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Magazine poster-mental health 

• This is the image I used and had taken using a canon camera to
take a mid shot of my model. This image I decided to take in
portrait mode and as you can see her facial expressions are
very serious showing the message of this magazine cover is
giving a very serious and important message to the viewers.
The lighting is very natural and inside lighting was used as it
wasn’t to dark.

For the next part I decided to insert the

image into photoshop. I resized the image
so that there would be space around to
insert text and the title of the company.
After this I went onto image on the top and
press adjust to give me options to change
the filter of there image where I had
changed it to black and white to give it a
more serious look.
The next thing I done was found a barcode online where I saved
the image then inserted it onto photoshop where I insterted over
the image. I placed it on the edge on the bottom right corner. I
added this to give the idea that it is a magazine for the company

For my title I used dafont on the website to find the font style I
wanted to use. As you can see I had chosen one that looks
written however it also looks appropriate for a magazine cover. I
screenshot this then inserted it into photoshop over the top of
the girl in the image. The font choice of colour I used was black
because it is noticeable and looks more attracting to the readers.
The style of font is not to simple meaning it looks more
interesting and less plain. I had to removed the white
background by dissolving the layer to show only the writing on
the page.
The writing I used drop shadow to make it
more noticeable and after this I decided to
change the magazine because I realised the
writing wasn’t that visible. To fix this I
I then inserted text onto my image choosing the colour changed the font colours to black and
brown to give the image a bit of colour as most of it is just removed the background and changed it
black and white. I had to add a drop shadow on the into a brown background. I did this so that
blending options to make the writing more clear and everything could be more clear.
easier to see. I added a question onto the image using the
text box on photoshop, doing this makes the readers
engage more as it is directing to the audience. It will make
them question themselves and think.
To create my title I used the webisite dafont where I had font
the font I liked and used it to insert into photoshop and used
for my magazine cover.

I removed the black and white background after then changed

it to brown because this colour wasn’t to plain and made it
easier to see the writing. On the bottom I removed the white
background of the barcode to blend in more with the cover. I
had to cut out the outline of the person in the image to place
the background behind her.
I used questions to make the audience engage and think
instead of reading. It will make them question them self
and there mental health. The writing I kept black to make
it easy to read. Most of my fonts were found on dafont and
I used the fonts on photoshop to type the writing.

At the bottom right corner I included a price to the

magazine so people how much it would be. I kept it low to
make it affordable which would make people want to buy
it even more. The barcode white background was removed
because I wanted it to blend in more to the magazine
cover. I think it looks more professional and nicer this
This is how my final magazine cover turned out. I like how I
completely removed the original background and used a brown
one instead, doing this made it easier to read the writing on the
page. To make her blend into the image I used the blue tool on the
adjustments setting to make the model in the image blend in with
the background to make it look more natural. On the left writing I
added a brighter glow to the text as it went over the person in the
image to make it easier to read. The other sub heading I used a
drop shadow to make it look more eye catching to the audience. As
you can see the person in the image is clear to see because I used
natural lighting that wasn’t to dark to make it look brighter to not
make the cover to dark and depressing.

One thing I could of done better was maybe try to change the
background to make it look less plain. I could of included more
text and a release date to tell the audience when this magazine
poster will be coming out.

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