Measles: Annisa Agustiana Maulana Halimudin Agung Priatna Ari Nuryanti Ratno Saputra

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Annisa Agustiana
Maulana Halimudin
Agung Priatna
Ari Nuryanti
Ratno Saputra

Measles is a highly contagious respiratory tract

infection. This disease is characterized by skin
rashes all over the body and flu-like symptoms.
Measles or also known as rubeola is caused by a
virus. Generally, symptoms appear about one to two
weeks after the body is exposed to the measles virus.
This disease is most common in children and can be
fatal. However, this disease can be prevented by
getting a vaccine.

Measles is an infection caused by a virus from the paramyxovirus family.
Transmission generally occurs through saliva splashes released by an
infected person when he sneezes and coughs. Anyone who inhales the
splash of saliva will catch measles. The virus itself can survive for
several hours and easily attaches to objects. If someone touches an object
that has been contaminated with the measles virus, it is highly likely that
he or she will be infected.


Complications caused by measles are generally bronchitis, lung

infections (pneumonia), inflammation of the ears, and brain infections
The initial symptoms of measles infection are usually a cough with phlegm,
runny nose, high fever and red eyes. Children may also have Koplik's spots
(small red spots with a blue-white center) in the mouth before the rash
begins. The rash will then appear 3-5 days after the initial symptoms begin.
The sequence of appearance of these patches from behind the ears, around
the head, then to the neck. Eventually, the rash will spread all over the body.

Until now, there is no specific treatment to cure measles, either in infants and
children, or adults. Measles is caused by a viral infection that is not sensitive
to antibiotics. The virus and the symptoms that appear usually go away in
about 2-3 weeks .

Solution to relieve symptoms of measles,Drink plenty of water to prevent

dehydration;Get plenty of rest and avoid sunlight as long as your eyes are
sensitive to light.Take fever-reducing drugs and pain and pain relievers such
as paracetamol or ibuprofen
Our advice as nurses is to educate them on the
importance of vaccinating, such as giving the
MMR vaccination twice. The first is given when
your child is 15 months old and the next dose of
the MMR vaccine is given when they are 5-6
years old or before entering primary school.
Vaccines have an important function in
preventing measles.

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