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Faktor Resiko

Hubungan oral Transmisi Neisseria

sex gonorrhoeae

Kontak Langsung

Adhesi Pili NG pada sel epitel kuboid

dan lapis gepeng imatur (uretra,
endoserviks, vagina prapubertas, rektum, Kolonisasi & Invasi
orofaring, konjungtiva),

Inflamasi pada orofaring

lesi fibrin yang tersebar di faring dan laringnya

Holmes dkk, 2008; DelRosso dkk, 2013; Quillin & Seifert, 2018
• DelRosso L, Smith J, Harper M, Hoque R. Pharyngeal
gonorrhea presenting with isolated neck Pain. SciRes.
2013; 2(1): 44-45.
• Holmes KK, Sparling PF, Stamm WE, Piot P,
Wasserheit JN, Corey L, et al. Sexually transmitted
diseases. 4th ed. USA: McGraw Hill Medical; 2008.
• Quillin SJ, Seifert HS. Neisseria gonorrhoeae host
adaptation and pathogenesis. Nat Rev Microbiol.
2018 Apr;16(4):226-240.

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