competence of being a professional. We must continue learning with
a practice, continue educating ourselves to provide a quality learning for our students
with upholding values and ethical standards for us to become a better educator

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