Lecture 01-Introduction

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About The Course

• An introductory course on database systems.

• 3-1 Course: 3hrs Theory + 3hrs Lab per week.
• Primary focus: how database systems are designed and implemented.
• Covers
• Database design (ER Design)
• Relational databases
• SQL (Structured Query Language).
• Normalization
• Integrity constraints
• Transactions.
Course Outline

• Data/Information
• File based systems
• History of database systems, Database approach, Types of database systems
• Database Architecture, Database Life Cycle
• Entity Relationship Modeling
• Logical Database Design, Relational Modeling, Mapping
• Relational Algebra
• Structured Query Language
• Integrity Constraints
• Functional Dependencies, Normalization
• Advanced topics in database.
Text / Reference Books

Text Books
• Database systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, And
Management, Connolly, T. M. & Begg, C. E., 6th Edition (2015), Pearsons.
• Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke: Database Management Systems;
McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2000.
• Modern Database Management, Jeffrey A, Hoffer, 11th Edition.

Reference Books
• Jeffrey D. Ullman and Jennifer Widom: A First Course in Database Systems;
Prentice Hall, 1997.
• Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman and Jennifer Widom: Database System
Implementation; Prentice Hall, 2000.
Course Evaluation

S. No. Assessment Items %age

1 Assignments 10
2 Quizzes / Class Participation 15
3 1st Sessional 10
4 2nd Sessional 15
5 Final examination 50
 Total 100
Today’s Lecture

In this lecture, you will learn about:

 Data
 Information
 Information retrieval
Does Data Matter ?

Does data play any role in organization’s growth..?

• Continental - US Airline was at the bottom in ranking, in late 90s
• Business intelligence played vital role in Continental turnaround
• What Business intelligence (BI)?
• Improved customer service through data
• Effective collection, management & interpretation of Continental’s data

• Data matters indeed.

Data vs Information

 Data:
 Raw facts and figures
 Building blocks of information
Reg No, Name, Address, Gender
 Text, graphics, images, and/or video
 Information:
 Processed data
 Context is required to reveal meaning.
 Value is added to data. 30% 70%
Data vs Information

 Data: 51007
 Information:
 5/10/07 The date of your final exam.
 $51,007 The average starting salary of an accounting major.
 51007 Zip code of Bronson Iowa.

Data vs Information

Data Information
 6.34
 6.45 $7.20

 6.39
 6.62

Stock Price
 6.57
 6.64
 6.71
 6.82
 7.12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 7.06 Last 10 Days
Data -> Information


Summarizing the data

Averaging the data
Selecting part of the data
Graphing the data
Adding context
Adding value

What to do with Data ?

Data Information Decision Survival

 Information is extracted to reveal meaning in data

 Incomplete & inaccurate data leads to incomplete & inaccurate information
 Decisions are taken on the basis of information provided
 Accurate, complete, relevant and timely information is the key to good decision making
 The survival of an organization depends on the decisions taken
 Good Decisions  Raises (up) the organization
 Bad Decisions  Drowns (down) the organization

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