MS-Excel Practical File

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Student Name : Shivansh Goel
Enrolment No. : 04317788821

28-02-2022 BCom(H) IT Practical File- BCom 113 1

P#1: Steps to apply nested sort

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Step 1: Select the data to sort → Then go to Data Tab
→ Click on Sort option

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Step 2: Pop up will appear → Select the column in
Sort by option and the order of sorting → To add
nested sorting click on Add Level option → Click OK

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P#2: Steps to set word wrap and merge &

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Step 1: Select the cells to word wrap and merge → Right
Click the mouse → Click on Format Cells option

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Step 2: Pop up will appear → Choose the desired
alignment → Click the Wrap text and Merge cells
option → Click OK

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P#3: Steps to set conditional formatting on
Text and on Numbers

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Step 1: Select the Data for Conditional Formatting →
Go to Home Tab → Click on Conditional Formatting
option→ Choose the desired formatting

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Step 2: Pop up will appear → Set the desired rule →
Click OK

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P#4: Steps to set Filters on Data sheet

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Step 1: Select the data to filter → Go to Data Tab →
Click on Filter option

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P#5: Steps to remove duplicate values from list

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Step 1: Select the data from which to remoce duplicates → Go to
Data Tab → Click on Remove Duplicates option

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Step 2: Pop up will appear → Select from which to
remove duplicates → Click OK

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P#6: Steps to convert text number as numerical
or number

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Step 1: Select the data to convert → Go to Home Tab
→ Click on the list in Number section

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Step 2: From the list, select the Number option

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P#7: Steps to set Paste special as value and
transpose the data

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Step 1: Select the data to transpose → Copy the data

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Step 2: Select the place where to transpose → Go to
Home Tab → Click on Paste option → Then click on
Paste Special option→→

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Step 3: Pop up will appear → Select Values option →
Choose Transpose option → Click OK

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P#8: Steps to set Text orientation of cell

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Step 1: Select the cell of which to change orientation →
Go to Home Tab → Click on Orientation option in
Alignment section

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Step 2: Change orientation according to need

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P#9: Steps to apply IF Condition and Nested IF

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Step 1: To apply IF condition → Select where to show
the answer → Use IF function

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Step 2: First type the desired logic test → Then type
the answer if the condition is true → Type the answer if
the condition is false

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Step 1: In case of Nested IF condition instead of
writing false condition, we add more IF condition by
repeatedly using IF function

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P#10: Steps to apply Subtotal Option

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Step 1: Select the cell where to show Subtotal → Use Subtotal
function → First type the number for desired function

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Step 2: Then select the range or numbers for subtotal

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P#11: Steps to create duplicate sheet within
same workbook and outside another workbook

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Step 1: Right Click on Sheet which to duplicate →
Click on Move or Copy option

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Step 2: Pop up will appear → Select Create a
copy option → Click OK

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Step 1: In case of duplicating to new Workbook → In
Pop up, Select new book option in To book menu

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P#12: Steps to set Page Break Preview, Header
Row and Freeze Panes

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Step 1: Go to View Tab → Click on Page Break
Preview option

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Step 1: Go to Page Layout Tab → Click on Print
Titles option

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Step 2: Pop up will appear → In Rows to repeat at
top option → Select the row to repeat

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Step 3: Go to Header/Footer Tab → Select the Header
to add → Click OK

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Step 1: Go to View Tab → Click on Freeze Panes
option → Choose the option as per preference

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P#13: Steps to set data validations and create
list using data validations

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Step 1: Select the cell where to create the list → Go to
Data Tab → Click on Data Validation option

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Step 2: Pop up will appear → In Allow menu, Select List option
→ In Source, select source for the list → Click OK

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P#14: Steps to show / hide formula

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Step 1: Go to Formulas Tab → Click on Show
Formulas option to show or hide formulas

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P#15: Steps to protect sheet

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Step 1: Right Click on Worksheet → Click on Protect
Sheet option

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Step 2: Pop up will appear → Type password to protect
sheet → Select Features that unauthorized users are
allowed to use in worksheet → Click OK

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