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Rule-based Systems (RBS) ..

Basic concept

Dr. Abdullah Almessmar

Rule-based Expert Systems
 Rule-based Expert Systems is a part of Expert
 What is Expert systems?
 They are computer programs that try to replicate
knowledge and skills of human experts in some area, and
then solve problems in this area (the way human experts
Expert Systems
 Expert Systems take their roots in Cognitive Science
 The study of human mind using combination of AI and
 ES were the first successful applications of AI to real-
world problems solving problems in medicine,
chemistry, finance and even in space (Space Shuttle,
robots on other planets).
 In business, ES allow many companies to save $
Rule-based Expert Systems
 Idea: to capture the knowledge of a human expert in a specialized
domain and embody it within a software system.
 The knowledge is stored as rules of the form:
 IF condition THEN action

 Rule-based systems were invented in the early 1970’s and are still
in use today:
 DENDRAL (Buchanan et al, 1969) – an “expert system” for analysing
chemical (intended for studying the soil on Mars)
 MYCIN (Feigenbaum et al, 1972) – system for diagnosis of infectious
blood diseases. Introduced certainty factors for handling uncertainty
Rule-Based Systems Today
 Modern rule-based systems are still based on many of
the ideas of the early pioneers, but are often
integrated within more complex systems.
 Some modern examples of rule based systems:
 The NHS Direct adviser
 The Automobile Diagnosis adviser
 Ikea online assistant
 American Express Authorizer’s Assistant
Architecture of a rule based system
 Knowledge base: contains the rules embodying expert
knowledge about the problem domain
 Database: contains the set of known facts about the problem
currently being solved
 Inference engine: carries out the reasoning process by
linking the rules with the known facts to find a solution
 Explanation facilities: provides information to user about
the reasoning steps that are being followed
 User interface: communication between the user and the
Architecture of a rule based system
Rule-based Expert Systems
 In rule-based approach, the symbolic knowledge is divided
into two types:
 Declarative: these are propositions describing facts, objects or
events that are true (i.e. happening or that we observe).
 Procedural: these are logical rules (inferences) that we can use
to reason using the facts and make decisions.
 There is evidence that human brain learns and remembers
these types of knowledge is some different ways. Rules
(procedural knowledge) are usually harder to describe and
Facts (Propositions)
 Facts usually are represented in a form of logical
 Tiger is a Felidae, Felidae has four legs, 4 is a sum of 2 and 2.

 Facts can be True or False.

Rules (Implications)
 Rules have the form:
 IF condition THEN action
 Examples:
 IF Tiger is a Felidae THEN Tiger has four legs
 IF the price is high THEN sell
 Condition can be a fact or a collection of facts, Action
can be adding another fact, asking a question, etc.
Rules (Implications)
 The IF. . . part is called the left-hand-side (or the
antecedent, the premise) of a rule.
 The THEN. . . part is called the right-hand-side (or
the consequent) of a rule.
Example: Weather forecast ES
Complex patterns
 The condition part of a rule may have several facts
connected by logical operators NOT, AND, OR:

 Example:

 Such a complex proposition (pattern) is just a more

complex fact.
 Logical rules for negation (NOT), conjunction (AND) and
disjunction (OR) are used to evaluate the condition.
Inference in a Rule-Based systems
 The inference process used in a rule-based system is
deductive inference.
 This means that the rules of logic are used to deduce
new knowledge from existing knowledge and rules.
 There are various different approaches to managing
deductive inference and the most common ones:
 Forward Chaining
 Backward Chaining
Forward Chaining
 Suppose we have a set of rules of the form
 If A and B Then C
 Then we may apply such rules to reason forwards
from the known facts in our database, to establish
new conclusions (i.e. facts) to add to the database.
 Specifically, if A and B are facts in our database, we
can apply the rule above, and add C to the database.
This is also called data-driven reasoning.
Forward Chaining
 The problem with this approach is controlling it.
 At any given stage there may be many different rules
which may be chosen to apply to extend the body of
 Identifying them all is a potential problem (matching).
 Deciding which one to use is another (conflict resolution).
Forward Chaining
 This problem can be solved by alternative approaches:
 Use the first rule found.

 Attach priorities to rules.

 Use the most specific rule possible.

 Use heuristics to decide which rule will be most

 Investigate in parallel the results of using different rules.

 Forward chaining is useful in RBS where no specific goal is

being explored. It was used in the DENDRAL system for soil
Backward Chaining
 We can think of our rules as:
 C If A and B

 We can then think of applying such rules in a goal-driven manner.

 If we have a specific goal in view (e.g., we are trying to confirm
the diagnosis of some disease) then:
 To justify C, apply the rule to generate sub-goals A and B.

 Then attempt to justify the sub-goals in the same manner, by

generating further sub-goals, until ...

 all sub-goals are facts present in the database.
Backward Chaining
 In general, this also requires some control:
 Where alternative rules exist, the order may matter.
 Many dead-ends may be tried before the solution is found.

 Backward chaining was used in the MYCIN diagnosis system

Advantages of Rule-Based systems
 Automated logic and reasoning
 Explain of solutions.

 Example:

 What about Ostrich?

Limitations of Rule-Based systems
 It is hard to describe all cases by rules.
 The knowledge is very task dependent and difficult to

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