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I am Ana Algunas
I will be your reporter for today! 

Revolutionary activity
Let’s start with the
first set of slides
Revolutionary activities

Against the lowering and portentous

backdrop of revolution in France, the most
important influence on the political lives
of two generations of politicians from the
younger Pitt (1759-1806) to Robert Peel
(1788-1850), all threats of revolution were
taken seriously.

Revolutionary activities

A painting of the Peterloo Massacre by

George Cruikshank, 1819. A crowd of
60,000 had gathered in St Peter's Fields,
Manchester, to hear speeches supporting
parliamentary reform. Eleven were killed
and 400 injured after a Yeomanry charge.

Revolutionary activities

During periods of economic turbulence,

such as 1815-20 and during the so-called
Reform Act crisis of 1829-32, masses of
people could appear on the streets in
support of either democracy or

Parliamentary reform
Let’s start with the
first set of slides
Parliamentary reform

Tory governments since the 1790s had

provided a strong thread of anti-reformist
continuity. The Whig government that
followed it under Earl Grey, however,
came into office with plans for
parliamentary reform, and a succession of
Whig leaders proclaimed that reform was
necessary to secure the state.

Parliamentary reform

A general election held in 1831 gave the

Whigs an unassailable majority for reform
in the Commons but it did little to change
opinion in the Lords, and the Lords'
rejection of the Whigs' second reform bill
in October led to widespread rioting
throughout Britain.

Thanks! 


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