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Dr. Eisha Khan

Sunday, May 29, 2022 1

Chapter Contents
 What is Research ?

 Meaning and Applications of Research

 Basic versus Applied Research

 What is Scientific Method

 Characteristics of Good Research

 Boundaries of Management Research

 Research in the 21st Century

Sunday, May 29, 2022 2

 This course goes by different names such as Business
Research, Management Research, Marketing Research,
Decisional Research, Research Methods in
Business/Management, and with a generic name as
Research Methodology.

 So whether we have to engage in our own research or

have to teach various courses center around the
research, or to learn or to apply the knowledge in solving
organizational problems we should have the basic
knowledge about fundamentals of research

May 29, 2022 3

What is Research ?
 It is defined as “orderly and systematic gathering recording,
tabulating, analyzing and interpreting the pertinent information
for application to research decisions”.

 Therefore, it can be used to identify and define opportunities

and problems related in conducting research.

 It specifies the information required to address research

issues, designs the method for collecting information,
analyzes, and communicates the findings and their
implications in the research presentation i.e. thesis.

 Research alone, however, does not guarantee success; the

intelligent use of research is the key to reearch achievement.

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Meaning and Applications of Research
 We can divide all research into basic and applied

 Basic research and Applied research

 Basic research: Expands the body of knowledge in a
particular field or to provide knowledge for the use of

 If a study is conducted to know factors which

determine the shopping habits of men and women is a
basic study.

 A study directed by a professor to measure differences

between high and low performing employees, relative
to their job satisfaction and their job turnover.

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Basic versus Applied Research

 Applied research : Solving a particular problem or for

guiding a specific decision and usually its results are
 It is launched because some organization has a
decision to make or a specific problem to solve.
 If a company has to decide whether a proposed
package change would likely to be a success in the
market or not.
 Employees are not satisfied with the present promotion
policy, and the research is conducted to find out the
reasons of dissatisfaction and then a decision is taken to
rectify the defects is an applied research.
 The dissimilarity ends here. Methods and techniques are
common in both types of research.

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What is Scientific Method
 The methods and techniques used by basic and applied
research do not differ substantially.

 Both employ the scientific method to answer the questions or

problems at hand

 The scientific method may be defined as “The systematic

analysis and interpretation of empirical evidence (facts from
observation or experimentation) to confirm or disprove prior

 Use the scientific method in research assures objectivity in

gathering facts and coming to conclusion.

 Thus both applied and basic researches use scientific method

in conducting research. We will discuss characteristics of good
Characteristics of Good Research
 Good research follows the principles of the scientific method.
 The characteristics of good research are:
 Defining clearly the purpose of the research: Before undertaking
the research, the problem involved should be defined in clear
terms and this should be in writing.
 Explaining clearly the of research process: Significant
procedural details make it possible to estimate the validity and
reliability of the data
 Using sound research design: This will help the researcher to be
as objective as possible. This criterion calls for complete
disclosure of methods and procedures used in the research
 Applying High ethical standards: Careful consideration must be
given when there is a possibility for physical or psychological
harm, invasion of privacy, and loss of dignity.
Characteristics of Good Research
 Stating limitations of the study candidly: The researcher should
report, with complete frankness shortcomings or limitations in
procedural design and estimate their effect on the findings.
 Analyzing research’s needs satisfactorily. The data should be
classified in ways that assist the researcher to reach pertinent
 Presenting the findings in a clear and unambiguous manner.
Presentation of data should be comprehensive, easily
understood , and organized so that one can readily locate
critical findings.
 Justifying the conclusions based on research data: It is
undesirable on the part of the researcher to draw conclusions
from a study of a limited population and applying them
 These criteria should guide all research studies.
Boundaries of Business Research
 Research in Financial Management Area
 Forecast interest rates trends, Mergers and acquisition
 Credit risk analysis
 Risk and return analysis & expected rate of return research
 Cost analysis research, Portfolio analysis research
 Research in HRM & Organizational Behavior Area
 Research to implement total quality management system
 Identifying leadership styles and effectiveness
 Job satisfaction and motivation research
 Research for absenteeism and high turnover
 Research to improve the organizational communication
 Employee productivity and Organizational climate research
 Research in Operation & Information Management Area
 Research for locating plant, Productivity research
 Enterprise resource planning research, Database analysis
Boundaries of Management Research
 It can be undertaken in all functional areas of management.
 Research in General Management Area
 Forecasting research—short and long range
 Research to identify industry and business trends
 Scanning domestic and international environment
 Research in Marketing Management Area:
 Measuring market potential for various products and services
 Market share and sales analysis
 Segmentation and positioning research
 New product development and acceptance research
 Ad effectiveness research—pre-testing and post testing
 Consumer behavior and satisfaction research
 Sales quotas, territories and distribution channels research
Research in the 21st Century
 Research has been influenced by two major trends.
 Global Research
 It is increasingly becoming global.
 General information about country - economic conditions and
political climate
 Cultural and consumer factors
 Market and competitive conditions - demand estimation
 Growth of the Internet and other information technologies
 Time is collapsing. Distance is no longer an obstacle.
 Crossing oceans is only a mouse click away.
 People are connected 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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