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Business Case Studies

Chapter-6 Testing and selection at Enterprise Rent-A-Car

 Founded in 1957, Dealing with the rental car, truck, bus etc. $10.1 billion annual revenue.  internationally recognized brand with more than 8,000 neighbourhood and airport locations in the United States, Canada, the U.K., Ireland, and Germany.  Enterprise had 728,000 rental cars in use, employing over 65,000 people at work.  Ranked highest in customer satisfaction among airport rentals in11 out of the past 12 years.

Attracting applicants Recruitment Testing

 Types of tests  Basic Testing Concepts

Steps in the Selection Process Attracting applicants Recruitment Selection

Case Study Questions GTU Questions

Attracting applicants
y External recruitment needed for new skills or business


y Advertising through newspapers and online

y Enterprise offers a clear Career Path y Trainees progress through branch management y May rise to General Managers over time y Enterprise is active within universities to attract talent y Interns act as liaison to potential applicants y Information provided through Careers Fairs and presentations

y Online recruitment process
y Applications through the Come Alive website y Improves speed and efficiency y

y Different entry routes

y Enterprise Internships for students at university y Students gain experience on the job across all areas of Enterprise y May lead to full time employment on graduation y Graduate Management Trainee programme y Fast-track career path to Assistant Manager


y Definition

The act of subjecting to experimental test in order to determine how well something works.

Types of tests
y Ability test (Achievement test):y It determine how well an individual can perform task related to the job. y Aptitude test:y It determines a person s potential to learn in a given area. y Personality test
y To measure a prospective employee s motivation to function in a

particular working environment.

y Graphology test
y To predict success or failure through handwriting. It is vastly used in


Motor Dexterity Test:This is the most important test for the company because the basic transaction of the company are related with the vehicles. Motor Dexterity is the skills of hand movement or use of both the hands while they are driving the car, bus ,truck etc.

Basic Testing Concepts

 The consistent scores obtained by the same person when

retested with identical test.

 It helps to credit whether person will be successful in given job.  validity test determine employee who will be able to perform the

job well and those who will not.

Testing in Enterprise

y Definition:-

The process by which an organization chooses from a list of applicants the person or persons who best meet the selection criteria for the position available, considering current environmental conditions.

Steps in the Selection Process in The Company

Selection Base
y Job description y Summarises the job Task, Duties Responsibility (TDR) y Person specification y Highlights the qualities the candidate needs to have Knowledge, Skill, Ability (KSR) y Candidates selected on y Match to skills and competencies framework y Ability to achieve not just current post but also future potential

Case Study Questions

Q. 1. Identify three reasons why Enterprise uses workforce planning.

y The HRM function not only manages existing staff, it

also plans for changes that will affect its future staffing needs. This is known as workforce planning
y To fill vacancies from retirements, resignations y To increase numbers to fill new jobs y To acquire new skills to use new technology

y Every year enterprise recruits an average of 1,000

staff into its graduate recruitment program in the UK and Ireland.

2. In a competitive market, what does Enterprise do differently to attract high quality candidates?
y Enterprise offers a clear Career Path y Trainees progress through branch management y May rise to General Managers over time

Enterprise is active within universities to attract talent

y Interns act as liaison to potential applicants y Information provided

through Careers Fairs and presentations

y External recruitment needed for new skills or business


y Advertising through newspapers and online

3. What competencies does Enterprise look for when recruiting in order to maintain its high levels of customer service?
y The assessment day is a standard part of the

Enterprise recruitment process. Candidates take part in practical exercises, including role-play, as well as individual and group activities. y Areas tested include
y customer service skills, y flexibility, y sales aptitude y work ethic y leadership and teamwork.

4. How does Enterprise s strategy of providing a career path benefit the company?
Grows the leaders and managers of the future Supports the professional Enterprise reputation

GTU Questions

Q.1 Explain the difference between recruitment and selection.

y The recruitment is the process of

Selection involves the series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant posts. y The basic purpose of selection process is to choose the right candidate to fill the various positions in the organisation. y selection is a negative process as it involves rejection of the unsuitable candidates.

searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation
y The basic purpose of

recruitments is to create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates.
y Recruitment is a positive process.

i.e. encouraging more and more employees to apply.

Recruitment is concerned with tapping the sources of human resources. y There is no contract of recruitment established in recruitment
y y

selection is concerned with selecting the most suitable candidate through various interviews and tests. y selection results in a contract of service between the employer and the selected employee.

Q-2) Why it is necessary to conduct reference checks during the selection process?
There are two main purposes for reference checks. 1) One purpose is to gain insight about the potential employee from the people who have had previous experience with him or her. 2) The second purpose for reference checks is to access the potential success of a prospect. Because anybody can give an objective assessment of an individual than his or her previous employer or a person known to him or her. But one should guard against the following while considering employing a prospect: 1) The prospect is likely to approach those persons who would speak well about him or her. 2) People may write favorably about the candidate in order to get rid of him or her.

Q-3) Explain the barriers to effective selection?

Perception: our inability to understand others accurately is probably the most fundamental barrier to selecting the right candidate. Fairness: fairness in selection requires that no individual should be discriminated against on the basis of religion, region, race or gender. Validity: validity is a test that helps predict job performance of an incumbent. A test that has been validated can differentiate between the employees who can perform well and those who will not. Reliability: A reliable method is one which will produce consistent results when repeated in similar situations. Like a validated test, a reliable test may fail to predict job performance with precision. Pressure: pressure is bought on the selectors by politicians, bureaucrats, relatives, friends and peers to select particular candidates. Appointments to public sectors undertakings generally takes place under such pressures.

Presented By,
[9] [15] [19] [29] [43] Vishalsinh Vaghela. Bharat Solanki. Haresh Soni. Ashish Patil. Rajiv Makwana.

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