Element of Electrical Engineering: Praveen Kumar Yadaw Asst. Professor ISBM University

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Unit – 1
D.C. Networks: Introduction, Classification of elements – active , passive, unilateral, bilateral,
linear, nonlinear, lumped and distributed; Electric circuit, Ohm‟s law, Kirchhoff‟s laws, Mesh and
Nodal analysis, Delta-Star and Star-Delta Transformations, Superposition theorem, Thevenin‟s and
Norton‟s theorems, Maximum Power Transfer theorem (Only independent sources).

Praveen Kumar Yadaw

Asst. Professor
ISBM University
1. Basic Terminology

2. Types of Network Elements

3. Numerical Problems
Lightning is a naturally occurring electrostatic discharge
 during which two electrically charged regions, both in the 
atmosphere or with one on the ground, temporarily neutralize
themselves, causing the instantaneous release of an average
of one gigajoule of energy.[1][2][3] This discharge may produce a
wide range of electromagnetic radiation, from heat created by
the rapid movement of electrons, to brilliant flashes of 
visible light in the form of black-body radiation. Lightning
causes thunder, a sound from the shock wave which develops
as gases in the vicinity of the discharge experience a sudden
increase in pressure.
History of
The knowledge of static electricity dates back to the earliest
civilizations, but for millennia it remained merely an interesting
and mystifying phenomenon, without a theory to explain its
behavior, and it was often confused with magnetism. The
ancients were acquainted with rather curious properties
possessed by two minerals, amber (Greek: ἤλεκτρον, ēlektron) Fig 1: Electric catfish
and magnetic iron ore (μαγνῆτις λίθος magnētis lithos,[4] "the are found in tropical
Magnesian stone,[5] lodestone"). Amber, when rubbed, attracts Africa and the 
lightweight objects, such as feathers; magnetic iron ore has the Nile River.
power of attracting iron.[6]
The earliest Chinese literature reference to magnetism lies in a 4th-century BC book
called Book of the Devil Valley Master ( 鬼谷子 ): "The lodestone makes iron come or
it attracts it."[9][10]
Ancient Egyptians were aware of shocks when interacting with electric fish (such as
the electric catfish) or other animals (such as electric eels).[12] 

Texts from 2750 BC by the ancient Egyptians referred to these fish as "thunderer of

the Nile" and saw them as the "protectors" of all the other fish.[6] 

Thales of Miletus, writing at around 600 BC, noted that rubbing fur on various
substances such as amber would cause them to attract specks of dust and other light
objects. Thales wrote on the effect now known as static electricity. The Greeks noted
that if they rubbed the amber for long enough they could even get an electric spark to
q1 q2 Coulombs Law
The history of electromagnetic theory begins with ancient
1 𝑞1 𝑞 2 measures to understand atmospheric electricity, in particular 
4 𝜋 𝜀0 𝑟 2 lightning.[1] People then had little understanding of electricity,
Coulombs Law and were unable to explain the phenomena.[2] Scientific
understanding into the nature of electricity grew throughout the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries through the work of
researchers such as Coulomb, Ampère, Faraday and Maxwell.
In 1800 Alessandro Volta constructed the first device to produce a large electric
current, later known as the electric battery. Napoleon, informed of his works,
summoned him in 1801 for a command performance of his experiments. He
received many medals and decorations, including the Légion d'honneur.
These experiments were the beginning of electrochemistry, the
investigation of which Faraday took up, and concerning which in
1833 he announced his important law of electrochemical
equivalents, viz.: "The same quantity of electricity — that is, the
same electric current — decomposes chemically equivalent
quantities of all the bodies which it traverses; hence the weights
of elements separated in these electrolytes are to each other as
their chemical equivalents." Employing a battery of 2,000
elements of a voltaic pile Humphry Davy in 1809 gave the first
public demonstration of the electric arc light, using for the
purpose charcoal enclosed in a vacuum.[11]
Basic Terminology

