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NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation


NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation



Problem Description

For this problem, we use the Lanczos method to find the first ten natural frequencies and mode shapes of a flat rectangular plate. Below is a finite element representation of the rectangular plate. It also contains the geometric dimensions and the loads and boundary constraints. Table 1 contains the necessary parameters to construct the input file (see next page).

NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation



Problem Description (cont.)


en t (a) Hei t (b) .1

in in in

T ic ness ei ass/ t Densit ei t actor o l s

. 8 lbs/in . 9E

sec /in


. E6 lbs/in .

Poissons Ratio

NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation



Suggested xercise Steps

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

. 7. .

Create a geometry surface using the given dimensions. Mesh the surface with Quad elements using Global dge Length of 0.5. Assign the boundary conditions to the model. Create the appropriate material properties and call it mat_1. Assign the appropriate element properties to the model and call it prop_1. Submit the model to MSC.Nastran for analysis. Attach the .XDB results file. Post Process results create a quick plot for each of the 10 mode shapes.

NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation



Create a new database called ws1.db. a. File New. b. nter ws1a as the file name. c. Click OK. d. Choose Default Tolerance. e. Select MSC.Nastran as the Analysis Code. f. Select Structural as the Analysis Type. g. Click OK.

e f b c g

NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 1. Geometry: Create / Surface / XYZ

Create a 5 x 2 surface. a. Geometry: Create Surface XYZ. b. nter <5 2 0> as the Vector Coordinates List. c. Turn off Auto Execute. d. Click Apply.

b c

NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 2. Elements: Create / Mesh / Surface

Create the finite elements on the surface. a. lements: Create Mesh Surface. b. Select Quad for lem Shape and IsoMesh for Mesher. c. Screen pick Surface 1 for the Surface List. d. Uncheck the Automatic Calculation option. e. Change the Global dge Length value to 0.5. f. Click Apply.

c d e

NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation WS1a-

Step 3. Loads/BCs: Create / Displacement / Nodal

Assign the boundary constraints to the finite element model. a. Loads BCs: Create Displacement Nodal b. nter constraint for the New Set Name. c. Click Input Data. d. Input the value <0,0,0> for the Translation and <0,0,> for the otation e. Click OK. f. Click on Select Application Region. g. Change the Geometry Filter to FEM. h. Select all the nodes on the left edge of the plate. i. Click Add and OK. j. Click Apply. NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation

a g d

h i

c f j


Step 4. Materials: Create / Isotropic / Manual Input

Create the material properties. a. Materials: Create Isotropic Manual Input. b. nter mat_1 for the Material Name. c. Click Input Properties. d. nter 3e7 for the lastic Modulus and 0.3 for Poisson atio. e. nter 0.282 for the Density. f. Click OK. g. Click Apply.

d e

c f
NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation WS1a-10

Step 5. Properties: Create / 2D / Shell

Assign element properties to the model. a. Properties: Create 2D Shell. b. nter prop_1 for the Material Name. c. Click Input Properties. d. Click in the Material Name icon, and select mat_1 from the Select Material box. e. nter 0.1 for the Thickness. f. Click OK. g. Select Surface 1 in the Select Members box. h. Click Add and click Apply.

a d e

c f h g

NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation WS1a-11

Step 6. Analysis: Analyze / Entire Model / Full Run

Submit the model for analysis. a. Analysis: Analyze ntire Model Full un. b. Click on Solution Type. c. Select Normal Modes. d. Click on Solution Parameter. e. nter 0.00259 for WtMass Conversion. f. Click OK. g. Click OK.

d b

NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 6. Analysis: Analyze / Entire Model / Full Run (Cont.)

Submit the model for analysis (cont.). a. Click on Subcases. b. Select Default in Available Subcases c. Click on Subcase Parameters. d. Select Lanczos xtraction Method. e. nter 10 as the Number of Desired oots. f. Select Mass for Normalization Method. g. Click OK. h. Click Apply. i. Click Cancel. j. Click Apply.

b d

e f c

g h
NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation WS1a-13

a i j

Step 7. Analysis: Access Results / Attach XDB / Result Entities

Attach the XDB result file. a. Analysis: Access esults Attach XDB esult ntities. b. Click on Select Results File. c. Select ws1a.xdb. d. Click OK. e. Click Apply.

NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation WS1a-14

Step 8. Results: Create / Quick Plot

Create a Quick Plot of the first mode shape. a. esults: Create Quick Plot. b. Click on A1:Mode1. c. Select Eigenvector, Translational in both Fringe and Deformation result boxes. d. Click Apply.

NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation WS1a-15

Step 8. Results: Create / Quick Plot

NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation



Summary of Frequencies and Modes for project _______________


Freq (Hz)


NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation


NAS122, Workshop 1a, August 2005 Copyright 2005 MSC.Software Corporation


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