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Arinda Safitri 19320018
Nilla Syafhira 19320129
Table of Contents



Language and Gender

Debora Tannen (1990) - Penulis asal Amerika dan Professor di

Universitas Georgetown Washington, D.C

“ Men and women are different when they communicate ”

Terdapat perbedaan antara Wanita dan Pria dalam berkomunikasi

Language is a sign system that contains terms, concepts, and labels
that are distinguished by gender. Language also greatly influences our
perception and perspective on things.

Bahasa adalah sistem tanda yang berisi istilah, konsep, dan label yang
dibedakan berdasarkan Gender. Bahasa juga sangat mempengaruhi
persepsi dan perspektif kita tentang berbagai hal.
Gender refers to the sociocultural dimension of a person as male or female.
One aspect of gender gives birth to a gender role (general) which is an
expectation that defines how women and men should think, behave, and

Gender mengacu pada dimensi sosiokultural seseorang sebagai laki-laki atau

perempuan. Salah satu aspek gender melahirkan peran gender (umum)
yang merupakan harapan yang mendefinisikan bagaimana perempuan
dan laki-laki harus berpikir, berperilaku, dan merasa.
Language and gender itself is an area of study within sociolinguistics, aplied
linguistics, and related field that investigates varieties of speech
associated with a particular gender, or social norms for such gendered
language use.

Bahasa dan gender itu adalah bidang studi dalam sosiolinguistik, linguistic
terapan, dan bidang terkait yang menyelidiki jenis Bahasa yang terkait
dengan jenis kelamin (gender) tertentu, atau norma sosial untuk
penggunaan bahasa gender tersebut.
 Feelings  Rational
 Emotions  Logic

Women Men
Factors That Affect Differences in Interaction
Between Men and Woman

Different socialization
01 02 Different expectation from society

Different cultural values Different acculturation process

03 04
Language and Gender

Men Women

A: ayo nongkrong A: ayo nongkrong!

B: ayo. B: dimana? Sama siapa aja? Kira-kira
sampai jam berapa?

Men Woman

A: kamu kenapa? A: kamu kenapa?

B: lagi banyak masalah bro. B: gpp
The Relationship Between Language and
Gender In Sociolinguistics

David James Jane

Compared with men, women use more patterns related to surprise and politeness.
Women pay more attention better than men in the polite or emotional, they use it as
a means to promote positive politeness.

Dibandingkan dengan pria, wanita menggunakan lebih banyak pola yang berhubungan
dengan kejutan dan kesopanan. Wanita memberikan perhatian lebih baik daripada pria
dalam hal sopan santun atau emosional, mereka menggunakannya sebagai sarana untuk
mempromosikan kesantunan positif.
The remarkable gender difference in politeness can be seen by the way women and men use compliments

women: give and receive significantly more compliments than men do. Generally they’re also perceive
compliments as positively affective speech acts, while men may perceive them differently

Perbedaan gender yang luar biasa dalam kesopanan dapat dilihat dari cara wanita dan pria menggunakan
Wanita: memberi dan menerima lebih banyak pujian daripada pria. Umumnya mereka juga menganggap
pujian sebagai tindak tutur afektif positif, sementara pria mungkin melihatnya secara berbeda.

(Living Language (2000) by George Keith and John Shuttleworth)


David James Jane

A number of studies have shown that in interactions, men often interrupt women, while
women are much less frequent. Women will ask more questions, encourage others to speak,
use more signals.

Sejumlah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam interaksi, pria sering menyela wanita,
sementara wanita jauh lebih jarang. Wanita akan mengajukan lebih banyak pertanyaan,
mendorong orang lain untuk berbicara, menggunakan lebih banyak sinyal. (tidak to the point).
Minimal Response Questions
Woman: not to the point,
Minimal Response is one of
frequently use question
utterance the ways in which
the communicative behavior
Man: to the point
of men and women differ.
Woman: respond frequently
Man: respond less
frequently Language and
Turn taking Changing the topics
Woman: tend to take turn in Woman’s topics: gossip, man,
conversation shopping, personal
Man: tend to keep silent in relationship, idol, etc
conversation Man’s topics: film, sport,
woman, politics, cars, hobby,
Language and Gender

Self Disclosure

Self-disclosure is the initial process defined as an attempt to tell others
about their self.
Woman: sharing the problems and experiences with others, often to offer
sympathy. They also ask their friend about their problem
Man: keeping the problem and tending to solve by own self

Living Language (2000) by George Keith and John Shuttleworth


Dedik Susila (2021) Sociolinguistics Language and Gender

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