In Network Theory, we will frequently come across the following terms −

 Electric Circuit

 Electric Network

 Current

 Voltage

 Power
Units of measurement
Ohms – An Ohm is the electrical unit used for measuring resistance, its symbol is Ω.
Watt – This is a unit of power and is denoted by use of the letter W.
Voltage – Voltage is the difference in electrical potential between two different points, it
can be thought of as electrical pressure, and it is denoted by the letter V or U.
Amperes – This is the term used to describe the flow of electrical current, it is denoted
by the letter A.
AC- Alternating Current is an electric current which reverses direction periodically. AC
current is the way that electricity is distributed through the power network in the UK.
DC – Direct Current is an electric current that travels in only one direction, this is the
type of current that a battery produces.
Electric Circuit
An electric circuit contains a closed path for providing a flow of electrons from a voltage
source or current source. The elements present in an electric circuit will be in series
connection, parallel connection, or in any combination of series and parallel connections.
Electric Network
An electric network need not contain a closed path for providing a flow of electrons from
a voltage source or current source. Hence, we can conclude that "all electric circuits are
electric networks" but the converse need not be true.
The current "I" flowing through a conductor is nothing but the time rate of flow of
charge. Mathematically, it can be written as
The voltage "V" is nothing but an electromotive force that causes the charge (electrons)
to flow. Mathematically, it can be written as

The power "P" is nothing but the time rate of flow of electrical energy. Mathematically, it
can be written as
Types of Network Elements
We can classify the Network elements into various types based on some parameters.
Following are the types of Network elements −
 Active Elements and Passive Elements
 Linear Elements and Non-linear Elements
 Bilateral Elements and Unilateral Elements
 Lumped Elements and Distributed Elements
Active Elements and Passive Elements
We can classify the Network elements into either active or passive based on the
ability of delivering power.
 Active Elements deliver power to other elements, which are present in an
electric circuit. Sometimes, they may absorb the power like passive elements.
That means active elements have the capability of both delivering and absorbing

Examples: Voltage sources and current sources.

 Passive Elements can’t deliver power (energy) to other elements, however

they can absorb power. That means these elements either dissipate power in the
form of heat or store energy in the form of either magnetic field or electric field.

Examples: Resistors, Inductors, and capacitors.

Linear Elements and Non-Linear Elements
We can classify the network elements as linear or non-linear based on their
characteristic to obey the property of linearity.
 Linear Elements are the elements that show a linear relationship between voltage
and current. Examples: Resistors, Inductors, and capacitors.
 Non-Linear Elements are those that do not show a linear relation between voltage
and current. Examples: Voltage sources and current sources.
Bilateral Elements and Unilateral Elements
Network elements can also be classified as either bilateral or unilateral based on the
direction of current flows through the network elements.
Bilateral Elements are the elements that allow the current in both directions and offer
the same impedance in either direction of current flow. Examples: Resistors, Inductors
and capacitors.
The concept of Bilateral elements is illustrated in the following figures.
Example 1
The V-I characteristics of a network element is shown below.
Step 1 − Verifying the network element as linear or non-linear.
From the above figure, the V-I characteristics of a network element is
a straight line passing through the origin. Hence, it is linear element.
Step 2 − Verifying the network element as active or passive.
The given V-I characteristics of a network element lies in the first
and third quadrants.
 In the first quadrant, the values of both voltage (V) and current (I)
are positive. So, the ratios of voltage (V) and current (I) gives
positive impedance values.
 Similarly,in the third quadrant, the values of both voltage (V) and current (I)
have negative values. So, the ratios of voltage (V) and current (I) produce
positive impedance values.
Since, the given V-I characteristics offer positive impedance values, the network
element is a Passive element.
Step 3 − Verifying the network element as bilateral or unilateral.
For every point (I, V) on the characteristics, there exists a corresponding point (-
I, -V) on the given characteristics. Hence, the network element is a Bilateral
Therefore, the given V-I characteristics show that the network element is a
Linear, Passive, and Bilateral element.

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