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Environmental Management in

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

“Environment”: In its most basic meaning “Surroundings”

Environ = Around

Defined to include water, air and land and the inter-relationships which exist among
water, air and land and living beings (Human being, other living creatures, plants, micro-
organisms etc.)

As per ISO 14001:2015 standard,

“Surroundings in which an
organization operates, including air,
water, land, natural resources, flora,
fauna, humans and their interrelations”.

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

What is pollution?
It is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical and biological
characteristics of air, water and soil, which may cause harmful effect to
the living organisms and environment.

What is Waste?

“waste” means materials that are not products or by-products, for

which the generator has no further use for the purposes of production,
transformation or consumption.

What is Disposal?

“Disposal” means any operation which does not lead to reuse, recycling,
recovery, utilization including co-processing and includes physical/
chemical treatment, biological treatment, incineration and disposal in
secured landfill;

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Timeline: Pollution Vs Nature

Population Growth

Rapid Urbanization & Increased load on nature,

Industrial growth beyond aassimilative


Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Health Effects of Pollution

Exposure to high levels of air pollution can cause a
variety of adverse health outcomes. It increases
the risk of respiratory infections, heart disease and lung


Human health can be affected by consuming, entering,

or washing in polluted water.


The toxic chemicals present in the soil can

decrease soil fertility and therefore decrease in
the soil yield. The contaminated soil is then used to
produce fruits and vegetables, which lacks nutrients
and may contain some poisonous substance to cause
serious health problems.

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environmental Burden of Construction

Global estimates:

• 12-16% of freshwater consumption

• 25% of wood harvested
• 30-40% of energy consumption
• 40% of virgin material extracted
• 20-30% of green house gas emission
• 40% of total waste stream (15-30% of which ends up in
• Up to 15% of purchased material at jobsite ending up as a

Source: Macozoma D. S. (2002), Construction site waste management and minimization: international report, International council for Research and Innovation in
Buildings, Rotterdam. Available at
Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use
Probable consequences of Construction and related activities

• Land pollution
• Loss of biodiversity (Flora and Fauna)
• Air Pollution
• Water pollution
• Noise pollution
• Solid waste etc.

• Global Warming
• Resource depletion
• Ozone layer depletion
• Acid rain etc.
Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use
Construction & Demolition Waste

• India generates around 150 million tons of C&D

waste every year
• Contributes to 25 – 30% of MSW
• Sources:
1. Demolition (50%)
2. Renovation (40%)
3. New Construction (10%)
• Official recycling capacity is just about 1%

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

• Expiry of useful life of structure

• Poor quality of construction
• Excess procurement
• Human error
• Ineffective waste management

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use
Major Environmental Aspects/Impacts

• Air Pollution • Water • Soil Pollution


• Hazardous • Resource
Waste Depletion

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Major Environmental Aspects/Impacts
Air Pollution:
• Major pollutants: Particulate matter, SOx, NOx & CO, VOCs
• Sources :
 Diesel Generator Sets.
 Site clearance
 Vehicles.
 Excavation
 Blasting Operations.
 Material handling.
 Bitumen / Asphalt operations
 Fuel/ wood burning for cooking application,
 Paint/fuel storage area as volatile organic compounds

Serious impact on human health and surroundings (both long term and short term).

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Major Environmental Aspects/Impacts

Water Pollution:

Degradation of ground water quality may occur due to:

• Accidental spillage of oil/chemicals.

• Wastewater discharge from batching plant
• Wastewater discharge vehicle wash area / workshop
• Wastewater from workmen habitats - Sewage
• Wastewater from curing/casting yard
• Wastewater from canteens
• Storm water run-off etc.

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Major Environmental Aspects/Impacts

Land Pollution:
• Construction activities have the potential to damage the soils in several
 Change of Land use
 Change in Topography
 Loss of topsoil
 Over compaction ( Vehicles, Stored materials)
 Contamination (Mix of construction materials or waste),
 Accidental spillage of chemicals,
 Incorrect handling i.e., mixing different qualities of soil
• At construction sites erosion is the major source of sediment;
 Potential for erosion on highly disturbed land is commonly 100
times greater than agricultural land

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Topsoil & Its Significance

• Topsoil is the upper, outermost layer of soil, usually the top 5–10
inches (13–25 cm).
• 500 years for 2cm thickness formation – In practical terms Non-
• Consists highest concentration of organic matter, nutrients and
microorganisms; Highest level of biological activity
• One hectare of topsoil can contain up to 5 tonnes of living

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Consumption of Natural Resources

• Sand: One of the natural resources that is widely used in the last few
decades is sand which is a key ingredient of concrete, asphalt; An
estimated 1.4 billion tonnes of sand required for construction sector
in 2020 *.
 Sand Mining: Illegal and Uncontrolled sand mining causes
• Deepening of rivers and estuaries
• Physical altercation of the riverbeds and banks
• Effects the adjourning ground water system
• Causes destruction of aquatic ecosystem
• Water: In construction activities, a lot of water is used for the main
works as well as for ancillary works, including domestic needs

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use
Major Environmental Aspects/Impacts

Hazardous : Reactive, Inflammable, Corrosive, Explosive, Infectious and Toxic

Typical Hazardous Waste on the construction site include:

• Spills or leaks
• Used containers of construction materials such as concrete curing
compounds, admixtures, paints, etc.
• Automobile waste : Petroleum products from equipment operation and
• Septic wastes
• Bio medical wastes
• E -wastes

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use
Thank You

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

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