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Verbal processes are processes of saying.
They represent:
 Symbolic relationships constructed in
human consciousness
 Enacted in the form language
2. Characteristics
- Verbal processes are Processes of saying (tell, insult,
praise, slander, abuse, flatter, promise, etc.)
- Four entities:
A sayer A target

A verbiage (that is A receiver


the thing that is said

2. Characteristics
1. The sayer ● Can be anything that sends out a
signal or message.
● Eg: - She told me a funny story.

2. The receiver ● is the one to whom the saying is directed.

● Eg: - Tell me about your hometown.
● - Did you explain the problem to your parents?
● - Describe to your doctor about your health.

3. The verbiage ● is the function that corresponds to what is said.

● it may be the content of what is said.
2. Characteristics
3. The verbiage

○ Eg: - Can you describe the town where you grew up to me?
- The manager will draw up standard operating procedures for
handling negative publicity.
- The lecturer explained the problem very clearly.
 May be the name of the saying.
○ Eg: - Could you repeat what you said?
- The headmaster made a speech.
- They were speaking Spanish.

- The president made an announcement.

2. Characteristics

4. The target ● is the entity that is targeted by the process of saying.

o Eg: - My parents always praised me when I did
well at school.
- Please don’t blame me for missing the plane.
● Verbs that accept a Target : praise, insult, abuse,
slander, flatter, blame, criticize, etc.
Existential processes
1. Definition
Existential processes are those that are
concerned with existence.
Existential processes

2. Characteristics
● they represents something that exists or
● they are intermediate between material
and relational processes.
● they involve two entities: the
EXISTENT and the process.
Existential processes
Eg: - There was a solitary girl.
- On the wall there hangs a picture.
- There seems to be a problem.

Verbs that commonly occur in existential processes :

exist, remain, arise, come about, happen, take place,
follow, ensure, sit, stand, lie, hang, rise, stretch, emerge,
grow, erupt, flourish, prevail.

Did you know?
A man's best friend... Mmm, can I fit in?...

Did you know that dogs can smell your Did you know that a cat uses its whiskers
feelings? as feelers to determine if a space is too
small to squeeze through?
Dogs can pick up on subtle changes in
your scent, which can help him figure out Also, cats love to sleep. A fifteen-year-old
how you are feeling, such as by smelling cat has probably spent ten years of its life
your perspiration when you become sleeping.
nervous or fearful.
Clearly, animals know more than we
think, and think a great deal more than
we know.

― Irene M. Pepperberg
Did you know?
Pandas don’t hibernate.
When winter approaches, they head lower down their mountain homes to warmer
temperatures, where they continue to chomp away on bamboo!

There are more kangaroos than humans in Australia.

It is estimated that more than 50 million kangaroos live there. They are Australia’s
national symbol and appear on postage stamps, coins, and airplanes.

Koalas are even more lazy than cats.

Koalas don’t have much energy and, when not feasting on leaves, they spend their

time dozing in the branches. Believe it or not, they can sleep for up to 18 hours a day!
Sometimes it
only takes
one image... tell the story for you.
And the
bigger the
Let’s review some facts.
Elephants Pandas
Elephants can sense storms. Pandas don’t hibernate.

Dogs Kangaroos
Dogs can smell your feelings. There are more kangaroos than humans
in Australia.

Cats Koalas
Cats use their whiskers as feelers to Koalas are even more lazy than cats.
determine if a space is too small to
squeeze through.
Meet the team!
Carlos V.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.

Mariel S.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.

Oscar M.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.

This is an editable world map.

Showcase places
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markets. Or as charts, highlighting the
countries and adding your data.

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and change fill color.
And this is a timeline or process
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n ues d n u r
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an app, you can place a screenshot of it here.
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an app, you can place a screenshot of it here.
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If you are presenting a website, an internet product or
an app, you can place a screenshot of it here.
Thank you!
Eg: - There was a solitary girl.
- On the wall there hangs a
- There seems to be a problem.
Lastly, verbs that commonly occur in
existential processes include: exist,
remain, arise, come about, happen,

take place, follow, ensure, sit,

stand, lie, hang, rise, stretch,
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