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MENTOR: Ms Ankita sharma SUBMITTED BY: Akash Singh

Enrollment no : 03935101719


 The most crucial issue for the marketers is to identify the needs of the consumers. Only the identification of needs is
of no value unless and until this is transformed in to a meaningful and appropriate satisfiers. For this whole process of
converting needs into actual satisfaction one needs to understand the complete make up of consumer’s mind, and this
process is known as consumer behavior

Hawkins, Best and Coney describes “The field of consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations
and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy
needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society”.

On the basis of above definition, it can be concluded that consumer behavior is the study of consumers regarding what
they buy, when do they buy, from where they buy, how frequently they buy, and how they use certain products. But
the study does not stop here as it also goes further to study the post purchase and evaluations of the consumers. So, it
addresses all the issues related from pre-purchase to post purchase behavior of the consumers.
Objective of the study
● To analyze the customer preference level associated with different types of laptops
● To find out the customer preference towards the
various laptops. ● To study the factors influences decision–
making while purchasing a laptop.
By Rinal B Shah (2012), it was found that perceived quality and brand loyalty had a
significant positive direct effect on brand equity in purchases of laptops. It had the
strongest impact which indicated the essential role of development of perceived quality
and brand loyalty in minds of customers to build brand equity for laptop brands. While
exploring how consumers‟ psychological factors (Motivation, perception, and attitude)
are associated with brand equity (brand loyalty, brand association, perceived quality, and
brand awareness) of laptop, WahidaFarzana (2012), found that consumers‟ motivation
to use laptop and brand association criteria work separately.
According to Vijay R. Kulkarni (2013), Brand& Features, Price, Visibility & Service Centre,
Reliability & Responsiveness, Warranty, Guarantee &After Sales Service, are the factors
which impact the buying behaviour of the postgraduates students in making purchases
of laptop.
Primary Data: - It is the data which has been collected through personal contact.
Through Questionnaire: - Questionnaire is a written set of questions, the answers to which are recorded by the
Through Personal Interaction: - In Personal Interaction, an interviewer ask questions in a face to face contact to the
other person.
Secondary Data: - It is the data which is available in the form of facts and figures. The sources of secondary data are:-
Method of Data Collection: In this project data was collected through questionnaire. A structured questionnaire was
made using google forms, link of which was sent to college mates and other people. There were a total of 50 respondents
Sampling Technique
For my survey I have used Convenience sampling technique.
Convenience Sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where subjects are selected because of their convenient
accessibility and proximity to the researcher.
SAMPLE SIZE – Sample of 50 people was taken in order to conduct the research.

• The respondents for the survey included 70% of Male respondents. Total male
respondents were 35.On the other hand, there were 30% of female respondents. The
total number of female respondents was 15.
• The majority of respondents are 34 from Student background, followed by Employee and
Self employed sector both have 8 respondent each , House maker & other have 0
• The graph represents the ages of the respondents. The majority of the respondents, i.e.,
35 were of the age 15 to 25 years, followed by 10 respondents of age 26 to 35 years and
there are 5 respondents of age 36 to 45 years . There were zero respondents of age above
46 to55 years.
•  Which brand of laptop respondents use has shown in the upper graph. HP users are 14,
13 uses DELL, 7 uses Apple, 6 uses Lenovo, 4 uses Acer, 0 users are of Samsung and 3
respondents uses other brands.
• 50% of the respondents agree or strongly agree that screen size has an impact in their
buying preferences whereas 26% of the respondents don’t think it has a great impact in
their buying preferences and the rest 24% are neutral about their preferences regarding
screen size.
Five factors are clearly emerging from the factor analysis table. As rotated
component matrix reveals hard-disk capacity, battery life, after sale services,
graphics card, processor advancement and accessories have higher
correlation. So we clubbed those five variables and considered as a factor of
technical specification of a laptop.Likewise factor-2 is Physical Appearance of
laptop which clubs colour and design of the laptop, factor-3 is purchase
convenience which includes store location and promotional offers, while
factor-4 is affordability which includes price of the laptop, and factor-5 is
brand impact. Thus, these five factors explains pre-purchase buying
preferences of consumers while purchasing the laptop.
In this study, it has been found that there are basically four factors which influence the consumers’ laptop purchase
decisions. These factors can be stated as follows: technical specifications, physical appearance of the product, purchase
convenience and Affordability. This study recommends companies to invest in technology through R & D and create
differentiation at utmost level. This research has been limited to laptop sector and factors influencing consumers’
purchase decisions in Delhi only, since sectoral differences play a vital role, it is also recommended to replicate this study in
distinct sectors

The Indian laptop industry is rising very rapidly because the consumer
work life style is change day by day, consumer needed are increasing
they want those type of product which is save their time, money and
increasing their work efficiency, also available anytime or anywhere. In
simple words we can say that the laptop should only one thing which
might work as a human. Some of factor for increasing laptop sales such
as for example where past few decades ago laptop price used to be
more than desktop but today laptop price is equal to the desktop price.
Technological world today and it cannot be ignored Indian laptop
industry has going on path of progress step by step just because due to
the expansion of technology in all over the world.
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International Journal of Computing and Business Research

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