Ateeq Ali Al Qemzi

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Causes and Results

of the French

Submitted by:
Ateeq Ali Al Qemzi
Like all wars and revolutions,
there were a variety of factors
and events that contributed to
the climate before the French
Revolution. The effects of the
French Revolution, however,
remain indelible in the shaping
of French culture.
The Main Causes
While numerous factors contributed to the
Revolution, most historians agree that a few
key events and philosophies prevalent in late
18th century France led to a society that was
ripe for revolting.
Financial Crisis
The decadence of the monarchy, along
with other factors like war and poor
harvests, led to an 
extreme financial crisis in France during
the second half of the 18th century.
People were going hungry, and it
appeared as if the monarchy just
continued to spend carelessly.
At the time of the Revolution, Marie
Antoinette and Louis XVI were known for
spending frivolously. Marie Antoinette is 
frequently credited with callously saying
"let them eat cake" in response to finding
out that Parisians were starving.
However, it is probably more accurate
to say that she was totally unaware of
the people's suffering. Louis XVI
further added fuel to the fire by
dismissing financial ministers who
tried to bring about reform.
Influence of the
American Revolution
While it can't be said that the American
Revolution was a key factor in the
French Revolution, the seed that the
colonial uprising planted certainly
cannot be ignored.
The American Revolution ended in 1783, and
the American victory inspired much thought
 regarding the idea of a government that
serves the people. The writings of
Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau were
highly influential as they circulated
throughout society, accessible to the
common man.
Social Inequalities
18th century France was still under a feudal
system which further served to breed contempt
of the poorer classes towards the nobility. Taxes
were aggressively collected, 
but only from lower classes. 
The king ruled as an absolute monarch, although
there was also an Estates General. However, even
when the Estates General was called, it was
organized in such a way that only those of
nobility could truly have a voice. It was in this
manner that the people were shut out.
The Reign of Terror
While the goal of the French Revolution was to
establish a more democratic government that
represents all people as opposed to just the
wealthy and the aristocracy, the result ended
up being relative chaos.
The Reign of Terror, largely administrated by
Danton and Robespierre, saw the beheading of
many members of the royalty, including 
Marie Antoinette and countless others who
were members of the French court or were in
some way considered a threat to the new
Napoléon Bonaparte
As France struggled under ineffective
leadership that changed very little in the course
of the daily lives of the common people,
Napoléon was able to return from a campaign
in Egypt and, relatively easily, seize power with
military help. 
Napoléon established what is known as the
Napoleonic Code. Perhaps the most far-reaching
consequence of this was the establishment of the 
Napoleonic Code or Code civil des
Français. Essentially, the Code made the legal
system fairer to all in France regardless of
religion or wealth.
An Emerging Middle Class
Since the Revolution essentially 
ended the feudal system in France, one effect
that would greatly influence French culture was
the emergence of a middle class or bourgeoisie.
Society would never be the same, as the middle
class exerted increasing influence on how things
are done.
A Powerful Perspective
An entire history book could be filled with
what caused the French Revolution, plus the
resulting effects on France and around the
 However, understanding the gist of the
mentality of the time as well as examining some
of the far-reaching consequences can give
students a window into some of the thinking
prevalent at the time.
A. Spooner. Cause and Effect in the French Revolution:

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