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Digital Business and E-Commerce Management e-Business (D)

Semester Ganjil 2021-2022

Magister Manajemen Teknologi ITS

Change Management
E Business

Maufthauddin M, 6032201067
Ollandio Graciela 6032201129
Fikri Rizky Adinata 6032201149
Main Contents
➔ The challenges of digital business transformation
➔ Different types of change in business
➔ Planning change
➔ Human resource requirements
➔ Revising organisational structures
➔ Approaches to managing change
➔ Knowledge Management
➔ Towards the social business
➔ Risk Management
Change Management ?
“Approaches to managing changes to organisational
processes and structures and their impact on organisation

staff and culture”

Challenges of digital business transformation

✘ Strategy
- How to Integrate with Internet?
- How much “funding” is needed?
✘ Structure
- Resources,Traditional Markekting
Transformation and IT function
✘ WorkForce And Talent
- Lack of knowledge
- Hard to find capable staf

A management framework to evaluate a firm’s organisational effectiveness and to determine if any elements are out of alignment with the firm’s overall vision

Plan to remain competitive. Strategy

Competencies and capabilities that can be Strateg
needs to clearly show what the key
leveraged to determine if the client has the y objectives and goals of the business
skills needed to achieve future goals
Skill Structur are
s e
Share Corporate hierarchy and critical
Management style and corporate d business units, as well as key
culture. How staff is managed and the Value responsibilities for employees and
impacts this has on productivity
s teams
Styl Syste
e ms
Procedures in place to achieve
Recruitment, training, and development
Staff business outcomes (typically the daily


Different types of change in business
BPR (Bussiness Process Re
Elements in Business Process May change to
leverage Business Peformances

Fundamental :
Re think based on “changing” in Business Process
(Services,Manufacture,Order Processing)
Critical Poin : Radical :
Based on budget, quality, Services and Velocity Re think based on all of elements in Business Process
Wich Poin, How Critical to transform ? ALL
Dramatic :
To get “Leverage” that measurable, 1 by 1 improvement
Plan Of Changing
Initiaton :
Determine Feasibility ,Risk and How

Prototyping :
Analyze, Design, Develop , and Test
Model of Improved Change

Final Implementation :
Acceptance and Migration

Maintenance :
Monitor and continual improvement

Human Resources
There are 2 types of employee in digital business

Staff retention Outsourcing

✘ Co-locating staff Companies turn to third
✘ Job-swapping parties to assist with their
✘ Interim collaborative digital business.
teams 🡪 Companies need to decide
✘ Creation of a central whether to partner with the
best of breed in each, or to
✘ Combine planning compromise and choose the
session one-­stop shop that gives the
best balance.
Revising Organizational
Four stages in the growth of revising the digital marketing
• Adhoc Activity : At this stage there is no formal organisation
related to e‑commerce and the skills are dispersed around the
• Focussing the effort : At this stage, eff orts are made to
introduce a controlling mechanism for Internet marketing.
• Formalisation : At this stage the authors suggest that
Internet marketing will have reached a critical mass and
there will be a defi ned group or separate business unit
within the com‑ pany which manages all digital marketing.
• Institutionalising capability : This stage also involves a
formal grouping within the organisation, with formal links
created between digital marketing and a company’s core
Approaches to To
Managing Change
Models for Achieving Change
✘ There are many process models for achieving change which can be usefully
applied to man‑ aging digital business-­related change. A classic model for
achieving organisational change was suggested by Lewin and Schein. It
involves three stages:
1. Unfreeze the present position by creating a climate of change by education, training
and motivation of future participants.
2. Quickly move from the present position by developing and implementing the new
3. Refreeze by making the system an accepted part of the way the organisation works

✘ Schein (1992) concluded that three variables are critical to the success of
any organisational change:
1. The degree to which the leaders can break from previous ways of
2. The significance and comprehensiveness of the change.
3. The extent to which the head of the organisation is actively involved in
the change process
Organizational Culture
✘ four different types of cultural orientation that may be identified in
different companies:
1. Survival ( outward‑ looking, flexible) – the external environment plays a significant
role (an open system) in governing company strategy. The company is likely to be
driven by customer demands and will be an innovator. It may have a relatively flat
2. Productivity ( outward‑ looking, ordered) – interfaces with the external environment
are well structured and the company is typically sales‑ driven and is likely to have a
hierar‑ chical structure.
3. Human relations ( inward‑ looking, flexible) – this is the organisation as family, with
inter‑ personal relations more important than reporting channels, a flatter structure and
staff development, and empowerment is thought of as important by managers.
4. Stability ( inward‑ looking, ordered) – the environment is essentially ignored, with
managers concentrating on internal efficiency and again management is through a
hierar‑ chical structure.

Knowledge Management
What is Knowledge Management?
✘ Knowledge Management is the management of
activities and processes for leveraging knowledge to
enhance competitiveness through better use and
creation of individual and collective knowledge
✘ A framework for the different activities that comprise
knowledge management. The main activities are
a. Identify Knowledge
b. Create New Knowledge
c. Store Knowledge
d. Share Knowledge
e. Use knowledge

Objectives of knowledge management

✘ Improving profit/growing revenue (67%)

✘ Retaining key talent/expertise (54%) Increasing customer
retention and/or satisfaction (52%)
✘ Defending market share against new entrants (44%)
✘ Gaining faster time to market with products (39%)
✘ Penetrating new market segments (39%)
✘ Reducing costs (38%)
✘ Developing new products/services (35%).

Using collaborative approaches for knowledge

✘ Use of content management systems such as Microsoft Sharepoint

Server for managing intranet content.
✘ Use of internal blogs where staff can blog about project work in
different categories.
✘ Use of microblogging using tools like Yammer, which has been dubbed
Twitter for business.
✘ Use of social networks within a business. Google+ is increasingly used
for this since it can be limited to external staff.
✘ Use of wikis,

Toward The Social Business
✘ With the increasing consumer usage of social media expert have
advocated that businesses need to change their organisational setup to
get closer to customers to provide better services and enhance their
✘ The key question to address is how can your organisation best use
social technologies to build relationships and derive tangible business
benefits from four main customer groups : existing customers; potential
cus tomers; internal customers (staff) and external customers (business
✘ Very few organisations have developed an integrated and coordinated
social media strategy fully aligned with, and supportive of, core
business goals and objectives.

Risk Management

✘ Risk management is intended to identify potential risks in a

range of situations and then take actions to minimise the
✘ Risk management involves these stages:
1. Identify risks, including their probabilities and impacts.
2. Identify possible solutions to these risks.
3. Implement the solutions, targeting the highest ‑ impact, most likely
4. Monitor the risks to learn for future risk assessment.

As an alternative view of risks with a wider organization context, Simon
(1999) presents a simple risk calculator based on different types of risks
faced at a company level. This calculator can be usefully applied to
digital business change or a high‑ growth dot‑ com company since
significant change may accentuate these risks.

Any questions?


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