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Lecture Three

Source Transformation
Learning Goals:
• AC Steady State Analysis:
 phasor Relationships for circuit elements
 Impedance and Admittance
• Complex Power
• AC Analysis Techniques
• Source Transformation
AC Power in Resistor Circuit
i VmIm Ppk
VmIm Pavg
+ +
R v 2
e_ _ t
0 ½T i T

For a purely resistive load, v and i are in phase.

The average (or rms) real or active power,
P = VRIR = 1/2 VmIm (W), where VR and IR
are rms values, and Vm and Im are peak values.
Power to an Inductive Load
i VI p(t)
+ i v
+ v
e_ L t
_ ¼T T

Energy Released

Energy Released
Energy stored

Energy stored
v leads i by 90o -VI
During first quarter-cycle,
p = vi is positive, hence
power flows to L.
During 2nd quarter-cycle, p is negative and energy stored
in L is released back to the circuit
Power to a Capacitive Load
i VI
v p(t)
+ + i
e_ C v
_ t
¼T T

Energy Released

Energy Released
Energy stored

Energy stored
v lags i by 90o -VI
During first quarter-cycle,
p = vi is positive, hence
power flows to C.
During 2nd quarter-cycle, p is negative and energy stored
in C is released back to the circuit.
It is the ratio of the phasor voltage to the phasor current.
• V = I Z, Z is impedance, measured in ohms ()
• Resistor:
– The impedance is R
• Inductor:
– The impedance is jL
• Capacitor:
– The impedance is 1/jC
R, L, and C Circuit with Sinusoidal Excitation
Eg R L C +

iL Phas or diagram
t ZR = R

ZL = jXL = jL = L /90o
ZC = -jXC = -j/ (C)
W aveform s  = 2f
Complex Power
– Complex power represents both the real and reactive
components of power in a load.
– Let the sinusoidal voltage and current in a load be
denoted by:

Vˆ  Vm  v Iˆ  I m  i
– Then the complex power is expressed as:

VˆIˆ*  V  I 
Sˆ    m  v  m    i   Vrms  v I rms    i   Vrms I rms  v   i 
2  2  2 
Complex Power
– The real and imaginary terms of complex power
represent the real (P) and reactive (Q) components of
the power:
Sˆ  Vrms I rms  v   i   Vrms I rms cos v   i   j Vrms I rms sin  v   i 
Sˆ  P  jQ
– Note that many previously described power quantities
can be obtained from complex power
Apparent Power  Sˆ  S  V I  units  VAs
rms rms

Real (Average) Power  Re Sˆ  P  Vrms I rms cos v   i  units  Watts
Reactive Power  Im Sˆ  Q  V I sin     units  VARs
rms rms v i

Power Factor   cos v   i 
AC Analysis Techniques
• All the analysis techniques we have learned or we
will for the linear circuits are applicable to compute
– source transfomation
– Superposition
– node analysis/loop analysis
– Thevenin equivalents/Notron equivalents
• The only difference is that now complex numbers
are used.
• Phasors can then converted to corresponding
sinusoidal functions to get the time-varying function.
Example: find iL.


HW 8.1 – 8.50 & 9.1 – 9.26

Electric Circuit Analysis

A large Simplify
complex circuits circuit analysis

Circuit Theorems

‧source transformation ‧ Norton theorem

‧Superposition ‧ Thevenin’s theorem
‧Mesh and Node Analysis ‧ max. power transfer
Source Transformation
A source transformation is the process of replacing a voltage source vs in series
with a resistor R by a current source is in parallel with a resistor R, or vice versa.

Note: Consistency between the current source ref. direction

and the voltage Source ref. terminals.
Source Transformation Rules
• Note that the arrow of the current source is directed
towards the positive terminal of the voltage source
• Source transformation is not possible for ideal sources
(voltage source R=0 , current source R=)
• To solve a circuit using source transformation start at the
far end, Do not include the element of interest in any
• The final circuit must be two resistors in series with a
voltage source, or two resistors in parallel with a current

HW 5.85 – 5.105 & 8.93 – 8.100

Important Review
Example: Use source transformation to find vo in the circuit.

For 1 transfer to a voltage source: V=3*4=12V R:the same value

For 2 transfer to a current source: I=12/3=4A R:the same value 2

Add 4Ω and 2 Ω in series to get 6Ω resister 1

For 3 transfer to a current source: I=12/6=2A R:the same value 3

Add 6Ω and 3 Ω in parallel to get 2Ω resister

Remember not to include the element of interest
in any transformation
Add the current sources in parallel (opposite direction so
we subtract them) to get a current source of 2A
Using current divider law i can be found:
i=2* 2/(2+8)=0.4A
So… vo =0.4*8= 3.2V

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