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science fair
● I predict that if I smile at
people most people will
smile back.
List of Materials
● people like women, men, young kids,
old men and women.

● Big smile.
1. Make a chart for data, gender, and age.
2. Choose 10 people to smile at.
3. Smile at each one four times.
4. Write down how they react, smile back,
stare back without smiling, nothing.
5. Determine if hypothesis is correct.
6. Form your conclusion from the data you
Observation/ Data
The first hour 3 people smiled back at
me. Then the second hour 2 people
smiled back to me. To continue,the
third hour there were 3 people who
smiled back and in the fourth hour 2
people smiled back. And in all nobody
frowned back
My hypothesis was correct because 10
people smiled back at me and nobody
frowned back to me. So yes smiling is

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