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Class 10

Have you been doing anything interesting these days?

Is anybody who you admire?
Is anything that annoys you?
If you could travel somewhere, where would you like to go?
Did you watch anything on tv yesterday?
When were you on ....
When was the last time something/somebody made ...
Who made you
Countable x uncountable
Let’s pratice many/much/ a/an/some
• My pants need ironing. Have you got _an________ iron?
• Could you go to the baker’s and buy _a________ loaf, please?
• I’d like ___some______ information about trains to Paris.
• Louise has __a_________ very good health.
• The war ended _some_______ years ago
• Vanessa bought __a_________ paper and read it on the bus.
• Could you give me __some_____ advice, please?
• Do you Know um ch ________ people in this village?
A little/little
A few/few
Find the “odd man out”
Children table hope minute
Water freedom knowledge hour
Enthusiasm train luck sleep
Food child problem clock

Health police officer

Sickness factory
Doctor furniture
Happiness people
Some sentences ....
• There are a lot of shops in the city.
• Has he got many friends?
• There isn’t much food in the house.
• He is worried . He has got little money.
It’s OK. I’ve got a little Money left.
• He’s lonely. He knows few people.
She isn’t lonely. She has got a few friends.
• There is too much traffic.
There are too many people in the house.
There is
there Are
Countable x
Let’s pratice
Idioms with food
Let’s go
Tell me something you think it’s a piece of cake.
Do you know anybody who is cool as cucumber?
What things we should do to avoid being a coach potato?
Who is a big cheese for you?
Have you eve been through a situation that it was a lot on your plate?
Part 2
Do you have a balanced diet?
Do you like fruit and vegetables?
Do you eat them everyday?
Do you always have breakfast, lunch and
dinner ?
Do you always have breakfast at home with
your family?
What do you usually have for breakfast?
Do you usually have fast food?
How often do you have fast food?
Do you usually eat out?
What are these people



Do you often go grocery
Where do you usually go?
Do you make a list ?
What do you usually buy?
Let’s pratice.
Conversation Client
  Yes, a table for______ (number).
Good evening? Did you book a table? [sit down].
Here’s the menu.  
  Yes, I’ll have_________.
Are you ready to order?  
  I’ll have ________.
What about drinks?  
  No, that’s all, thanks.
Anything else?  
[bring pizzas and drinks]  
  Fine, thanks.
Is everything ok?  
  Yes please, ___________. / No, thanks.
Would you like a dessert? Coffee?  
  Could we have the bill please?
Of course!
By cash
At a restaurant
Video Activity
At the pizzaria
• What would you like to order?
• I would like to order
• I’d like to order

• Is it for pick up?

• Your total comes to ....
• It will take about 20 minutes
At the Burger joint
• I will have
• I’ll have ...

• It’s for here or to go?Can I have the name for the order?
• The straws are over there.
At the subway
• What would you like?
• Could I have ...?

• Which bread ? Footlong or 6-INCHES 

• Toasted?
• What would you like on that?
• Would you like cookies or chips?
• Do you want a fountain drink or a bottle today?
• What size?
• Would you like a receipt today?
• Could I get ...?
• Do you have rewards cards today?
• Is that cash or debit?

• What flavour would you like?

• The store opens_____three.

I'll go to there with you _____the evening.
• The ATM cake machine opened_____ March 15th.

Those are the best cakes _____ NY.

Is there flour _____ it? I’m gluten free.
• Try cooking them ______ home.

It’s just 15 minutes ______ the oven.
Differences at American restaurants

• The American dining experience is vastly different state to state and restaurant to restaurant, but still different from other countries' expectations. Tourists drop serious money
on American cuisine. So if you are planning to travel to USA, here are the things about American restaurants that people from other countries may find strange:
• 1- _______________________________________________________________
• Adding an additional payment to a meal for the hard work and good service of the staff is not required in several countries but in the US, restaurant workers are legally
allowed to be paid below minimum wage because tips are expected to make up the gap.
• 2- _______________________________________________________________
• The waiters are more likely to introduce themselves
What is most importantintohopes
you? of a tip and therefore, the majority of waiters and waitresses in the US give you the impression you have
made a new best friend for life, as soon as you walk in the establishment.
• 3- _______________________________________________________________
• In the US, Free refills of sodas and juices are very common. Abroad, most restaurants make consumers pay for each drink individually.
• 4- _______________________________________________________________
• Many 24-hour establishments, especially diners, are common all over the US. In other countries, they tend to only be found in big cities, but this is not the case in
America, where most restaurants are open with a full menu at least from morning to midnight
• 4- _______________________________________________________________
• America's portion size is very big. Usually, you will find much larger plates and even with different size options of portions the smallest one is still extra large compared to
other countries. How do you choose a restaurant?

_____ Location _____ Cost _____ Food _____ Service _____ What is most important to you?
Ambience Can you give an example of a restaurant you would go because
of the following reasons?

•What the customer says:
• Booking

•“I booked a table for two for … (8pm).

“It’s under the name of …” •“I’ll have…”
“A table for two please.” “I’d like…”
“Can I have …”
•What the restaurant staff say:
“We’d like to order …”
•“Of course. Please come this way.”
•If there are problems with the order, the waiter can say:
•“I don’t think we have any more … (lobster) left. I’ll check
•“Your table isn’t quite ready yet.” with the kitchen.”
“I’m sorry, but the king prawn soup is finished.”
“We’re fully booked at the moment. Could you come back a •
Dealing with problems
bit later?”
•The customer can say:
•Asking about the menu
•“Excuse me, but I didn’t order this.”
•These are phrases you can ask the waiter if you aren’t sure
“I’m sorry, but this is cold.”
of something on the menu.
“Can I change my order please?”
•“What’s … exactly?”
•The waiter can say:
“Is this served with … (salad)?”
“Does this have any … (seafood) in it?” •“I’m so sorry about that…”
“What do you recommend?” “Let me take it back for you.” (take it back = return it to the
“Let me change it for you.”
•What the waiter says:
•Getting the bill
•“Are you ready to order?”
•“Can we have the bill please?”
“Can I take your order?”
“Could we get the bill?”
“Anything to drink?”
“Could we pay please?”
“Would you like … (chips) with that?”
New expressions
• Bear with me = have patient with somebody
• Mixed up = confused
• Make up for = compensate for something bad with something good

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