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Business Environment

By: Dr. Vibhuti Tripathi, SMS

What is Business???

Business may be understood as the organized efforts of

enterprises to supply consumers with goods and services for a

commercial activity.

Requires some form of investment and enough customers to

whom its output can be sold on a consistent basis in order to
make profit.

Businesses can be privately owned, not-for-profit or state-

Contemporary Business goals

• Profit
• Growth
• Market Leadership
• Customer satisfaction
• Employee satisfaction
• Quality Products & Services
• Service to Society

◻ Managing Bottom line

◻ Meeting stakeholders expectations
◻ Developing and retaining top talent
◻ Creating a customer responsive organization
◻ Diminishing time to market
◻ Market agility
◻ Pricing and quality
What do you mean by Business Environment???

The environment of any organization is “ the

aggregate of all conditions, events and influences
that surround and affect it.”
Characteristics of Business Environment:
• Complex
• Dynamic
• Multi-faceted
• Far- reaching impact
Why Study Business Environment

• Development of broad strategies to ensure sustainability

• To foresee the impact of socio-economic changes at the

national and international levels on firm’s ability

• Analysis of competitor’s strategies and formulation of

effective counter measures

• To keep oneself dynamic

Types of Environment

• Internal Environment
• External Environment
– Macro environment
❖Non Economic
– Micro Environment
Internal Environment

◻ Refers to all the factors that are within an organization which

impart strengths or cause weaknesses of strategic nature.
◻ Controllable factors. These include:
– Value system

– Vision, Mission and Objectives

– Management Structure and Nature

– Company Image and Brand Equity

Components of Internal Environment

• Other Factors
• Physical Assets and Facilities
• R & D and Technological Capabilities
• Marketing Resources
• Human Resources
• Financial Resources
External Environment

• Includes all factors outside the organization

which provide opportunities or pose threats
to the organization

• Uncontrollable factors

• Consists of Micro and Macro environment

Organization and Its Environments
Micro Environment
“It consists of the factors in the company’s
immediate environment that affect the performance
of the company”.

also known as the task environment and operating

because the micro environmental forces have a direct

bearing on the operations of the firm.
Micro Environment Factors

Marketing Intermediaries
Financial Community
Micro Environment of a typical car manufacturer



Local Potential
Communities Customers

Stakeholders Customers


Government Competitors Car Dealers


For For
Customers Supplies
Macro Environment

It comprises general trends and forces that

may not immediately affect the organization
but sooner or later will alter the way
organization operates.

Macro Environment :-
▪ Economic
▪ Non Economic
Economic Environment
– Economic stages that exists at a given time in a country

– Economic system that is adopted by a country for example. Capitalistic,

Socialistic or Mixed Economy

– Economic planning, such as five year plans, budgets, etc.

– Economic policies for example, monetary, industrial and fiscal policies

– Economic Problems

– Functioning of economy
• Economic Indices such as
• National Income - total amount of money earned within a country.
• Per Capital Income, - average income earned per person in a given area (city, region, country, etc.)
in a specified year. 

• Disposable Income - income remaining after deduction of taxes and social security charges,
available to be spent or saved as one wishes.

• Rate of growth of GNP - total value of goods produced and services provided by a country during
one year, equal to the gross domestic product plus the net income from foreign investments.

• Distribution of Income - equality with which income is dealt out among members of a society.

• Rate of savings - amount of money, expressed as a percentage or ratio, that a person deducts
from his disposable personal income to set aside for future financial goals.
Non Economic Environment

– Regulatory Environment

– Socio- Cultural Environment

– Demographic Environment

– Technological Environment

– Political Environment
Non- Economic Environment

• Cultural Environment

– Social Customs & Rituals and practices

– Lifestyle patterns

– Family structure

– Role & position of men, women, children and

aged in family & society
Non- Economic Environment
◻ Demographic Environment
¤ Growth of population

¤ Age Composition

¤ Life Expectancy

¤ Sex Ratio

¤ Fertility and Mortality rates

¤ Inter-state migration

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