Sayfa Içi Mock Uplar

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A human, in accordance with barbarian

customs, approaches the tribe with his
hands up and asks permission to pass
through their land. Then, with the
recipe he received from the tribal chief,
he sets off to the southwest of the
forest after his prey.

A dwarf took only one glance

towards the forest that hid his
invisible enemy...
and began to flee. Hearing his
enemy’s footsteps as he ran, he
smiled, once again the advantage
had passed to him, he suddenly stopped
running and swung his sword at the enemy
with a great accuracy.

A half-elf meets her employer in

an alley to get paid for a job she has
completed. Her employer suddenly
takes a dagger from her belt and
leaps on the half-elf, but with great
skill or luck, the half-elf dodges
the blade.

Bounty hunters have a wide range of abilities and emerge

from deadly situations by pushing their limits and
Level Prof. Features Tactical
Bonus Advantage

1st +2 Last Effort, Tools For Job ─

Fighting Style, Tactical

2nd +2 Advantage 1d4

3rd +2 Bounty Hunter Specialty 1d6

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, 1d6

5th +3 Extra Attack 1d6

6th +3 Relentless Pursuer 2d6

7th +3 Bounty Hunter Specialty 2d6

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 2d6

9th +4 Improviser 3d6

10th +4 Ability Score Improvement 3d6

Big Risks Big Rewards
11th +4 Deadly Focus 3d6
Some Bounty Hunters feel drawn to use their skills and
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 3d6 experience as adventurers. Because while raiding a
dungeon is dangerous, it is easier than stalking the jungle
13th +5 Bounty Hunter Specialty 4d6 for months. It is also a nice change for them to deal with
customers who will not (at least mostly) backstab them.
14th +5 Last Stand 4d6
Adventure is much more dangerous and profitable, and
Bounty Hunters step into the world of adventure, attracted
15th +5 Veteran's Knowledge 4d6
by both the danger of the job and the profit.
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4d6
Creating a Bounty Hunter
17th +6 Bounty Hunter Specialty 5d6
When creating your Bounty Hunter, consider two elements
18th +6 Survival Instincts 5d6 of your character's background: Where did your character
receive bounty hunting training or experience, and what is
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5d6
the character's relationship
to the law?
20th +6 Lethal Advantage 5d6
What was the trigger that drove you away from your
previous life? The rewards or the risks of adventuring?
DEADLY AND VERSATILE Having to flee because of problems with an employer or
partner? Did the loss of a friend or family push you to take
an even riskier route? Or maybe you've made a new friend
Bounty hunters spend their time mastering a variety of - another member of your adventure party - who has shown
weapons and tactics, but their job allows them to learn a you ways to use your talents for a nobler cause.
variety of skills, languages, and tools.

Although Bounty Hunters have many skills, they rely on Quick Build
their tactics and ability to improvise during battle. With
their tactical abilities, they take the advantage and attack You can make a bounty hunter quickly by following these
the weak points of their opponents to inflicting heavy suggestions. First, make Strength or Dexterity your highest
damage. In the face of danger, they often rely on their ability score, depending on whether you want to focus on
ability to improvise, but when the knife hits the bone, they melee weapons or on archery (or finesse weapons). Your
will push their limits beyond their limits to stay alive. next-highest score should be Constitution. Second, choose
the soldier background.


Strange portals began to open all over the kingdom. Many First, they realized that they could not remain completely
creatures, from strange fairies to evil demons, came out of hidden while manipulating events. Surely someone would
these portals and began to terrorize the kingdom. Although notice something or suspect something. It was a completely
the kingdom's troops, mages, and adventurers searched impossible plan to silence everyone with constant mass
through these mysterious portals, they found nothing but assassinations.
the knowledge that a horned and robed figure always This is how the Whisperers change their policy; If you
appears near these portals. can't quiet a room then you have to make so much noise
Larger and larger passages began to open, and more that no one can hear anything. Gradually they recruited
dangerous creatures began to emerge from them. Finally, in new members and spread half-truths and lies about them
desperation, the king call help from the champions of the everywhere with these new members. Thus, anyone who
realms. researched them would not be able to distinguish between
Yes champions... will you answer the call? truth and falsehood. could handle it before it spread enough
to require a mass assassination.

First, they realized that they could not remain completely
hidden while manipulating
events. Surely someone would
notice something or suspect

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