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Timeline of UHC
Implementation and Updates
DOH plan for the hiring of HRH
• Devolution plan has already been submitted. 4th income class
municipalities will be prioritized in terms of hiring.
• Budget in hiring will be increased per DOH AO
• Guidelines on hiring of HRH are available thru joint DOH and
DBM guidelines
Timeline of UHC
Implementation and Updates
Status of the implementation of the UHC
• Monitoring tool should be made in order to assess the progress
of each LHS
• The CHDs are already requesting for independent evaluation
regarding the UHC implementation for assurance that what they
are doing is aligned with the UHC plans.
Timeline of UHC
Implementation and Updates
Questions regarding KRA 3.2
• The goal is for every family has a primary health care provider
• These primary health care providers will be licensed with
• The registration of all constituents is just to have a list;
constituent has the option
Discussion on the LHS ML Status of the Central and South
Luzon UIS

BHW training
• USEC Tong-an suggests that HHRDB give technical support to
TESDA on what to add to the BHW curriculum so that there is
no need to create new curriculum in DOH
• Barangay Service National Certificate II is already on-going.
Details on this can be requested from HHRDB
Discussion on the LHS ML Status of
the Central and South Luzon UIS
BHW training
• HDRDB will prepare Technical Assistance (TAs) for CHDs and
• Since 2017, BHW already has their modules. There should be a
collaboration between the DOH and TESDA. KMITS should be
able to make a very good dropdown system.
• Basic course in epidemiology is suggested
Discussion on the LHS ML Status of the Central and South
Luzon UIS

Progress evaluation
• Put it in writing for evaluation to be done
Discussion on the LHS ML Status of the Central and South
Luzon UIS

Supply chain
• Use positions instead of names in the event that there will be
changes in personnel
Discussion on the LHS ML Status of the Central and South
Luzon UIS
Advanced payment for Hospitals
• Integration has to take place before the release of funding
• Provinces will manage the budget and facilities
• These will be monitored by PHIC for the granting of the
global budget
Discussion on the LHS ML Status of the Central and South
Luzon UIS
Public officials
• Governors, vice governors, and mayors should be oriented
about the benefits of the program
• The provinces that made strides had the support of their public
Discussion on the LHS ML Status of the Central and South
Luzon UIS
Moving forward
• Independent evaluation regarding the UHC implementation
for assurance that what they are doing is aligned with the
UHC plans
Discussion on the LHS ML Status of the Central and South
Luzon UIS
Bridge between the CHD and the CO
• UHC Core Group and UHC Technical Working Group aims
to bridge this gap
• These connect the Central Office to the Regions
Discussion on the LHS ML Status of the Central and South
Luzon UIS
Capacity Development
• Capacity building should be tailor-fitted per Regions
• They can contact HHRDB for collaboration and assistance
Konsulta Provider Network
• Patients can choose their primary health care provider can
be based on their preference
• Choice can be between the RHU or the local hospital
Konsulta Provider Network
Role of the Primary Care
• Primary care to be the gatekeepers to avoid hospitals being
• From here, patients can be referred to specialists.
Konsulta Provider Network
Teleconsultation and Telemedicine
• These will be included in the benefit package especially for
referrals to specialists
Konsulta Provider Network
Additional Konsulta Centers
• LGUs should engage their providers in the area to establish
• Intensify the marketing of Konsulta. Market the packages to
LCPs to encourage them to be accredited
Konsulta Provider Network
PhilHealth reimbursement for Level 1 hospitals
• As for policy, PHIC cannot reimburse to Level 1 Hospitals
(disallowed by COA)
Konsulta Provider Network
Concerns about amount allocated per capita
• The amount is just preliminary and can still change
Konsulta Provider Network
Benefit allocation for HCWs
• Discretion of the PHIC and the Local Government as to the
distribution of benefits

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