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Bus stop advertisement

poster- mental health 

For this image I had taken it using a canon camera where I had
taken an extreme close up shot using landscape mode. Doing
this I made sure her eyes were included in the image to show
her emotions through her eyes. We can see she looks
mysterious and we can't tell how she is feeling as we can see
her facial expression giving the idea that she is hiding her
emotions. The black covering her can represent darkness she is
hiding as dark colours usually represent something dark and
hidden which is why I had chosen to include this item covering
most of her bottom half of her face.

Also for the image I used I blurred the edges to

make it look more darker and gives more attention
to the audience. 

I had used my original slogan I had created ''it is not

okay'' in this bus stop poster. I had placed it in the
centre of the image to grab peoples attention so they
get the message that theyre not alone.
This is a text I had decided to include in my bus
stop advert poster. ''lets talk about it'',sounds like a
comforting thing to say to a person to make the
reader it is directing to feel calm and comforted
reading this. This sentence makes them sound like
the person and poster is having a conversation
together as it sounds inviting and friendly. I used
white as a choice of colour to see as the
background behind it is dark. 

I chose this text to be white as the background colour is

black so dark colours wouldn't be seen that well which
is why I chose a visible colour. I wrote using the text on
photoshop ''helping to support those in school and
colleges''. This is to show who this poster is mainly
targeted too. ''just remember you are not alone''. I
included this sentence to show they are being
supportted and if they need help this is poster is there
sign for them.
I had used the magic wand tool on photoshop to erase the background of my
logo to just leave the outline along with the text “it is not okay” to make it
blend into the image. I created this slogan using the website dafont where I
chose what font I wanted to use. I had chosen one that looks bold to make it
look serious. I found an image of a no exit red circle where I wanted to put
over the not in the sentence to make it look like it says it is okay instead to give
a positive message instead of a negative one. To do this I used the magic wand
tool once again on the red circle to outline it and overlapped it over the text on
photoshop to make it turn out like this. Doing this made the message look very
effective and the focus of attention in the poster as it is a different font used
from the other texts. The fact that it was placed in the middle makes it the
focus of attention.
I had included contact details at the bottom of
the page incase the audience want to get support
with this situation of mental health. I added a
number and the email, two different ways to
give them different access.

The logo I had designed on adobe illustrator. I

had used my drawing draft where I then copy
and pasted it into adobe illustrator. I then used
the bucket paint tool to add the colours in the
drawing to make it look more digital. I also
included the company name swift going around
the heart to blend in with the heart, it also looks
nicer. I then inserted it into my photoshop
image where I added it on the top right corner.
This is how my final bus stop poster for mental health came
out. I like how I used the blur filter on photoshop to blur the
corner to make it look more serious. The used of the colours
white is very effective as it grabs the audience's attention
easier. I had included the contact details at the bottom of the
image to give the audience someone to contact incase theyre
interested or need support in their mental health. I also like
how I said ''helping to support those in school and colleges'',
this is because it's easier to understand that this poster is
mostly aimed for those teens and those in education. I like
how I used a different app adobe illustrator to design my logo
by scratch which I gave vibrant colours to attract the audience
as most the poster colours are quite dark it gives it a bit of
colour and happiness instead of making it too depressing.

I believe my poster would be better if there was more colour

included as most of it is dark and doesn’t give a happy
message however, it does make people take it more seriously.
For next time I can include more vibrant colours.

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