Paraphrasing and Summarizing Group 2

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Group 2
Melvern Adreva Ramiro Damita
Kayla Azizah Faradiva
Malika Firda Zahraini
Aristo Numan Perkasa
KPK Seized Rp 40 Billion in assets,
names new suspects in PT DI case
■ Assets worth Rp 40 Billion have been taken by The Corruption Eradication Commision’s
investigation of allegedly fictitious projects between 2007 and 2017 at state-owned aircraft
manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia.
■ Cash, land and structural property from suspects and witnesses have been declared seized by The
Corruption Eradication Commision’s on Tuesday. The corruption is estimated to have caused state
losses of Rp 315 billion.
■ Former PT DI President Director Budi Santoso and former DI commerce Director Irzal Rinaldi
Zailani have been arrested by KPK after got labelled as suspects for allegedly creating up to 52
fictitious contracts between 2008 and 2011 on Tuesday.
■ The new suspects are known to be former PT DI marketing and sales head Arie Wibowo, president
director Didi Lasamana of PT Abadi Sentosa Perkasa, a trading company, and PT Selaras Bangun
Usaha president director Ferry Santosa Subarata.
■ In the fictitious project’s arrangement with the then-directors of PT DI in 2008-2011 is
presumably involving Arie….while PT DI’s sales partners in the fictitious projects, Didi and
Ferry were suspected for being ones.
■ The KPK senses that, during the period of the alleged corruption, PT DI signed partnership
contracts with several companies, which include PT Abadi Sentosa Perkasa and PT Selaras
Bangun Usaha. Even though none of the companies ever fulfilled the terms of their contracts,
PT DI allegedly paid them a total of Rp 205.3 billion and $8.6 million.
■ According to articles 2 and 3 of the 2001 Corruption Law, the three suspects have been
sentenced for prohibiting personal enrichment that could incur losses to the state. According to
articles 2 and 3 of the 2001 Corruption Law which for each article carries a maximum
punishment of 20 years in prison and a fine of Rp 1 billion.
Summarizing Corruption Case

■ The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has seized assets worth Rp 40 billion
(US$2.7 million) in the form of cash, land, and structural property in its investigation of
allegedly fictitious projects between 2007 and 2017 at state-owned aircraft manufacturer
PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI). The suspected corruption is estimated to have caused
state losses of Rp 315 billion. KPK arrested three suspects, former PT DI president
director Budi Santoso and former PT DI commerce director Irzal Rinaldi Zailani,
former PT DI aerostructures director Budiman Saleh.The three suspects have been
charged with violating articles 2 and 3 of the 2001 Corruption Law ( maximum
punishment of 20 years in prison and a fine of Rp 1 billion), which prohibit personal
enrichment that could incur losses to the state.

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