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2. Rainfall - Runoff Relationships (Application of

Different Rainfall-Runoff Models)

Model – Representation of a system

Hydrological Models
Hydrological Models

• The two classical types of hydrological models are the deterministic

and the stochastic types
2.1 Deterministic Hydrological Models

Deterministic models permit only one outcome from a simulation with one set
of inputs and parameter values.
The three main groups of deterministic models:

• Empirical Models (black box)

• Lumped Conceptual Models (grey box)

•Distributed Process (Physically) Description Based Models (white box)

1. Black box models are empirical, involving mathematical equations

The first of this kind of model was the Rational method.

2. Lumped Conceptual Models

The equations are semi-empirical, but still with a physical basis.

Therefore, the model parameters cannot usually be assessed from field data alone, but have
to be obtained through the help of calibration.

Example -digital computer models - Stanford Watershed model

3. Distributed Process Description Based Models

• Distributed models of this type have the possibility of defining parameter values for every
element in the solution mesh.

• They give a detailed and potentially more correct description of the hydrological processes
in the catchment than do the other model types.
2.2 Stochastic Time Series Models

Stochastic models allow for some randomness or uncertainty in the possible outcomes due

to uncertainty in input variables, boundary conditions or model parameters.

Traditionally, a stochastic model is derived from a time series analysis of the historical


Time series analysis include estimating statistical parameters, building dynamic models,

performing correlations,

The stochastic model can then be used for the generation of long hypothetical sequences of

events with the same statistical properties as the historical record.

In this technique several synthetic series with identical statistical properties are generated.
2.2. Methods of Runoff Computation/Flood estimation

• Rainfall-Runoff relationship

Streamflow describes the process of water flowing in the organized channels of a stream
or river

Stream discharge represents the volume of water passing through a river channel
during a certain period of time.


Q =stream discharge, W = channel width, D = channel depth, and V =velocity of flowing

water .

Surface Runoff - If the amount of water falling on the ground is greater than the
infiltration rate of the surface, runoff or overland flow will occur .

Factors affecting runoff

Watershed topography and geology (i.e. bedrock permeability)

The area of a basin receiving rainfall

Land-use (e.g. agriculture, urban development, forestry operations)

 Drainage density

 Duration of rainfall and precipitation intensity and type

 Evapotranspiration rates

Vegetation type and cover

River conditions (e.g. dams)

 Initial conditions (e.g. the degree of saturation of the soil and aquifers)

Soil permeability and thickness

Types of runoff

A. Surface runoff: It is that portion of rainfall which enters the stream immediately after the

B. Sub-surface Runoff: That part of rainfall, which first leaches into the soil and moves
laterally without joining the water-table, to the streams, rivers or oceans, is known as sub-
surface runoff.

C. Base flow: it is delayed flow and is defined as that part of rainfall, which after falling on
the ground surface, infiltrated into the soil and meets to the water-table.

1. Rational Formula

It is suitable where the time of concentration may be less than 1 hour.

It is applicable in urban drainage design and in the design of small culverts and bridges

Even for larger watershed if it is possible to obtain accurate rainfall intensity (Michael,
 The equation of the rational method is given by:-
I. Obtain area of catchment
II. Estimate intensity – Rainfall Intensity Duration Curve
2. Soil science service curve-number (SCS_CN) method
3. Unit hydrograph
Use of Hydrograph
Watershed Evaluation

Floodplain delineation

Assessing influence of flood control structures in reducing flood peaks.

 Determining duration and frequency of flooding.

Separating contributions from ground water and surface water .

Unit Hydrograph of Different Durations

Under condition where lack of adequate data in developement of unit

hydrograph D-hour unit hydrograph is used to develop unit hydrographs of
differing durations nD. Two method available:
1. Superposition
If a D-h unit hydrograph is available, and its desired to develop unit hydrograph of nD,
its is easily accomplished by superposing n unit hydrographs with each graph separated
from the previous on by D-h.

• Given the ordinates of a 4-hr unit hydrograph as below derive the ordinates of a 12-
hr unit hydrograph for the same catchment
Time (hr) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44

Ordinates of 4-hr 0 20 80 130 150 130 90 52 27 15 5 0

2. The S-Curve /S-hydrograph

Also known as Hydrograph produced by continous effective rainfall at a constant

rate for infinite period.
Curve obtained by summation of an infinite series of D-h UH spaced D-h apart.
S-Curve Construction

Obtained by adding a string of D-h UH each lagged by D-hours from one another.

If Tb= base period of the UH, addition of only Tb/D UH are suffcient to obtained S-
U(t) = S(t)-S(t-D) or U(t) = S(t)+S(t-D)

S(t-D)= S-curve addition at time t

S(t) = Ordinate of D-h UH at time t


 Convert 2 hr Unit hydrograph to 3-


 Lag each 2-hr UH by Duration D

 Add to produce S-curve

Lag S Curves in time, subtract them,
and multiply by D/D’

Lag by D’ and subtract both curves

lagged 12H-UH
by 4h (col 18/3
(every S1-curve S2 S1-S2 or col
colum (sum of (col lagged (col 18
time 4h-uh n)                         2-15)) by 12-h 16-17) /(12/4))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20
0 0                          0  0 0.00
4 20 0                        20  20 6.67
8 80 20 0                      100  100 33.33
12 130 80 20 0                    230 0 230 76.67
16 150 130 80 20 0                  380 20 360 120.00
20 130 150 130 80 20 0                510 100 410 136.67
24 90 130 150 130 80 20 0              600 230 370 123.33
28 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 0            652 380 272 90.67
32 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 0          679 510 169 56.33
36 17 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 0        696 600 96 32.00
40 5 17 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 0      701 652 49 16.33
44 0 5 17 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 0    701 679 22 7.33
48  0 5 17 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 0  701 696 5 1.67
52    0 5 17 27 52 90 130 150 130 80 20 0 701 701 0 0.00
Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4 Series5 Series6 Series7 Series8
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1 2
Reading Assignment

Snyder’s Synthetic Unit Hydrograph

Instantaneous unit hydrograph

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