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Content Standard
The learner demonstrate
understanding of non-communicable
disease for healthy life.

Performance Standard
Consistently demonstrate personal
responsibility and healthful practices in
the prevention and control of Non-
communicable disease.
֎ Explain non-communicable diseases based on
cause and effects, signs and symptoms, risk
factor and possible complications.
1. Define non-communicable disease
2.Identify the cause and effects, signs and
symptoms and complications of non -
3. Sense of awareness on promoting healthy life
towards preventing non-communicable disease
1. In your own word, what is non-
communicable disease?
2. Describe the non-communicable
disease that you know.
Guide Questions
• 1. At your age, how will you protect yourself
from the risk of acquiring non-communicable

• 2. Cite some healthy practices that we should

do to prevent acquiring non-communicable
Group Activity
A. Definition
B. Signs and Symptoms
C. Cause and Effect
D. Complications
Group 1 – Cancer and
Diabetes (Mini-Pamphlet)
Group 2 - Arthritis and
Renal Failure (Bookmark)
Group 3 – Allergy and
Chronic Respiratory Diseases
(Accordion )
Group 4 - Cardiovascular
Diseases (Scrapbook)
7 5 3 1

Mastery of the The reporters The reporters The reporters The reporters
demonstrate total mastery demonstrate knowledge demonstrate knowledge demonstrate no mastery
content of the contents of their of the important contents of some contents of their of any contents of their
report of their report report report

Cooperation All members participate One or two members Three or four members Five or more members
actively become inactive in become inactive in become inactive in
preparation and preparation and preparation and
presentation presentation presentation

Production / Uses class time to the Uses class time for work Has difficulty focusing on Hardly evidences caring
maximum. Always on task. but is sometimes the project much of the about quality of the work.
effort Time and effort are distracted by the others. time. Easily distracted by No additional effort is
evident the execution of Work falls short excellence others noted than to complete it.
the piece

The artwork shows that The artwork shows that The design and The artwork looks thrown
creators took great pride creators took great pride construction were together at last minute. It
Creativity in their work. The design in their work. The design planned. The artwork has appears that little design
/craftsmanship and construction look and construction look several flaws that detract or planning was done
carefully planned. The carefully planned. The from the overall look craftsmanship is poor.
artwork is neat artwork has a few flaws
but these do not detract
from the overall look
Group Presentation
Guide Question
1.Define and describe non-
communicable disease

2. Identify the cause and effects,

signs and symptoms and
complications of non -communicable
Non-Communicable Disease
Non communicable disease(NCDs) are non-
infectious disease, which cannot be transmitted from
one person to another. It may be not be infectious,
but everyone is at risk of acquiring these disease.
NCDs are also referred to as chronic diseases that
progress slowly and last for long durations. There are
about 38 million people in the world who die of non-
communicable diseases each year according to the
World Health Organization (WHO).
Some examples of
Non-communicable Disease


There are times when unhealthy body cells multiply
in a different or uncontrolled manner forming mass
of tissue called TUMOR. A tumor may be classified
as benign or malignant. Benign tumors do not
spread in other parts of the body and can be
completely removed or taken out. On the other
hand, malignant tumors may multiply and spread to
other parts of the body, which lead to cancer.
Sign and Symptoms Causes and Effects Complications
•Lumps on a certain
body part
•Genetics or •Recurring
•Bleeding, pain, or
inherited cancer
numbness of a certain •Cancer
part of the body •Viral or spreading to
•Abnormal urination bacterial other parts of
or bowel movement
•Weight gain or infection the body
weight loss for no
known reason
•Affecting and
•Severe and constant •Lifestyle or weakening
headache environment other body
•Seizures systems
•Abnormal change of
the senses
Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus
It is a disease where the body produces abnormal
levels of insulin. Insulin is responsible for the
regulation of blood sugar in the body. There are three
types of diabetes: Type I, Type II, and Gestational.
•Type I diabetes – usually occurs in children and
young adults where they produce little or no insulin.
•Type II diabetes – usually occurs in adults where
they produce insulin that cannot be used by the cell.
•Gestational diabetes – develop during pregnancy
where the female body does not respond to the
insulin produced by the pancreas.
Sign and Symptoms Causes and Effects Complications

• Frequent •Genetics or •Hypoglycemia

urination inherited (low blood sugar
•Constant •Hyperosmolar
hunger •Obesity hyperglycemic
•Increased state (extremely
•Unhealthy high blood sugar)
thirst lifestyle •Diabetic
•Blurred vision ketoacidosis (high
•Slow healing level of blood acids
or ketones DKA).
Other Non-communicable
Renal Failure
Chronic Respiratory Diseases
Cardiovascular Diseases
Arthritis – refers to
the inflammation of
the joints.
Sign and Symptoms – joint
pain, stiffness, swelling in and
out around the joints, redness
on the affected joint and

Causes and Effects – genetic

or hereditary, diet and

Complications – heart
problem, infections, nodules,
2. Renal Failure – it happens
when the kidney stop
functioning. It is a threatening
disease that may affect the
balance of salt and water in
the blood.
Sign and Symptoms – Shortness
of breath, dizziness, foamy or
bubbly urine, decreased urine,
swelling of the legs, ankles, feet,
face, or hands, extreme skin
rashes and itching, nausea and

Causes and Effects – Cholesterol

and salt deposits, infections,
toxins such as alcohol, poor
lifestyle, aside effects of

Complications – Fluid buildup,

heart disease, permanent
kidney damage, anemia
3. Allergy – refers to the condition
where the immune system becomes
hypersensitive to the environment or
different allergens.
Sign and Symptoms – swelling
of the mucus membrane,
redness and itching of the
eye, rashes and headache,
difficulty I breathing

Causes and Effects – Food,

unhealthy environment,
allergens: pollen, dust, smoke,

Complications – Asthma,
Infections of the lungs,
anaphylaxis, sinusitis
4. Chronic Respiratory Disease
– These are diseases of the
lungs, airways and other parts
of the respiratory system.
Sign and Symptoms –
Shortness of breath, coughing
and wheezing or whistling
sound when breathing, chest

Causes and Effects – Dust and

mold, pollen, weather or
temperature change, stress
and certain food

Complication – permanent
narrowing of airways or
bronchial tubes, side effects
of medications, interferes
with sleep and other activities
5. Cardiovascular Diseases – these are
disease of the heart and blood vessels
• Arteriosclerosis – it is the hardening and
thickening of the artery wall.
• Atherosclerosis – it is the specific type of
arteriosclerosis that refers to the build-up of
fats and cholesterol on the arterial wall.
• Congenital heart Disease – it is a problem in
one or more parts of the heart that exists
since birth.
How will you keep your family
members free from any non-
communicable disease?
Is there a family member who
has experience non-
communicable disease? If there
is any, describe its disease
Why is there a need to keep
ourselves free from non-
communicable disease?

Interview your parents and ask some

myths and fallacies on non-
communicable disease
Thank you so much

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