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Questions 1 – 3

Answer the questions below

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each
Write your answer in the boxes 1-3 in your answer sheet
1. What is the life expectancy of Earth?
2. What kind of signals from other intelligent civilisations are SETI scientists searching
3. How many stars are the world’s most powerful radio telescopes searching?

Type 1: Limited number of words
Questions 1 – 3
Answer the questions below
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each
Write your answer in the boxes 1-3 in your answer sheet
1. What is the life expectancy of Earth?
2. What kind of signals from other intelligent civilisations are SETI scientists searching
3. How many stars are the world’s most powerful radio telescopes searching?
Type 2: Unlimited number of words

Answer the questions below with the words from the passage.
Write your answers in boxes 4-6 on your answer sheet
1. What has been found in some Fancy Food products?
2. Where can you find the batch number on the jars?
How much will you receive for an opened jar of contaminated
Chicken Curry?
2 types of short answer

Limited Unlimited
word count word count
Questions 1 – 3
Answer the questions below
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each
Write your answer in the boxes 1-3 in your answer sheet
1. What is the life expectancy of Earth?
2. What kind of signals from other intelligent civilisations are SETI scientists searching
3. How many stars are the world’s most powerful radio telescopes searching?

The number of WORDS or

Questions 1 – 3
Answer the questions below
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each
Write your answer in the boxes 1-3 in your answer sheet
1. What is the life expectancy of Earth?
2. What kind of signals from other intelligent civilisations are SETI scientists searching
3. How many stars are the world’s most powerful radio telescopes searching?

Identify the number of WORDS or NUMBERS

Underline key words

Check-up: Underline the keywords

0. What is the number of children that the New England Journal studied?
1. At what age can the child stop eating peanuts if it has consumed peanut
snacks within the first 11 months of life?
2. Which is not one of the factor affecting a baby’s ability to speak?
3. What's the illness that 20,000 babies in the UK and US combined are
diagnosed with each year?
4. When is the perfect time to get the baby exposed to language learning?
Questions 1 – 3
Answer the questions below
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each
Write your answer in the boxes 1-3 in your answer sheet
1. What is the life expectancy of Earth?  number
2. What kind of signals from other intelligent civilisations are SETI scientists searching
for?  noun
3. How many stars are the world’s most powerful radio telescopes searching?  number
Identify the number of WORDS or NUMBERS

Underline key words

Identify types of words

1. What is the life expectancy of Earth?

”Since the lifetime of a planet like ours is several billion

years, we can expect that, if other civilisations do survive
in our galaxy, their ages will range from zero to several
billion years.” 

Identify the number of

WORDS or NUMBERS Skimming & Scanning

key words Identify types of words
Check-up: Find the synonyms and paraphrase
1. Christians and Muslims were visiting al-Qaryatain to appreciate what saint?

Synonyms: Paraphrase:
A. welcome A. look up to
B. venerate B. express appreciation towards
C. respect

2. Which marine animals need a thick layer of fat to survive in cold waters?
Synonyms: Paraphrase:
A. frosty A. low temperature
B. remote B. tropical climate
C. chilly
1. What is the life expectancy of Earth?

“Since the lifetime of a planet like ours is several billion years,

we can expect that, if other civilisations do survive in our
galaxy, their ages will range from zero to several billion
1. What is the life expectancy of Earth?
several billion years

3 words number
Identify the number of Double check the
WORDS or NUMBERS requirements

Underline key words Skimming & Scanning

Identify types of words

Check-up: Check the answer
  Question Answer No. of words Compatibility
1 Answer the question below using ONE
word only.
Which group of theories about humour Psychological theories ✘ ✔
describe it as being good for us?

2 Answer each question below with just ONE    

How many different rules for the use of Two ✔ ✔
hyphens did the study identify?
  Question Answer No. of words Compatibility
3 Answer each question below with NO MORE
THAN TWO words. French inventor
✘ ✔
Who invented the cinematograph? Léon Bouly

4 Answer each question below using the words  

from the text February 12, 1982 ✔ ✘
How the cinematograph was invented?
Check-up 1 Read the text and answer questions 1-3, using NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS for each answer
Illness is defined in a variety of ways, which depend on a number of factors. One of these
factors is age differences. Older people tend to accept as 'normal' a range of pains and
physical limitations which younger people would define as symptoms of some illness or
disability. As we age, we gradually redefine health and accept greater levels of physical
In Blaxter's (1990) national survey of health definitions, she found that young people tend
to define health in terms of physical fitness, but gradually, as people age, health comes to
be defined more in terms of being able to cope with everyday tasks. She found examples
of older people with really serious arthritis, who nevertheless defined themselves as
healthy, as they were still able to carry out a limited range of routine activities.
Check-up 1

Read the text and answer questions 1-3, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for
each answer

1. Why do some people accept pain as a part of life?

2. What did Blaxter want to find out about?
3. What does the text say about how older people define health?

Read the text and answer questions 1-3, using NO

MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer

1. Why do some people accept pain as a part of life?

 ____________________________________________________________
2. What did Blaxter want to find out about?
 ____________________________________________________________
3. What does the text say about how older people define health?
 ____________________________________________________________

