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Charles Dicken’s

Purva Mangesh Dere

8th B
Who was Charles Dickens’s

 Charles Dickens was a British

novelist, journalist, editor, illustrator
and social commentator .
 Dickens is remembered as one of
the most important and influential
writers of the 19th century. Among
his accomplishments, he has been
lauded for providing a stark portrait
of the Victorian-era underclass,
helping to bring about social change.
Charles Dicken’s books 📚

Throughout his career,

Dickens published a total of 15
novels. His most well-known
works include:
 Oliver twist
 A Christmas carol
 Hard times
 David Copperfield
 And many more…..
 Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England on February 7th, 1812. He is said to have
positive childhood afforded by his father.
 The family was poor due to his parent's overspending .The Dickens family incurred a great deal
of debt and by the time Charles Dickens was twelve years old, his father had been sent to jail
for not being able to pay back these debts. Charles was sent to work in a blacking company.
 The job involved putting labels on pots and paid Dickens just six shillings per week. The
conditions of the blacking factory were terrible, and Dickens was often cold and very lonely
working. After three years of work, he was lucky to be able to return to school.
 His experience in the factory, as a child laborer, was important as it served as inspiration for
several of his stories, including Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol. In both of these stories, he
heavily criticized the poor treatment of children in the industrial towns and cities across
His views on industrial
 The Industrial Revolution had a big impact on the world. The workers were
exposed to poor working conditions in the factories and mines that emerged in the
early years of the revolution. These factories and mines were dangerous and
ruthless places to work.
 The working conditions that working-class people faced were known to include:
long hours of work (12-16 hour shifts), low wages that barely covered the cost of
living, dangerous and dirty conditions, and workplaces with little or no worker
rights. The next issue that working people had to face was the equally horrible
living conditions in industrial towns and cities.
 The living conditions in the cities and towns were suffering and characterized by:
overcrowding, poor sanitation, The spread of diseases, and pollution. Workers
were paid low wages that barely let them afford the cost of their rent and food.

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