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Ma. Chelo Sumanting
II-BSED Social Science
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and Pansexual)
is an acronym used to include those who
fall out of the traditional gender or
sexuality norm.
refers to women who are physically and/or
romantically, and/or emotionally attracted to
other women.
are those who are physically and/or romantically, and/or
emotionally attracted to those of the same gender. It's
used for both women and men. Some women prefer
the word lesbian and some refer to themselves as gay,
though they both mean the same thing.
who are physically and/or romantically,
and/or emotionally attracted to both
men and women are called bisexual.
It's often abbreviated to 'bi'.
Trans means 'on the other side of' and transgender means
someone identified as a different gender than that of the
body they were born in. Some use surgery and hormones to
transition to the gender they're comfortable with though
some don't need to do that. If you ever meet a transgender
you should always respect the gender the person identifies
with and not ask awkward questions about their body.
is often used as an umbrella term referring to anyone who is not
straight and not cisgender. Cisgender people are people
whose gender identity and expression matches the sex they
were assigned at birth. Historically the term queer was used
as a slur against LGBTQIA people, but in recent years it has
been reclaimed by LGBTIQ communities. However, some
LGBTIQA people still find the term offensive. Queer is also
often used as a broad rejection of labels. In this context, this
could be a rejection of any type of label, but most often
refers to a rejection of labels for gender and sexual
is one who does not have distinct biological sex. It could be
because of their reproductive organs, their chromosome
patterns or other reasons. They have been called
hermaphrodites in the past but that might be offensive to
some as their culture might consider it an insult. Being
intersex is not linked to sexual orientation or gender
identity; intersex people can have different sexual
orientations and gender identities and expressions. 
 is one who doesn't feel sexual desire towards anyone. It varies
from person to person as each person's sexuality is unique
but one should note that asexuals can have romantic
attraction or emotional attraction, can have a sex drive or
sexual desire, and aren't necessarily celibates. They just
have no sexual desire.
Often referred to as “Pan”, this is a term used to describe a
person who is sexually, romantically, and/or emotionally
attracted to people regardless of their sex or gender
identity.  This is different from bisexual as bi's are attracted
to both men and women while pansexuals can be attracted to
people who are intersex or non binary or anywhere on the
gender spectrum.

“Equality means more than passing laws. The struggle is
really won in the hearts and minds of the community,
where it really counts.”

— Barbara Gittings

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