1. Why do some people accept pain as a part of life?

 Phrases/Verb
2. What did Blaxter want to find out about?
 Noun/Nouns
3. What does the text say about how older people define health?
 Noun/Adj
Step 4
Illness is defined in a variety of ways, which depend on a number of factors. One of these
factors is age differences. Older people tend to accept as 'normal' a range of pains and
physical limitations which younger people would define as symptoms of some illness or
disability. As we age, we gradually redefine health and accept greater levels of physical
In Blaxter's (1990) national survey of health definitions, she found that young people tend
to define health in terms of physical fitness, but gradually, as people age, health comes to 2
be defined more in terms of being able to cope with everyday tasks. She found examples
of older people with really serious arthritis, who nevertheless defined themselves as
healthy, as they were still able to carry out a limited range of routine activities.
Suggested answer

1. Why do some people accept pain as a part of life?

 They are older
2. What did Blaxter want to find out about?
 Health definitions
3. What does the text say about how older people define health?
 Ability to cope
Use no more than 3 words to rewrite

1. He needs to take medication.

Remove the unnecessary words
 He needs medication.

2. The documents about the house

Use compound nouns
 The house document

2. There is a variety of reasons

Use noun phrases
 Various reasons
Tip 1

Remove the unnecessary words

No requirements
to use the words Use compound nouns
from the passage

Use noun phrases

“Using NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS for each, answer the following
Question Student’s answers Short answer
1. What were his There was a possibility that he a. His possible health
parents afraid of? would have problems with his problem
health b. Possibility to have health

2. When did they When doctors did a medical a. Medical examination

first find out there examination during the mother’s b. During the mother’s
was a problem? pregnancy pregnancy
“Using NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS for each, answer the following

Question Student’s answers Short answer

3. How does his At the moment he is not affected a. He needs medication
illness affect him? by it at all but he needs to take b. Not at all

4. What will happen Nobody knows that yet a. No change needed

in the future? b. Nobody knows
In Blaxter's (1990) national survey of health definitions, she found that young
people tend to define health in terms of physical fitness, but gradually, as people
age, health comes to be defined more in terms of being able to cope with
everyday tasks. She found examples of older people with really serious arthritis,
who nevertheless defined themselves as healthy, as they were still able to carry
out a limited range of routine activities.
Tip 2

Focus on the details about numbers

(year, date, quantity and so on) and
Check-up 2
Read the text and answer the questions. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer

1. What word did the people use to describe explorers when Stark was alive?
 heroes
2. What historical event interrupted Stark’s university education?
 World War I
3. What did Stark produce while travelling in Iran, in addition to a book?
 a map
4. What group of people did Stark research in Iran?
 the Assassins
Ex 1 : Read the text and find the words or phrases in the text that have the same
or similar meaning with the given words.

  Synonyms/ Paraphrasing in the text

a. The summit/ The top (paragraph 1) Peak

b. To begin to disappear (2)   out

To die

c. The essentials/ the fundamentals (2)  

The basics
d. Consists of (3)   up of
Is made
e. Some evidence of (4)   of
Ex 1 : Read the text and find the words or phrases in the text that have the same
or similar meaning with the given words.

  Originated in
f. Came from (5)

g. Was changed to suit different situation (5) Was adapted to

  Relies on
h. Depends on (5)

i. Not well-connected (5)
Ex 2 : Using NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS for each, answer the following

1. In what way do our body physically differ? (Paragraph 1)

A. Shapes, heights, colours, abilities
B. Genetics, ages
C. Social factor
2. What kind of job are poor people likely to have? (Paragraph 2)
D. Repetitive, physically difficult
E. Boring, inactive
F. Physically difficult or inactive
3. What aspects of poor people's living environments are not good? (Paragraph 2)
A. Housing and neighborhoods
B. Health problems
C. Social factor
4. What influences how groups of people value bodies? (Paragraph 3)
D. Cultural and historical context
E. Culture and media
F. Social networking sites
5. What have wealthy cultures changed their opinion about? (Paragraph 3)
A. The ideal body shape/ the idea of slimness
B. A large stomach
C. Valuations of body shape
6. According to sociology, in what ways should we think about the body? (Paragraph 5)
D. The slimness of the body
E. Biologically and socially
F. Age and height
7. Which two physical factors contribute to whether people are obese or not? (Paragraph 5)
G. Time and society
H. Food and exercise
I. Noticeable belly and stomach
Ex 3: Read the passage Out of the Wild, into Our Homes and answer the following
questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the passage.

1 According to the passage, what do people use to make things that

people think can improve their lives?

Parts of animals

2 What do people kill elephants and cut their faces off for?

(Their) Ivory tusks

Ex 3: Read the passage Out of the Wild, into Our Homes and answer the following
questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the passage.

3 What animal is mentioned after elephants as a victim of humans?

Seal pups

4 Whom do some animal protection movements want to protect

dolphins from?

The tuna fishermen


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