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Batuan Sedimen / Endapan

 Sedimentary rocks are formed by the depositing of layers of sediments
such as sand, mud or clay, or chemical precipitation of such minerals as salt
of limestone, followed by compaction and chemical cementing of the grains
into rock. This latter process is called lithification.
Faktor pembentukan dan jenis
batuan sedimen
Factors of Transport
 Rounding
 Sorting

 Lithification
 Compaction
 Cementation
 Crystallization

Types of Sedimentary Rocks

 Clastic Sedimentary Rocks
 Biogenic Sedimentary Rocks
 Chemical Sedimentary Rocks
Batuan Sedimen Klastik (1)

Major Clasts Specific Clasts Sizes Wentworth's Clastic Scale

Boulder > 256 mm
Gravel Cobble 256 - 64mm
Pebble 64 - 4 mm
Granule 4 - 2 mm
Sand 2 - 1/16 mm
Mud Silt 1/16 - 1/256mm
Clay < 1/256mm
Batuan Sedimen Klastik (2)
Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks
 Limestone
 Biogenic Limestones
 Fossiliferous Limestone
 Coquina
 Chalk
 Chemical
 Oolitic Limestone
 Micrite (Lithographic Limestone)

 Dolostones
 primary
 secondary
 Diagenetic
 CaCO3 -> Mg,Ca (CO3)2
Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks
Batuan Sedimen Non-Klastik
Chemical Sedimentary Rocks
 Chert

 Rock Salt

 Rock Gypsum

Organic Sedimentary Rocks (Coal)

 Peat

 Lignite

 Bituminous Coal

 (Anthracite Coal)
Sedimentary Structures

 Bedding
 Cross-bedding
 Ripple Marks
 Symmetrical Ripples
 Asymmetrical Ripples
 Graded Bedding
 Turbidity Current
 Mudcracks
 Raindrop imprints
 Fossil
 Trace fossil
 Body fossil
Depositional Environments
 Marine
 Shallow marine
 Deep marine
 Reef
 Shoreline
 Beach
 Barrier Island
 Lagoon
 Delta
 Tidal Flat
 Continental
 Alluvial Fan
 Glacial
 Lacustrine
 Fluvial
 Eolian
Contoh Batuan Sedimen
Contoh Batuan Sedimen

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