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What is the connection of marriage and family?

Relationships, marriage and family are at the core of every

community. Families are universally recognized as an important
source of support and security. They can provide safe and stable
environments which nurture the growth and development of each
member throughout the different stages of life, from birth to old
How does marriage and family affect
• Marriage is the foundational relationship for all of society. All other
relationships in society stem from the father-mother relationship,
and these other relationships thrive most if that father-mother
relationship is simultaneously a close and closed husband- wife
relationship. Good marriages are the bedrock of strong societies, for
they are the foundations of strong families.
What is the importance of marriage?
Marriage marks a great beginning
• Marriage marks the beginning of the family. It is a life-long
commitment that widens your horizons and the purpose of existence
on this earth. It gives you an opportunity to be selfless as you will
have to now take care of your spouse and children.
Promotes oneness
• When two people get married, they become one. Marriage is a
superior bond than nothing else on the earth. It brings you your life’s
partner and a teammate to move together in comradeship facing the
challenges, excitements, disappointments, surprises and uncertainties
of life. 
Brings in a higher purpose to your life
• Marriage opens up the gates to realizing a higher purpose to your life.
You are now enjoined into a life that is tuned to realizing the
objectives of each of the family members with you. You work for a
larger goal and receive a greater satisfaction.
The joy of parenting
• Parenting is a challenging, exciting and a joyful thing like nothing else.
When you produce a child or adopt one, you receive the biggest
blessing on the earth you can hope for. Children growing without a
father or mother are most likely to be ill-equipped to face the world in
the right way.
What are the 3 most important
things in a marriage?

Commitment is more than just wanting to stay together

for a long time. It’s the act of choosing your partner for
life and promising to go through all of its ups and downs

While most couples start their relationships being in

love, sustaining that feeling for each other takes effort,
sacrifice, and generosity. True love means putting your
partner first and giving of yourself without expecting
anything in return. 

Expressing love, no matter how heartfelt, doesn’t mean

much if marriage partners don’t respect each other.
Respecting your partner for their qualities, thoughts, and
capabilities means that you not only accept but also admire
your differences.
How important is family in our life?
• Family is important because it provides love, support and a
framework of values to each of its members. Family members teach
each other, serve one another and share life's joys and sorrows.
Families provide a setting for personal growth. Family is the single
most important influence in a child's life.
What are examples of family ethics?
• Self-compassion
• Empathy and kindness toward others
• Responsibility
• Honesty
• Integrity
• Implementing and respecting boundaries
• Family time
• Perseverance
What are the ethical problems in family life?
• Parent and family life educators face difficult ethical issues on a daily
basis. These issues may include observing parenting practices that
may be harmful to children, responding to parent remarks about their
partners, or sharing information about a family with a professional in
another agency.

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